The Film Daily (1930)

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THE Wednesday, July 16, 1930 DAILY Foreign Markets Music Restored in Buenos Aires Biieim> Aires (By Cable) — Film ieater managers liave agreed to restate musicians, and also have acpted the mediating committee's suglistion that the orchestra give prefance to Argentine music. This is ne outcome of the recent protests llowing the big-scale invasion of merican talkers. The committee ated that an investigation showed iere are 58 talker houses and 109 ent theaters in this city at present. King's Hall to be Rebuilt Liverpool — King's Hall Kinema, wned by the G.T.C. Corp., and situ:ed in the heavily-populated section : this city, will be rebuilt at an ap■oximate'cost of $230,000. The new aiding will provide a seating caicity of 1.700. Tobis Expert for England Berlin — Dr. Hans Boehm, general ;cretary of Tobis, is reported to ave resigned from that organization ) take up a managerial post in Lonon with Associated Sound Film Inustries. It is understood that Dr. oehm will work in conjunction with )r. Rudolph Becker, managing di;ctor of A.S.F.I., on the extension f the business and technical side of le company. New Warsaw Film Firm Warsaw — Block Film, a new pro ucing organization, has been formed ere for the making of sound films in ulti-lingual versions under the di ;ction of M. Ordensky. The first oduction on schedule is an adapta on of a novel by the popular Polish uthor Sienkevicz, titled "Janko the fusician." Studio Installing Sound Vienna — Installation of Tobis reording equipment in the Sascha tudio at Sievering is nearing comletion. Director General Schenck as concluded joint sound film prouction agreements with several Bern companies, including Fellner and omlo, and camera work will be lunched early in August. 23 French Talker Producers Paris — There are at present 23 nave companies producing French ilkers, with 31 directors engaged in ie work. Sonorfilm Formed in Prague Prague — Sonorfilm, with Karl An >n as its head, has been organized >r the production of sound film-. /ork will begin in the near future. De Luxe House for Liverpool Liverpool — Licensing Justices have tnctioned plans for the erection of a 284-seat de luxe theater and buildig at the junction of Green Lane n d West Darby Road. The venture ill represent an investment of about KOO.OOO. Along The Rialto with PhilM. Daly TJNIVERSAL'S PUBLICITY dep't is all aflutter over the fact' that a mail plane crashed, and all the mail bags were destroyed except one containing publicity news on the Universal Newsreel they are trying to work out some kind of a publicity angle to show the superiority of Universal publicity however, some unkind cynic is liable to opine that mebbe the publicity wasn't hot enough to burn better lay off, fellers, and be satisfied that the mail was delivered and you didn't have to do the work all over again pAT FLAHERTY, the chief of Red Star Music Co., started in his adolescence as page to Speaker Champ Clark in the House of Representatives now he is working in Harley Clarke's organization, who is another champ Herb Crooker and George Bilson are back from Philly after staging a perfect take-off for "The Dawn Patrol" George will open the showing at Boston, and then at Washington The Fox boys are all set for the big outing Saturday at Indian Point, with $4,000 in prizes to scramble for (T1US EDWARDS, revue manufacturer, will appear at an opening up-state today but the show takes place in the office of a Justice of the Peace, who will nick him a few berries for motoring out of line up a crowded hill on high Harry Schwartz, general manager of Ad-Vance Trailer, but better known as the booby prize winner at the recent golf tournament, got himself married the other day he had to have some excuse to beat that big base drum he won W. B. Wagoner, owner of the Marion Davies and Embassy theaters in Frisco, had daily theater reports sent him via air mail while in this village A^OE MOOCH, the Mail Clerk, sez: Itellya, fella, sex fillums issa bunk me, sappo, takes me goil tuhamovie wit Clara Bow and six ginks inna fillum is achasin Clara an the red hed gives 'em all the woiks sez me goil tuh me: "Ain't love grand!" an me. I sez: "Aw, nertz" annafoist thingyano we're inna helluva arg-u-men, anna big stiffuvanusha witta coniform wit brass doornobs f'r buttings butts in an sez sez he: "Issa guy alongsideyuh annoyink yuh, cutie?" an me goil sez: "Yeah, Big Boy, he wazzannoyin me, but as long assa annoyanz has brot me yuh, less give thissa Boy Scout credik for a Good Deed" an wizzat she up and leaves me cold anna big stiff inna ooniform ekskorts her outta me life sez yuh t'me Sex Fillums, sez yuh an me isez aw nertz * * * * ADD TO film house innovations the Tavern Room at the Little Picture House here patrons can drink iced coffee and smoke cigs on the house while the Kooler-Aire system kisses their fevered brows Paul Sloane, directing "Half Shot At Sunrise, sez he has discovered the meanest man he gave a groom a red apple to feed one of the horses in the film — and the groom ate the apple Norma Shearer got her start in pictures because she happened to cough while lined up with some extra girls in a New York studio, and the unusual cough got her a job nowadays in sound films what a cough gets a player is plenty * * * * TOE O'SULLIVAN of Pathe publicity spends his week ends J trying to find his summer home in the Connecticut backwoods Joe sez by the time he locates it and kisses the wife and kid hello it's time to kiss 'em goo' bye and hike bai ' to work Helen Chandler, who appeared in "Mother's Boy," is now cast for "Mother's Cry" so Helen is thinking of doing an Amos 'n' Andy and incorporating herself as Hell 'n' Mother * * * * IF YOU follow the work of some song writers, you realize that the Songs of Yesterday are the Hits of Today. NEWS'of the DAY Jamestown, N. Y. — New lineup of Warners' Palace and Winter Garden has Tom Roberts as manager of the first and Peter Grafiadis in charge of the second. Roberts is also handling publicity and advertising for both houses. Osceola, Wis. — Backers of the $20,000 project planned for this city are Ernest Zorn, Warren Koch and Prosper Young. W. M. Miller has signed a lease for the theater. North Loupe, Neb.— P. E. Doe has opened the Strand which he recently leased. Vinton, la. — With a complete line of new equipment installed, the management of the Palace has reopened the house. Minneapolis — Following improvements costing $20,000, A. E. Dummer has reopened the Strand. Michigan, N. D. — The Legion Boys are improving the local house and sound is being installed. It will be ready for reopening shortly. Tabor, la. — Edward Awe has leased the Tabor from C. M. Miller. New management has installed sound. Keansburg, N. J. — Vincent B. Brockway is the new operator of the Casino. Kankakee, 111. — Paramount Publix has no further interest in the Rialto here. Denver — W. B. Shuttee has replaced M. D. Cohen as manager of the Rialto. He comes from the Granada, Boise. Ida. MANY HAPPY RETURNS Best wishes and congratulations are extended by THE FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays: July 1 6 Ginger Rogers William Hoyt Peck Irving M. Lesser Edward Earle George Marion