The Film Daily (1930)

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fj^£* DAILV Thursday, July 17, 1930 :THE nit nhkmphi or niMDQM VsL Llll Na. 14 [^Thursday. July 17, 1930 Price 5 Cants am W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturday and at 16S0 Broadway, New York Wid's Films and Film Fol' Alicoate, President, Edit Donald M. Mersereau, Set General Manager; Arthur > ->.e Editor; Don C.3<-\e Gillette, M editor. Entfture. The scene's' to '• W1 .A,9!8; at ti, -»« xt • i j «. W. Y.. under ■£e" McNamee include-erm3 (Postage freeVlbing, avalanches, of Greater New YorWane stunts and t{f°* VSer. IhonlP Principals at Address all commun.c outcome Of this^M DAILY 1650 tS awaited with ^dr£?%£i£ isj-w ?rsal officials. Cahiornia — Kaipn Wilk, 6 6607. vd. Phone Granite W. Fredman. The gg07 W. treaman, inr f^B-lE™! C^a^^chtblibueh^e; FriedHc'h'stt ill Bailflfr PA Bar,. La Cinema A1 , ncaise. Rue de la Coar-des-NoAlta. — An n manag^^^ — ^^aadian C> w-»* Sam • a Fi* iii ncial E; NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chge. Con. Fm. Ind. ... 19& 19 19^8 V* Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. ZW% 20J4 21 ..... East. Kodak ....211 206 211 +3 Fox Fm. "A" ... 45 7/8 4itt 45 + 1 Cen. Thea. Equ. . 33^ 3.5 33J* + 34 Keith A-O pfd.. .110 110 110 ..... Loew's, Inc 71* 69/8 7VA + \lA do pfd. ww (6'/2). 107/2 107}^ 10754 + 654 M-G-M pfd 2654 2654 2654 — 54 Para. F-L 60% 5954 60?/8 ..... Pathe Exch 454 454 454 + 54 do "A" 9 9 ? —54 R-KO 35 3354 35+1 Warner Bros. . . . 43& 4254 43 ?4 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. . . 41 39 41—2 Fox Thea. "A".. 1054 9% 9% Loew do deb. rts. 36 36 36—2 Loew, Inc., war... 9ti 9H 9% + 54 Natl. Scr. Ser.... 3154 3154 3154 — 54 Technicolor 33 32J4 33—54 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Equ. 6s40 96 9554 96 Loew 6s 41ww.. 11554 115-4 11554 — 154 do 6s 41 x-war... 99% 99 997^ + 54 Paramount 6s 47.. 101 54 10154 10154 — J4 Par. By. 554s 51.102% 10254 10254 — 54 Pathe 7s 37 .... 6554 63 63% — 354 Warners 6s 39 ..100% 1003,4 100% — 54 Ottawa Roadshow House Ottawa, Ont. — A roadshow house for special films as well as legitimate attractions is planned here in the form of a Canadian Women's War Memorial, sponsored by the government. it New York Long Island City % 1S<0 Broadway 154 Crescent St. jj BRYant 4712 STIllweU 7940 g ♦ ♦ Eastman Films | T. E. Brulatour, Inc. 8 y Chicago Hollywood },t ... . 6700 Santa Monica }{ 1727 Indiana Ave. B]vd g tCALumet 2691 HOLlywood 4121 p Coming Events — cast their si adows (Contir I'll" 1 ) '•Dawn r' "Holidays" and " less seats to d * Rev. L. R. Call Here's one ^ »• New York City Censorship clergyman why0 as the courage of his convictions and is not afraid to shout them from the house tops. He says: ''Censorship is immoral, first, because it flourishes on partial facts, often in almost hysterical zeal. Its chief concern is propriety, not truth. Second, because it defeats its purpose. To suppress a book is the most effective way of having every one read it. Third, because it assumes falsely that conduct inevitably follows contamination with the censored thing. Fourth, because no one is fit to be a censor over the morals of another. Fifth, because it is impossible to have any norm or standard by which to gauge what the censor calls decency. Sixth, because it assumed that human nature is weak and cannot be left to choose for itself what it will feast upon." * * * Publix Makes Changes in Managerial Staffs Changes in the Publix managerial staffs last week included the following: Sidney Smith, student manager of the Uptown. Boston, assigned as manager of the Egyptian, Brighton. Mass., succeeding W. H. Murphy. B. M. Greenwald is now managing the Warren Street, Roxbury, Mass.. replacing C. Millett. W. P. Cuff has been appointed manager of the Strand. Waterloo, taking over the duties nf W. D. Fleck. A. H. Lawter has been transferred from the Strand, Muncie. Ind., to the Jefferson. Huntington, Ind. Fred Weiman. :>ssistant man ager of the State, Sioux Falls, has been elevated to manager of the Orpheum, rame <-ity. Clint Lake has been moved from the Tivoli, Chattanooga, to Keith's Georgia, At lanta, replacing M. L. Semon. W. K Bckert, formerly city manager in Marion. O., has succeeded Lake at Chattanooga. F D. Morrow will manage the Palace and Mar !on in Marion. George Levy to Manage Pathe Pittsburgh Branch George Levy, ace salesman in Pathe's Indianapolis branch, har been promoted to the managership of the Pittsburgh office, it is announced by Phil Reisman. At the same time the Pittsburgh branch heretofore in the eastern Division under the supervision of E. J. McEvoy, is being transferred to the Central Division, supervised bv Harry D. Graham. Samuel Lefko is "ittburgh branch manager. First Fox Awards In conjunction with the $85,000 in nrizes for outstanding performances for 1930-31, James R. Grainger has chosen the first two men for the Foxfilm Hall of Merit. They are C. E. Hilgers, salesman in the Dallas branch, and Ben Dare, booker at the Denver exchange. Additional members who qualify will be announced weekly. Films Played Big Part in Amusing Byrd's Men No greater variety of screen subjects could have been selected for entertaining the crew of the recent Antarctic Expedition than that selected by the National Board of Review, Admiral Richard E. Byrd told motion picture writers at a conference yesterday. All branches of the industry cooperated with the National Board in compiling the film library, which included pictures of an educational and scientific nature. Comedies and newsreels were included in every show, said Admiral Byrd. The first theater at the South Pole was more than adequately provided with films that were tremendously enjoyed and appreciated by the men after they had finished their daily rounds. Harry Long is Promoted To District Manager Baltimore — Harry Long has been made Loew district manager for the territory between Pittsburgh and Newark. He will have his office here. Long recently was pinch-hitting here while Howard Price Kingsmore, local city manager, was on vacation. The Industry's Date Book Grainger Coming West West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — James R. Grainger, vice-president and general sales manager of Fox, is expected here sometime in August to confer with Winfield Sheehan regarding distribution of "The Big Trail," Raoul Walsh production now in the final stages of work. Para. Subsidiary Gets Loan A first mortgage of $4,000,000 on the recently purchased properties adjoining the Criterion theater on Broadway and 44th St., New York has been obtained by the Seneca Holding Corp., Paramount-Publix subsidiary. Hughes & Hammond negotiated the loan. "Escape" Here in Sept. "Escape," British talkie from John Galsworthy's play, made by Associated Talking Pictures, is to be definitely released by RKO in America in September. The film was viewed in London by RKO executives, including Joseph I. Schnitzer, Ambrose Dowling, Sol. Newman and Earl Kramer. I AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Attractions for Picture Theatres Standard Vaudeville Acts 1600 Broadway, New York City Phone Penn. 3580 ! Today: First of three National Scr sales meetings in New York. July 19 Fox A. C. holds outing at Indian Point, N. Y. July 26 Outing of RKO Home Office ployees to Indian Point, N. Y. July 29-30-31 — Annual convention of M.P.Tj O. Ass'n of Colorado and Rocky Mountain Region, Brown Palace Hotel, Denver. Aug. 1 Annual convention of Famoui Players Canadian Corp. easte managers. Royal York Hotelj Toronto, Ont. Aug. 5 Annual convention of Westeni managers, Famous Players Can^ adian Corp., Banff, Alta. Aug. 11-12 Annual convention of the South eastern Theater Owners' Ass'nJ Atlanta, Ga. Oct. 20-21 Tenth Annual Convention M.P.T.O. of Western Pennsylva nia and West Virginia, Pittsburgh! COMING & GOING MORTON DOWNEY, BARBARA BEN1 NETT and MR. AND MRS. CHARLEf KINO sailed yesterday for Europe on the! Leviathan. YASHA BUNCHUK, conductor of th| Capitol orchestra, leaves tomorrow for a t« weeks' vacation. TED CURTIS of Eastman Kodak left las night for the Coast via rail and air. FELIPE MIER, Mexican manager foil Warner Bros, and First National, is visiting New York. ROSS CROPPER, Pathe Boston manageaj was in New York yesterday. BOB MOCHRTE, manager of the Philal delphia Pathe exchange, visited the homflj nffice yesterday. Publix Books Pathe Features Two Pathe features, "Swing High] and "Pardon My Gun", have beet] booked by Publix for its Coloradc and Arizona houses. Illinois Avenut Overlooking Boardwalk an4 Ocean "A Hotel Distinctively Different" UNEXCELLED COLONIAL HOSPITALITY JUST COMPLETED IN ATLANTIC CITY Now Ready for YOU! Fireproof — Showers and Baths Throughout From $4.00 Daily. European Plan From $7.00 Daily. American Plan FETTER & HOLLINGER, Inc. EUGENE C. FETTER. ManagingDirector