The Film Daily (1930)

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10 Thursday, July 17, 193C Fox Starting Early With Greater Movie Season Extensive Campaign for Boosting Business Gets Under Way Fox is getting off to an early start with its nationwide drive for Greater Fox Theaters Movie Season. An extensive billboard campaign throughout the country is being launched in connection with this business drive. The outdoor exploitation on the Wesco Circuit already is under way, with newspaper and other promotion now being arranged. The recent Jimmy Grainger Week was a success, and good results are expected from Harley L. Clarke Week, Sept. 7 to 13. CULTURAL FILM LEAGUE Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — With its object of furthering cultural films, regardless of commercial considerations, an Independent Film League has been organized in Germany, a dispatch to the M. P. Division of the Dept. of Commerce states. The league will work in cooperation with the International League of Paris; and on a pattern similar to organizations already existing in Great Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland. Branches are being, or will be instituted in German provincial cities. Dr. Blumenthal has been elected president of the German organization. Buxbaum Closes Loew Deal Harry Buxbaum, Fox New York manager, has closed a deal for distribution in Loew's Greater New York houses. TEN YEARS AGO TO-DAY IN :the IK NIWMAI Ik Of HUM DOM Sydney S. Cohen, president M.P. T.O. of America, in open letter to Adolph Zukor attacks theater operations of Famous Players. * * * General Federation of Women's Clubs in Des Moines convention votes down resolution advocating national censorship. * * * Goldwyn to release current product on open booking plan. * * * E. V. Richards of Saenger Amusement Co. confirms report of buying into Saenger by S. A. Lynch. Foreign Markets By GEORGE REDDY Osso Signing Personnel for New Producing Unit Paris — M. Adolphe Osso, former Paramount head in France, is busy lining up the personnel for his own production unit, known as Societe des Productions Adolphe Osso. A number of leading directors and artists have already been signed, and production plans are being drawn up. The company has been formed with a capital of $400,000. Authors Create Central Bureau Budapest — The International Congress of Authors and Composers, which met here recently, adopted a resoluion sponsored by vice-president Eugon Huszka, calling for the creation of a central bureau headquartered in Paris, for the purpose of bringing to the attention of motion picture producers the names of authors, titles of works and also the origin of the rights for adaptation and presentation of such works. The resolution also contained a change from the remuneration fees policy for the purchase of manuscripts, to that of film royalty rights for authors. Calcutta Talkified Calcutta — Popularity of talkers here is attested by the fact that only one first-class house remains with a silent policy. Seek Government Backing for Studio in Australia London — Seeking to interest the Government in the construction of a Federal-owned studio in Australia, a deputation of Australian film producers, actors and others associated with the amusement field recently waited upon the Assistant Minister for Industry. Promising to lay the matter before his party, the Minister also emphasized that he was keenly impressed with the necessity for providing work for the unemployed musicians and members of the theatrical profession. Sound Helps Scotland Considerable theater building activity, brought on by the demand for sound, has been witnessed in and around Edinburgh, Scotland during the past year, according to the M.P. Division of the Department of Commerce. There are now 45 picture houses in Edinburgh, Leith, and suburbs, 24 of which are equipped with "talkie" apparatus. Two Installations for Tunis Tunis — Two houses have installed American sound equipment here. The drawback to further development of sound in this territory, is the lack of French-dialogue films for the French-speaking majority of the population. Latin Countries Sign for Pathe Anker Brothers of Guatemala, and Juan E. Paris & Co. of Venezuela have signed with Pathe for the distribution of all of the company's 1930-31 features and shorts in their respective territories. B. & H. Ahead on Foreign Sales Chicago — Bell & Howell reports that export sales for the company for the first six months of 1930 are well ahead of those for the corresponding period last year. For the first six months of 1929, foreign sales were ahead of those of 1928. Aiding the company sales are the establishment of the Filmo Co. of Holland at Amsterdam, and the Filmo Co. of Central Europe at Zurich, Switzerland, this year. The foreign setup includes key dealers in nearly every city in the world of 200,000 population or over. Another for Landerfilm Berlin — Fritz Wendhausen, German director and Marcel l'Herbier, French director, have begun filming of "The Lady of One Night" for Landerfilm G.'m.b.H. at Tobis Tempelhof studio. German and Spanish versions of this musical comedy will be made. First German-Spanish-French Berlin — "Sevilla," a musical and dialogue production, now being filmed by Landerfilm, G.m.b.H., will be the first picture produced in German, Spanish and French versions in Germany. Recording is on Tobis apparatus. Montreal Film Bldg. Opened Montreal — The new film exchange building here is now open. New Balto House Planned Baltimore — A large theater is to be built at Edmondson Ave. and Edgewood Road by the Lyndhurst Corp., recently formed with Frank H. Durkee at the head. Lynn Para. Opens Tomorrow Lynn, Mass. — The new Paramount will be opened by Publix on July 18. la. House Changes Hands Sibley, la. — Steve Finnerty has bought the Marcus from Lehman and Robinson. Pathe Philly Office Moves Philadelphia — The local Pathe office has moved to larger and more modern offices at 1222 Vine St. Drops Stage Shows Pittsburgh — Stage shows have been resumed at the Enright. KONTINGENT OF 210 FILM!, IS GRANTED BY GERMAN! (Continued from Page 1) films is prohibited. German film must be produced in Germany b; native firms, with materials, manu scripts, performers and directors al to be German. Exceptions are pos sible. More Names Placed On Educational Rostei (Continued from Page 1) Shockley. Miss Shockley is the find This strengthening of the player roster ha given ampetus to the production work a the Educational and Metropolitan studio! which, with the Mack Sennett plant, ar now well launched on the new season's sched ule. Patricola and Phillips will appear i the first of the new Ideal Comedy series being directed by William Goodrich. Hine returns to Educational with an assignmen to the new Gayety Comedies. Cook am the Wests are awaiting assignments. Walter Weems, who wrote the Epecia dialogue for the new Moran and Mack co] edy, "Anybody's War", and also plays part in the picture, has been signed by Si nett to write comedy for his new ser of talking comedies and the Brevities. Nat; Moorhead also has been engaged by Senni for the leading feminine role in "Averaj Husbands", in which Albert Conti and O'Malley also appear. Four well-known directors now are on Educational and Metropolitan staffs. Th are Stephen Roberts, William Goodrich Ross and William Watson. I First National Finishes Film for Spanish Markt West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAIL Hollywood — First National li! completed its Spanish version ( "The Bad Man", under the title ( "El Hombre Malo", with Anton Moreno in the title role. Specil care was taken to make the story an its handling appeal to Latin-Amei ican audiences. William McGan directed the picture under the super vision of Henry Blanke, using dia> logue by Fernandez Cue. Lima House To Open Lima, O. — Plans are understood < be under way for reopening of th Quilna under the management of tl Quilna Theater Corp. The house h< been almost entirely rebuilt. It sea 1,000 and has RCA Photophor equipment. EXHIBITOR of Philadelphia of Washington ^TUL NEW YORK 3TATE of New York. Albany and Buffalo | "The Pride of the East Coast" The "Home Town Papers" of 4,600 theatre owners. The most intensively read journals in the ind u s t r y — Keeping everlastingly at it for the 12th successive year. 100% coverage of a 35% territory! EMANUEL-GOODWIN PUBLICATIONS > New York — Philadelphia — Washington ' Main Office, 219 N. BROAD ST., PHILA,