The Film Daily (1930)

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THE -,%ft* DAILY Tuesday, July 22, 1930 .;: STHE THE MKSIAI IK OF FILMDOJM Vol. llll No. 18 Tuesday. July 22, 1930 Price 5 Cents J3HN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage tree) United States outside of Greater New Vork $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 uonths, $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscribers ihould remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY. 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle ♦736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 5607. London — Ernest W. Fredman. The Film Renter. 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaue, Rue de la Cour-des-Nouei. 19. Victims of the Heat Paramount's home office and exchange and the United Artists home office and exchange were among the industry shops that closed yesterday afternoon because of the terrific heat. Times Square thermometers recorded 104 in the sun, and in Central Park, where the sun has more elbow room, a high mark of 135 degrees was reported. In one Times Square brokerage office a victim was carried out murmuring, "Don't sell till it hits 150!" Financial RCA OFFERS TO LICENSE HOME TALKERS, TELEVISION Patents covering home telelvjsion and talkers have been offered by RCA to its receiver licensees with development of the new apparatus expected within the next year. The patents, covering other broadcast receivers, such as super-regeneration, patents on television and on some talkers, are included in the offering, which, it is believed, will do much to bring peace and closer cooperation among allied interests and competitors in the radio industry. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chge. Am. Seat WA \QA 10J4 + A Con. Fm. Ind. . 19^ 18^6 \ZV» — V% Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 20J4 20 A 20 A — H East. Kodak 210 202A 202J4 — 5A Fox Fm. "A" .. 47!4 45J4 45^ — Wt Gen. Thea. Equ.. 35 33J4 34{4 — V* Keith A-O pfd.. 112'^ 112^ l\2Yt + 2% Loew's Inc 74^ 70 70 — 4 Para. F-L 61J4 S9A 5954 — 3 Pathe Exch 4^ 4J4 4H — A do "A" 11 10 10 — V* R-K-O 335^ 31J6 3VA — 2A Warner Bros. ... 45 42 A 42 A — 2 A do pfd 4&A 4854 4&A — A NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. ... 3854 3&A 3&A — 254 Fox Thea. "A" . . 105* 9J4 9J4 — H Loew, Inc. war.. 10^g 10*6 lWi NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. 96^ 96 96 — Ji Loew 6s 41ww ..118 11754 11754 do 6s 41 x-war..l00 99% 100 + J4 Paramount 6s 47 .10154 10154 10154 Pathe 7s 37 ... 6554 6454 6454 — H Warners 6s39 10054 99J4 100 — 54 Grant Cook Buys New Home Lake St. Clair, Ont. — Grant L. Cook, vice-president of Tiffany Pictures, has purchased a new home here and has called it "The Journey's End." New York 1540 Broadway BRYant 4712 Long Island City ft 154 Crescent St. « STIllwell 7940 ft u Eastinan Films | J. E. Brulatour, Inc. | 1 % a Chicago Hollywood }i 1727 Indrana Ave. 670° S^M°ni" § CALuroet 2691 HOLlywood 4121 & Harry Zehner to Head Hollywood's 233 Club West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Harry H. Zehner of Universal has been elected by two committees as the unanimous nominee for the presidency of the TwoThirty-Three Club, theatrical organization of Masons, for the coming fiscal year, it is announced by President Rex B. Goodcell. Other candidates selected for the coming election, which will be held Aug. 10, include John LeRoy Johnson, unanimous choice for executive vice president; Henry Otto, Charles Crockett, P. A. BeHannessy, C. E. Toberman and Jean Hersholt, vice presidential candidates; Otto K. Oleson, treasurer; Morris Resch, Abraham Goldman and Lee King, secretaries; and Marco Hellman, W. S. Van Dyke, Edwin Carewe, Samuel Kress, J. J. Franklin, Lloyd Whitlock and Clifford Smith, directors. Pathe Appoints Levy Indianapolis Manager George Levy, formerly salesman, is now manager of the Pathe office in Indianapolis. Through an inadvertence it was announced last week that Levy had been made manager of the Pittsburgh office. Sam Lefko is in charge of Pittsburgh. Tender Walsh Farewell Dinner New Orleans — A dinner was recently tendered George Walsh, Publix-Saenger divisional director, as a send-off on his new assignment at the home office in New York. PUBLIX UTAH HOUSES GO AETER TOURIST BIZ Salt Lake City— With about 150,000 tourists expected to visit here during the summer months, Publix is making a special effort for this additional business. A concerted advertising campaign is under way especially directed for the tourists, camps, resorts, hotels and highways. Special tieups are being effected with various concerns, the first serving iced tea and coffee free to patrons in the three local houses has been in effect here since July 1. Fred E. Hamlin is directing the work. CAMERAMAN AT LIBERTY 20 Years Experience Industrials — Educationals Features and News Reels Sound or Silent 2 Years with Fox Movietone best of references HARRY BERGER 35-35 95th Street Jackson Heights, L. I. Texas Installations Increase Texas' tremendous growth of population, as evidenced by census figures, is being borne out in the demand for Western Electric sound systems. Within the last few days alone five contracts have been closed for installations at the following theaters in the state: the Rialto, Harlinger; the Capitol, New Braunfels; the Dreamland, Port Arthur; the Heights, Houston, and the Palace, San Saba. Recent contracts closed in the New York territory include: the Embassy, Bayonne, N. J.; the Gem, West Warwick, N. J.; the Temple, Wellsville, N. Y.; the Endicott, Brooklyn, N. Y.; the Bellevue, Upper Montclair, N. J.; the Rivoli, Rochester, N. Y. ; the Congress, Newark, N. J.; the Hudson, Albany, N. Y., and the Mt. Ephrian, Mt. Ephrian, N. J. Publix Denver Gives Notice Denver — The Denver, a Publix house, has given notice to two musicians, three ushers, a treasurer and the publicity director, Selby Carr. Phone Stillwell 7932 for NEGATIVES DEVELOPED and Positive Prints Made on standard or 16 mm. stock INTER-CONTINENTAL Film Laboratories Inc. 74 Sherman St. Long Island City JOHNJ.KEMP SPECIALIZING IN MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE 551 Fifth Ave. NewYork.N.Y. The Industry's Date Book ; July 26 Outing of RKO Home Office ployees to Indian Point, N. Y, July 29-30-31 — Annual convention of M.P.1! O. Ass'n of Colorado and Rock Mountain Region, Brown Palai Hotel, Denver. Aug. 1 Annual convention of Famoi Players Canadian Corp. easts managers, Royal York Hot< Toronto, Ont. Aug. 5 Annual convention of Westei managers, Famous Players Cai adian Corp., Banff, Alta. Aug. 11-12 Annual convention of the Sout eastern Theater Owners' Asi" Atlanta, Ga. Oct. 20-21 Tenth Annual Convention i M.P.T.O. of Western Pennsylv nia and West Virginia, Pittsburg COMING & GOING JAMES R. GRAINGER is back in N* York from a sales trip. AL LICHTMAN has left for Can^ where he will spend the week on business. JOHN EBERSON left yesterday for Cfc cago. C. C. PETTIJOHN leaves today for Latt ing in connection with a censorship bill th; comes up in the city council there tomorrow MARGARET SCHILLING is en rout to Hollywood to appear in Warner picture; ILKA CHASE arrives today from Hoi wood to work at the Paramount New Yep studios. FRANK J. WILSTACH is back at hi desk in the Hays Office after a vacation i the north. Hoboken Bishop Leased Hoboken, N. J.— Essbee Amust ment Corp. has leased the Bishc for 21 years. "Manslaughter" for Rivoli "Manslaughter," featuring Claud ette Colbert and Frederic Marclf opens Wednesday evening at the RrJ oli, New York. "Holiday' will en< its run after the 4 p. m. performance with "Manslaughter" starting at ' p. m. pooler A're BALANCED REFRIGERATION KOOLER-AIRE ENGINEERING CORP. 1914 PARAMOUNT BUILDING NEW YORK AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Attractions for Picture Theatres Standard Vaudeville Acts 1600 Broadway, New York City Phone Penn. 3580