The Film Daily (1930)

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THE ■c&mk DAILV Wednesday, July 23, 1930 :the MWMUlk or HIM DOM Vol llll No. 19 Wednesday, July 23, 1930 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holiday! ■t 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscribers ihould remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY. 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address : Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter. 89-91 W ardour St.. W. I. Berlin— Karl WolfiEsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematogranhie FrancaUe. Rue de la Cour-des Nouei. 19. Financial NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chge. Am. Seat 10 10 10 — 54 Con. Fm. Ind. .. 18J4 I8/2 \%Vx — V% Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 20^ 20^8 20-^ + V* East. Kodak ....208/2 202 208'/2 + 6 Fox Fm. "A" .. 47'/2 44^4 47^ + 2'4 Gen. Thea. Equ. . 34M 33/2 34M + V\ Loew's, Inc 73 70 73 +3 Para. F-L 61 58J4 61 +154 Pathe Exch 454 W2 Wi do "A" 9/2 9% 9H — H R-K-O 33^ 31% 33H + 2"4 Warner Bros 43^ 4lVt 43^ + 1H ■do pfd 48/2 4854 48/2 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Fox Thea. "A" ... 9% 9Yt 95*s — V% NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 96 % 96 96 — M Loew 6s 41 x-war.100 99'^ 100 Paramount 6s 47 ..10154 10154 101^4 ..... Pathe 7s 37 66 64 66 +2 Warners 6s 39 ...10054 9954 100 + Vi Cantor in Film Houses Eddie Cantor, due in New York on Saturday from the Coast, has qualified his retirement from the stage to the extent that he will spend several weeks in August making personal appearances in film houses. The dates, however, will not be in connection with "Whoopee," which United Artists is to release in September. New York 1540 Broadway BRYant 4712 s Long Island City H 154 Crescent St. H STIllwell 7940 it 1 § 8 Eastman Films | J. E. Brulatour, Inc. g Chicago 1727 Indiana Ave. Hollywood 6700 Santa Monica It Blvd. » CALumet 2691 HOLlywood 4121 J r£tft**iT*£2%t?Zt% *%t%$*Z*£ KSi Pictures — belong to the masses (Continued from Page 1) who neglects his public relations is dead in sleep at the switch. * * * Pictures and Motion pictures the Press and ,the new^?" uie rreaa pers have much in common. They both prosper or decline in direct proportion to what they offer the public. Exhibitors should adopt a friendly attitude to the newspaper folk and keep in direct contact with the local editors. Never mind the way they review your pictures. They have a right to their own opinion and you nor anyone else can change it. You never know when the press can help mightily in your problems. It can be a dangerous foe as well as a loyal ally. * * # Pictures and And, dont for" , K. , get the younger the AlCtS generation. The kids of the matinees today are the regular evening patrons of tomorrow. See that they are catered to and cared for. Each kid can do more neighborhood talking, good or bad, than ten grown-ups. Personally, we believe in letting our kids see everything. The more they see the sooner they will be able to separate the good from the bad, the artistic from the tawdry and the genuine from the bunk. Study this youngster problem with an intelligent analysis of its relationship to your theater. You'll find it profitable as well as interesting. Contract for McNamee as TF Talking Reporter Graham McNamee has been signed on a new three-year contract by Carl Laemmle to continue as the Talking Reporter of the Universal Newspaper Newsreel. Bookings of this reel have increased 400 per cent in the last four months and future sales contracts are 480 per cent ahead of the previous quarter, Universal states. "Hell's Island" Holding Over "Hell's Island," Columbia picture, will be held for a second week at the RKO Globe on Broadwav. Jack Holt, Ralph Graves and Dorothy Sebastian are featured in the film. WALLACK'S TO BECOME SHORT SUBJECTS HOUSE With installation of sound apparatus now under way, Wallach's on West 42nd St., New York, is to be converted into a short subjects house with average programs to last about two hours. Max Cohen will manage for Theater Estates, owners. Shows comprising cartoons, comedies, sport films, scenic and travel films and vaudeville act recordings, will be continuous from 11 a.m. to 11 .p.m. The house will open in a few days. Andy Dfetz Now Managing Columbia St. Louis Office St. Louis — Andy Dietz, recently manager of the Sono Art-World Wide local exchange, has assumed management of the Columbia branch here, succeeding Jack Osterman, who is to be eriven another appointment. . Art Plant has replaced Bob Taylor as booker and office manager for Columbia. Universal Newsreel Adding 67 Cameramen Sixy-seven additional cameramen will be added to the Universal newsreel staff for the new season, making a total of 528, it is announced. Sound trucks will be distributed from Universal City to strategic centers all over the world for the purpose of recording legitimate sound in occasional instances, although sound will be subordinate to McNamee's talk. Color also will be introduced soon in the 'U' reel. Gallo Producing Opera Fortune Gallo, grand opera impresario, has begun production of Rossini's "Barber of Seville" in complete form with dialogue in both English and Italian. No Negotiations for Tulsa Houses Tulsa, Okla. — Ralph Talbot, president and managing director of the companies operating the Ritz, Orpheum. Majestic, Rialto and Akdar, says no negotiations are in progress for the purchase of these houses by any of the big circuits. It had been reported that Warner Bros., which recently acquired the Mid West theater"; in Oklahoma City, would enter Tulsa. Let Us Solve Your Problems! Over 21 Years of ExperienceQualifies Us as Specialistsin MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE Stebbins, Leterman & Gates INCORPORATED 1540 B'WAY N.Y.C. TELEPHONE BRYANT 3040 The Industry's Date Book July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Oct. 26 Outing of RKO Home Offico Em ployees to Indian Point, N. Y. 29-30-31 — Annual convention of M.P.T. O. Ass'n of Colorado and Rocky Mountain Region, Brown Palace Hotel, Denver. 1 Annual convention of Famous Players Canadian Corp. eastern managers, Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ont. 5 Annual convention of Western managers, Famous Players Canadian Corp., Banff, Alta. 11-12 Annual convention of the Southeastern Theater Owners' Ass'n, Atlanta, Ga. 20-21 Tenth Annual Convention of M.P.T.O. of Western Pennsylv* i nia and West Virginia, Pittsburgh, j Two Warner Productions May Get Two-a-day Runs "Big Boy," starring Al Jolson, and "Three Faces East," originally scheduled by Warner Bros, for continuous policy runs at the New York Winter Garden, are being considered as two-a-day prospects. "The Dawn Patrol" is expected to remain at the Winter Garden into the fall. LINET REJOINS G. T. C.I Hank Linet, who resigned Satur-j day as advertising manager for Co-; lumbia, has rejoined General Talk; ing Pictures in the legal department. | Linet was with G.T.C. before going to Columbia. MISTROT CASTING 55 West 42nd St., N. Y. C. Tel. Lackawanna 9092-9093-3139 PHOA>TOV£ TALKAFILM SOUND HEADS TURN TABLES Special Discounts in Quantities PHOTOTCMC «9RR LIT NORTH VSRNOM AD -VANCE -AD "The TRAILER SERVICE that you are sending us is just wonderful. It seems to appeal to every one that sees it." Arcade and Opera House Theatres, Morgan City, La. :