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The Film Daily (1930)

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THE iVednesday, July 23, 1930 Japan Film Industry Active I Tokio — In a recent survey of the llm industry in Japan, it was relealed that this is one of very few lountries in the world that are able b successfully compete with Ameri[an films on its domestic market, but of every 100 pictures exhibited pcally, 80 are of Japanese origin, 'he survey also showed there are ix large and a number of small proucing firms, 12 film papers or magaines, and 12 wired houses in Tokio ilone. Greek Sound Studio Planned Vashington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY I Washington — Olympia Films, a ireek producing firm is planning he construction of a sound film stuio at Eleusina, near Athens, acording to report from U. S. Trade Commissioner George R. Canty, 'aris, to the M. P. Division of the )epartment of Commerce. 29 Yugoslav Houses Wired Belgrade — There are 29 Yugoslav heaters wired for sound pictures, ine equipped with American appaatus and 20 foreign. Of these louses, four are located in Zagreb, ix in Belgrade, two in Subotica, wo Banjaluka, one Sarajevco, and thers in smaller towns. 43 Houses in Spanish Chain Vashington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — According to a reort received by the M. P. Division )f the Department of Commerce, rom Alma H. Cramer, Trade Comnission clerk in Barcelona, the Cinenatografica Nacional Espanola S. A. iow controls 43 picture houses in jpain. Twenty-nine of these are in Barcelona, 13 in other parts of Catauna and one in Seville, with a total eating capacity of 60,306. Showing British Films Only Wellington, N. Z. — Mrs. Henry Hayward, operator of the Grand, Auckland, has instituted a policy of unning only British pictures at this louse. On occasions when there are nsufficient British films to provide veekly changes, program runs will >e extended. No difficulty is antici>ated in holding attendance over the ;even day period, in view of the fact hat the Grand is a small house. A v£* FILM FACT ni b pJ A DAY About 80 per cent of films shown in Sweden are American product. Along The Rialto with PhilM. Daly QNE OF our leading newspaper film editors functions with consistent sanity and intelligence on the Syracuse "Herald" we refer to Chester B. Bahn Chet has been batting close to 1,000 for several years past his comments are invariably constructive he never tries to be smart-alecky he notes a tendency on the part of certain theatrical circuits to substitute, in part, billboards and street-car advertising for paid newspaper space and Chet asks in so many words: Does a theater-goer chase a street car to find out what show he's gonna attend ? or does he tour the billboards by motor to make a selection? two simple queries loaded with horse-sense that make a monkey out of some bright boy's idea as to what sells theater tickets this biz needs more Bahns and less bull Ballyhoo JnDDIE QUILLAN has just learned that he ain't no football hero in Pathe's "Night Work" he entered a scrimmage with 20 kids in the orphanage scene, and the football smacked him right on the eye Eddie is now going to stick to his hoofing and wise-cracking A device for eliminating ground noises has been developed at the RKO studio by Hugh McDowell, Jr the inventor claims his device will enable the recorder to lower the sound level or raise it to almost any height, and thus record the most delicate shades of speech ^NOTHER ABSURDITY of censorship is on exhibit in Boston, where the theater management must delete any rough dialogue from the film on Sunday but during the week the blue stuff is okay, c'n ya imagine? so George Spel vin in the N. Y. "Press" tells of an operator riding home after his Sunday cutting job meeting a stranger who said: "I'm a minister — I save souls" and the operator of the sound controls sez : "That puts us both in the same racket." ^/"HAT WAS THE First show for the trade press? Jack Fuld sez it was 'way back about 1915 when Paul Gulick invited the trade boys up to| the Bronx to watch shooting of a scene in "The Heart Punch it featured Jess Willard and the Lee kids Jack Hardy was directing the show a scene in the rain was shot perforated pipes over a country road furnished the "springle" in the party were Rose ("Red") E. Dugan of the old Moving Picture Mail, Julia Swayne Gordon of Vitagraph, W. Stephen Bush of the M. P. World, Paul Gulick and Jack Fuld. A SURVEY by "Photoplay" magazine reveals the startling fact that about 2,000 stars and other screen players have had their phizzes re-made by plastic surgery a Russian war-time surgeon — alone has performed 600 facial operations one surgeon states that the majority of women over 30 in H'lywood prominent in pictures have undergone a face-improving operation Rudy Valentino started the epidemic later votaries include Gloria Swanson, Richard Dix, Harry Richman, Bebe Daniels, Fannie Brice, Ruth Taylor, Mollie O'Day, Helen Ferguson, etc Now the Eastman Company contributes its bit to the Optimist Club by stating that the first half of 1930 has established a new all-time record for volume sales of is product in Hollywood so biz MUST be good. ]UTAJOR EDWARD BOWES next Sunday night will celebrate the fifth anniversary of taking over the mike as official father of the Capitol Radio Family a pip program has been arranged to be broadcast over NBC And now our tailor sends us a heartrending plea (no, not for dough we owe, you chump) he sez: "You didn't take advantage of my sale? I feel hurt. Max Weinstein, your friend, wants you to benefit before it's too late" EXPLOITETTES A Clearing House for Tabloid Exploitation Ideas c Made Local Detectives for This Co-op Page £LINTON LAKE, of the Publix Tivoli, figured that amateur detectives would be most interested in the "Benson Murder Case," so that he got out a Hawkshaw hook-up page. Eleven merchants took equal spaces on the page and each used his telephone number and his slogan, if he had one. The idea was to fill in the names of the merchants either from the information supplied or by scouting around. It was stipulated that no information would be given over the telephone and that it was useless to call the numbers. The quickest thinkers were awarded ticket prizes. — Epes Sargent Cigar Store Tie-Up On "The Cuckoos" A TIE-UP with Yakima's largest wholesale grocery company brought extra business to the box office of the Fox Capitol when it enabled A. C. Raleigh to secure scleral display windows. Outstanding in "The Cuckoos" is Bert Wheeler and his big cigar. Looking at the band. Raleigh noticed that it was a Corina. Ikthen looked up the Yakima distributors of Corinas and through their co-operation secured windows in six cigar stores. —"Now" MANY HAPPY RETURNS Best wishes and congratulations are extended by THE FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays : July 23 Albert Warner Ray Cozine Lewis Inerarity C. E. Collins