The Film Daily (1930)

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*fl» DAILV Thursday, July 24, 1930 Seven Big Films Under Way At Columbia Studios ' Unusual Activity is Progress At West Coast Plant in West Coast Bureau. THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Unusual activity for this time of the year is under way at the Columbia studios, where preparations are under way for seven of the company's 20 pictures on the new lineup. This is in addition to the work of finishing up the remaining productions in the Prosperity Group. The films under way include four in the Extended Run class, "Dirigible", with Jack Holt and Ralph Graves; "The Miracle Woman", with Barbara Stanwyck; "Tol'able David" and "Fifty Fathoms Deep", and three Proven Specials, "Madonna of the Streets", with Evelyn Brent; "Brothers", with Bert Lytell, and "The Last Parade". Hays Urges "Ghost Speakers" Paris (By Cable) — Expressing his view on the international film situation, Will H. Hays, just before sailing for home after concluding the talker patent agreement, declared that nothing can stop the auricular films. "We will soon have two kinds of films only," he said. "Sound and dialogue. There are films which must have only sound accompaniment and others which must have dialogue, but it is an artificial arrangement to give any country films in any other language except its own. "We must get out of this transitional stage as soon as we can, and if we hope to keep the world film markets we must make French, Italian, German, Spanish and even Chinese and Japanese language films. This can be done in Hollywood by 'ghost speakers.' " Hays also believes that talker operas will replace the productions in theaters. Circuits Using Musical Discs For Programs and Advertising Columbia Adds More Men to Branch Office Staffs Several additions to branch office staffs are announced by Columbia. Carl L. Ebert has joined the Salt Lake City exchange, Carl Miller is now a member of the Chicago force, J. R. Neger has been added to the sales force of the Indianapolis office, Sam Sirbu has become booker in the San Francisco exchange and Edward Fryer is the new shipping clerk in the same office. Flying to Chicago for "Patrol" Opening Captain Jacques M. Swaab, famous aviator, will fly to Chicago for the opening of "The Dawn Patrol" at McVicker's, July 30. On his arrival in Chicago Captain Swaab will be met by an organization of midwestern aviators who will escort him to McVicker's for the premiere performance. Working on Duluth House Duluth, Minn. — Upon completion of the razing of buildings on the site of the proposed new Blackmore Bros, house, construction work will be rushed in an attempt to open the theater in September. (Continued from Page 1) strumental novelties without vocals and all the popular song hits of the day with and without vocal choruses. In affiliation with the Stanley Recording Co. of America, the Checker Music Corp. also is producing electrically recorded 15-minute and halfhour radio programs employing prominent names in the radio, stage and recording fields. These programs are intended primarily for the salvation of small stations throughout the world. Negotiations are now pending with several big film companies to build 15-minute programs around late releases, injecting the pathos, comedy, dialogue, blackouts, theme songs, etc., which will be broadcast simul taneously in every city where the pictures are released. Al Shayne, who has been well known for years in vaudeville and night clubs as the "International Ambassador of Melody," will supervise all the programs and discs. Sonny Barkas, one of the originators of the Walthall Radio Stores, is vice-president and treasurer of the company. The recording studios are under the direction of Carl Fenton, who has been affiliated with Brunswick and several other recording studios for years. Electrical engineering is under the supervision of K. G. Byers, pioneer worker in the field of electrical recording. Bernice Claire Attending "Top Speed" Premiere "Top Speed," First National comedy with music, will have two world premieres, the first at the Stanley, Pittsburgh, today, the second at the Earle, Washington, D. C, July 25. These will be the first engagements of the new comedy with Joe E. Brown heading a notable cast including Bernice Claire, Jack Whiting, Rita Flynn and Frank McHugh. Miss Claire will attend the Pittsburgh opening and will remain for a week of personal appearances. Erlich Joins Nat'l Screen Cleveland — Art Erlich has joined the sales force of National Screen Service here. Industry Survey A handsome brochure, entitled "The Motion Picture Industry," setting forth an interesting and imposing array of facts concerning the film business as a field for investment, has just been issued for Halsey, Stuart & Co., bankers prominent in the affairs of Fox and affiliated companies. W. B. Hackensack Plans Filed Hackensack, N. J. — Plans for a new Warner Bros, house to seat 2,269, have been filed at the building inspector's office here. The structure will be 90 feet wide by 196 deep. Fox interests are also reported planning erection of a house to cost about $1,000,000 directly opposite the Oritani. Albert Operating Sunshine Rose Albert is now operating the Sunshine, Brooklyn, having taken the house over from the Insular Amusement Corp. Brooklyn Bay Changes Hands The Bay, Brooklyn, is now under the management of Wolf and Goldfogle. Four Universal Specials in London at One Time London (By Cable) — With the opening of "The Phantom of the Opera" to tremendous business at the Dominion, new 3,000-seat theater, when "The King of Jazz" has its local premiere shortly, Universal will have four big specials running simultaneously in London. The other two are "All Quiet on the Western Front" and "The White Hell of Pitz Palu," both running at present. "The Phantom" also is due to open soon in 18 other cities in Great Britain, according to J. V Bryson, managing director of Uni versal in the United Kingdom. New London Device Co. Formed London — Mihaly Universal Tonefilm Syndicate, formed as manufacturers and dealers in machinery and appliances for recording and transmitting sound and pictures, kinematograph and photographic machines, etc., has been incorporated here with a capital of $250,000. New Corp. for Bklyn. Theater H. Lightstone is the president of the Van Buren Amusement Corp., which is now running the Van Buren in Brooklyn. BEFORE VOTING IN NO. (Continued from Page 1) ship in the state legislature. Questionnaires, which are to be back in the hands of Fred Wehrenberg, president of the organization, before the August primary elections, request the candidates to signify if they favor a board of censors for films, levying of a privilege tax on amusements, Sunday closing, etc. Georgia Sunday Shows Illegal Even to Charity (Continued from Page 1) ater for an extra day's work and other expenses of operation, and that the remainder, if any, was t<3 go to the American Legion for the benefit of under-privileged children.! Fox Appoints Nielsen Scandinavian Manager Carl Nielsen has taken over the duties of district manager of Scandinavia with headquarters in StocB holm, Sweden, according to an an nouncement by Clayton P. Sheehan, general foreign manager of Fox Films. Gaumont Confab London — Gaumont executives and branch managers met here recently under the chairmanship of W. I Gell, managing director of the coJ pany, to confer on the new seasonfl lineup of product. Mr. Gell in al optimistic speech on the company'! product and position for the coming year laid particular stress on the ability of Gaumont to cater to eveB need in showmanship, from theater equipment, etc., to British Acoustic reproducing outfits for houses of every size. It was also emphasizej in the Chairman's talk that Gat mont's own British productions wel to form a greater part of its annul program than hitherto. Stitch Buys Imperial, Bklyn. Irving Stitch has purchased tl Imperial, Brooklyn, from Nelson Reiner. No End To This West Coast Bur. THE FILM DAILY Hollywod — Richard Barker, former film salesman "discovered" by Carl Laemmle, Jr., and set for the lead in "The Leather Pushers" series, has had his name changed again. After being tagged "Richard Blair" only a fortnight ago, he has now been re-labeled "Kane Richmond" by M. Stanley Bergerman, in charge of Universal's short-reel production.