The Film Daily (1930)

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THE Wednesday, July 30, 1930 HOLLYWOOD HAPPENINGS — i Coast Wire Service « Ann Harding's Next Ann Harding's next will be "The Greater Love," scheduled for immediate production. It is an adaptation of Eugene Walter's play which ran on Broadway a few seasons ago. Mrs. Chevalier in Film Maurice Chevalier's wife, professionally known as Yvonne Yallee, will appear with him as leading woman in the French version of his next picture, now titled "The Playbov of Paris." New Murray-Sidney Comedies Charlie Murray is back from his European vacation and will start work this week with George Sidney on the short reel comedies to be produced by Universal. Clarence Hennecke is completing the script for the first picture. Ed Kaufman will act as supervisor. Evalyn Knapp as Ingenue Lead Evalyn Knapp will play the ingenue lead in "Red Hot Sinners," in which Winnie Lightner will star for W — " r s d Bound," with Leslie Howard, and "River's End," with Charles Bickford and Evalyn Knapp, have been completed at the Warner studios. Patsy Miller Opposite Lytell Patsy Ruth Miller will play opposite Bert Lytell in Columbia's "Last of the Lone Wolf," which Richard Boleslavsky will direct. Players Assigned by Fox Fox has cast Alphonz Ethier and John Sheehan for "Fair Warning"; David Torrence and Georges Renavent have been assigned parts in "Scotland Yard," and Phillips Holmes has been given the juvenile lead in "Play Called Life." Tyrell Davis Cast rell Davis has been cast in • Called Life." Chandler sue will direct with Lois Moran, e Clarke and Mrs. Patrick Camp I in principal parts. "Ex-Mistress" Title Stays Warners will produce "Ex-Mistress," from the novel of the same name, under that title instead of One Hour of Love" as previously announced. Neil Hamilton has been signed to play the male lead. Monte Blue Plans World Tour Monte Blue, with his wife and two children, will leave at the end of next week for Honolulu on a month's vacation. From Hawaii they plan to make a trip around the world. Along The Rialto with PhilM. Daly AND NOW the Radio-Keith-Orpheum Circuit has dropped the name "Vaudeville" and substituted the word "Varieties" to describe those quaint shows where performers actually appear on the stage the films and radio have caused the change the present system is a great break for the actors they do an act in vaude — er — pardon — varieties, then repeat it in the talkies and on the radio but it is rather confusing on the actor sometimes he gets all balled up on the H'ly wood studio stage he thinks he's doing a radio act and is liable to stand close to the mike yelling into it in spite of all the director can do before the radio he goes into a hoofing routine, thinking he's on the stage this accounts for those long stretches of silence on your receiving set when you mistake the tap steps for static and when the actor does his varieties act on the stage he thinks he's in a H'ly wood studio, and starts looking around for the mike and the director * * * * "PO AVOID this confusion, R-K-O is considering disguising its varieties stages like studio sets, with incandescent lights, mikes an' ev'rythin' the orchestra leader will act as the director, and as soon as the hoofer comes out, he'll yell: "All quiet, please. Lights. Cameras. Let's go!" yehyeh, "Varieties" is a good name a still better one would be "Merry-Go-Round" it's not the heat that makes the citizens dizzy it's trying to figure out whether they're at a picture show, a Palace varieties, or just at home with the wife and kids listening in on the five-tube superheterodine \ ID NOW tr i add sion but m it will combine the varieties, taiKics and radio light in your home then the theaters can be turned into penny arcades with peep-shows, shooting-gallery, etc this will bring us right back to where the picture biz started 30 years ago "Varieties" is right it means: "A cycle of changing amusements." * * * * J^ONALD COLMAN is still sitting on high no less an authority than Warren Nolan reports on his word of honor as a press representative that "Raffles," his third talkie, has surpassed the business of both "Bulldog Drummond" and "Condemned" in the first four theaters where it has been shown Phillips Holmes is specializing in head bandages in "Devil's Holiday" he appears with his conk all bandaged up, and now he repeats in "Grumpy" Jane Winton, who recently copped herself a millionaire hubby yclept Horace Gum bel, is keeping house on Park Avenoo The R-K-O outing at Indian Point was a whoopee success, we hear the R-K-Olians licked the Warner team in the baseball game for the Hiram Brown cup Speaking of baseball, that unbeaten Fox team has taken another game, from Columbia, and retains its 1,000 mark in the league * * * * J-JARRY TIERNEY has written "The Composer's Prayer": Our Inspiration, which art in heaven musical be thy name thy melodies come and rhapsodies run... on earth as they do in heaven give us this day our daily theme song and forgive us our recordings as we forgive those who record against us and lead us not into anticipation but deliver us from all discord for thine is the rhythm the major and minor forever and ever amen * * * * 'TODAY'S HOROSCOPE: District Theater Manager— if any of those big houses go in the red, you'll feel blue.... Director — Today will prove unlucky for a director with a punk script and a ham cast if he tries to commit suicide — but he might as well Independent Producer — Today the stars are very unpropritious for an independent production, but if you don't get stars in your production what's the use of making it anyway? Jack Oakie is understood to be under consideration by Florenz Xiegfeld for the next "Follies," with Paramount said to be willing to let the breezy comic go back to the stage for a spell Seen at Empey Club, J. D. Williams, Bruce Johnson and Bill Yearsley lunching together Short Shots from New York Studios By HARRY N. BLAIR j $TANLEY SMITH has arrived from Hollywood and reported at the Paramount New York studio, where he is to play the juvenile role in Ed Wynn's "Manhattan Mary." Ginger Rogers will be teamed with him. Gertrude Purcell and Sid Silvers are collaborating in the adaptation of the stage musical, and Norman Taurog will direct. Helen Broderick and Lester Crawford, recently of "Fifty Million Frenchmen," have completed their second Vitaphone Varieties comedy entitled "For Art's Sake" at the Brooklyn Vitaphone studios under the direction of Harold Beaudine. Philip Lord, Maude Eby Rock and a half a dozen others are in the cast. The Vitaphone Studio has made a second of its Vitaphone Varieties in both English and Spanish. This is "Alpine Echoes," a two-reel musical with Douglas Stanbury singing the leading role in the English version and Tito Coral in the Spanish. Frank Howson sings in the English version snd M • Ralph Morgan, Marjorie Gateson and Robert Middlemass, popular stage players, have the leading roles in the just completed Vitaphone Varieties drama, "Excuse the Pardon," which Arthur Hurley directed. A dozen other figures in this prison story. Marion Harris, blues singer, has made a one reel short for Paramount under the title of "It's All Over." under the direction of Howard Bretherton, with Jay Gorney officiating as musical director. J. Russell Robinson, popular composer, accompanied Miss Harris at the piano. MANY HAPPY RETURNS Best wishes and congratulations are extended by THE FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays: July 30 Holmes Herbert S. R. Kent F. H. Clarke Bob Collier