The Film Daily (1930)

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THE 2 B DAILY Thursday, July 31, 1930 :the niNCWSMPffi Of HUM DOM Vol Llll No. 26 .Thursday. July 31, 1930 Price 5 Cents Mr, Tom Thumb — listens to reason JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holiday! at 1630 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New Vork $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers •hould remit with order. Address all communication! to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address : Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter^ 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaiae, Rue de la Cour-dei-Nouei, 19. Financial NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low 19}4 19 20/2 20}4 20J4 2Uy2 205^ 205^ Close Chge. 19J4 5% 47M 4Sys 45J4 — 1 34% 33 33J4 — V* 112 112 — y2 7oy2 7oy2 — 3H 112 7*y2 60y2 58£ 4/2 33H iy2 n't 3iy& Con. Fm. Ind. . . Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. East. Kodak .... Fox Fm. "A" Gen. Thea. Equ. . Keith A-O pf. . Loew's, Inc Para. F-L Pathe Exch do "A" R-K-O Warner Bros " " p (2.20). NEW YORK CURB MARKET Fox Thea. "A" . 10'A 10 10 Technicolor 31 28J4 28^ — 2J4 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Keith A-O 6s 46. 83 83 83 Loew 6s 41 x-war.100 100 100 Paramount 6s 47 .101% 101% 101% Par. By. Sy2s S1.102J6 102^ 102^ — % Pathe 7s 37 ... 62 61J4 61& — 1 Warner Pet. 6s39. 96^4 9S% 95 J4 — lH (Continued from Page 1) Clarke, who does much and says little, has already cleaned up those odds and ends that give a ship clear sailing. Underground reports from the Coast indicate that Mr. Sheehan is again in his best production stride. Steering the good ship "Fox" through the treacherous waters of the past year and bringing it safely to port was a couple of man-sized jobs. Again our admiration to Clarke, Sheehan, Grainger & Co., for a great job manfully accomplished. * * * We have just Report of read the report Women's Clubs of the moti?n picture committee of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, as submitted at the biennial council on June 9 in Denver. It is a practical, comprehensive and sympathetic document. There is no questioning the fact that the intelligent and intensive work done by these worthy ladies has been of considerable cooperative value to the industry. Their efforts merit the assistance of every branch of the motion picture industry. 38% 36 48J4 48% 48% 58% — 1% 4% — % 9% 31% — 1% 36% — 3 "Dixiana" Broadcast Success First of the 12 RKO national broadcasts with "Dixiana" as the feature attraction over NBC on Tuesday was responsive of many wires of congratulations from all parts of the country, Charles Rosenzweig, general sales manager said yesterday. it New York 1540 Broadway BRYant 4712 Long Island City ft 154 Crescent St. ft STIUwell 7940 ft :.: Eastmnan Filims | . E. Brulatour, Inc. « j Chicago Hollywood J.J 1727 Indiana Ave, 6700 Santa Monica || CALum«t 2691 HOLlywood 4121 8 R-K-0 Division Managers Meet in Chicago Aug. 6 Regular semi-annual meeting of R-K-O divisional managers will be held in Chicago on Aug. 6. Joseph Plunkett leaves Monday for the Windy city to attend the confab. Those who will attend are Charles Winston, H. R. Emde, Charles McDonald, David Beehler, Lou Golding, Ace Beery, J. E. Firnkoess, J. L. McCurdy, Karl Hoblitzelle, William Elson, Morgan Ames, Thomas D. Soriero, Homer Gill, Frank Vincent, Leo M. Devaney. The Industry's Date Book Today Aug. 6 Aug. 11 Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Aug. 21 Aug. 25 Oct. 20 Annual convention of M.P.T. O. Ass'n of Colorado and Rocky Mountain Region, Brown Palact Hotel, Denver. R-K-O divisional managers meeting in Chicago. -12 Annual convention of the South eastern Theater Owners' Ass'n Atlanta, Ga. "Moby Dick" opens at the Hollywood, New York. (Tentative) "Hell's Angels," Howard Hughes production, opens twoa-day run at the Criterion, New York. Premiere of "Old English" at the Warner, New York. : "Abraham Lincoln" opens at the Central, New York. 21 Tenth Annual Convention of M.P.T.O. of Western Pennsylva nia and West Virginia, Pittsburgh COMING & GOING Publix Promotes Lourie To N. E. District Post Boston — Joseph Lourie, formerly manager of the Publix Warren Street at Roxbury, has been appointed district manager in charge of Jamaica Plains, Roslindale and four of the circuit's six houses in Roxbury. He succeeds J. W. McNamara, transferred to Stamford, Conn., to replace W. G. Mitchell as manager of the Palace. J. R. WEST, Western Division sales manager for Electrical Research Produots, who is in New York from the Coast on a business trip, leaves tomorrow on his return trip. C. J. ROSS of RCA Photophone is back from Paris, where he attended the talker patent conferences. THE MARQUIS DE LA FALAISE DE LA COUDRAYE, husband of Gloria Swanson, has returned from a trip abroad in the interests of Pathe. FLORENZ ZIEGFELD is expected in New York from Hollywood sometime next week. The Big Trail —big as The West itself. Lashway At Lynn Paramount Lynn, Mass. — Al Lashway is managing the Paramount which opened here recently. WANTED Man, about 25, with knowledge of accounting and ability to interpret contracts. Box 119 B FILM DAILY 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. ;'mn«««<«««t«-:t::::«w::::«::::::::^ >♦*>♦>♦»♦♦>♦> «3 ADVERTISING ASSISTANT I desire to make a change. My future is limited where I am. I want a position where my efforts will result in something worth while when my worth is proven. I can handle all detail work. Am familiar with engraving, lay-outs, handling of copy, etc. Salary no object. Age 21. Box 118K— Film Daily, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Attractions for Picture Theatres Standard Vaudeville Acts 1600 Broadway, New York City Phone Penn. 3580 Yuma, Ariz., May 8, 1930 Winfield Sheehan, Fox Film Corporation Studio, Hollywood, Calif. After two weeks of production on THE BIG TRAIL I have discovered that the three youthful featured players in the production are real descendants from pioneers aside from their physical fitness and dramatic ability. I refer to John Wayne, Marguerite Churchill and David Rollins. Have authentic facts of relationship to pioneers of 100 years ago. Miss Churchill and Rollins natives of Kansas City and descendants of pio j heers who traversed the Trail. Rollins' great-grandfather was the first white child born on the Trail. Wayne's mother has facts to prove her pioneer ancestry. Likewise Miss Churchill. Also have learned that Marguerite Churchill at the age of sixteen was selected by the Campfire Girls of America as their choice from thousands of candidates as the "typical American girl." Hal G. Evarts, co-author of THE BIG TRAIL, is writing the log of the Big Trail, which will be published in book form when the picture is completed. Morale of the company high. Everyone physically fit. The most dramatic scenes are yet to be filmed. RAOUL WALSH (Advt.)