The Film Daily (1930)

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THE Thursday, July 31, 1930 C LATEST HOLLYWOOD HAPPENINGS == Coast Wire Service ^^ o Johnny Hines Begins on Educational Series Johnny Hines has started work in the first of the new series of Gayety Comedies for which he was signed by Educational Pictures. His supporting cast includes Helen Bolton, Estelle Bradley, Vernon Dent, Adrienne Dore and Frank Rice, and the comedy is under the direction of William Watson at the Metropolitan studios. It has been tentatively titled "Johnny's Week-end." Vagabond Adventure Unit Leaves for Guatamala Tom Terriss, the Vagabond director, with a production unit under the supervision of Al Mannon and Elmer Clifton, left Los Angeles this week for an extensive trip through the north of Mexico from Nogales to Hermisillo. The unit originally planned to go to Ensenada but more desirable locations have been discovered in the former cities. Scenes and dramatic episodes will be made for a forthcoming Van Beuren-Pathe release which will be titled "Guatamala." His trip will cover a period of several weeks. "College Lovers" Finished "College Lovers," First National's new football picture for release late in September, is completed. The principal members of the cast are Jack Whiting, Marian Nixon, Frank McHugh, Guinn (Big Boy) Williams, Richard Tucker, Wade Boteler, Phyllis Crane and Russell Hopton. John Adolfi directed. "Freshman's Goat" Finished "The Freshman's Goat," which introduces the new series of Educational's Vanity Comedies, has finished shooting and is now in the process of editing. This comedy features Marian Shockley, with Ray Cooke, Ronny Rondell, Iris Adrian, Churchill Ross and Eddy Barry in the supporting cast. Nat Ross directed. Rennie Plays Lead in "Illicit" James Rennie has been assigned the leading masculine role in "Illicit," replacing Neil Hamilton, who is appearing in another Warner production, the schedule of which interferes with "Illicit." Barbara Stanwyck will enact the leading feminine role, with Charles Butterworth, Joan Blondell and Grant Mitchell in support. "Man in the Sky" to Begin Sho°ting on "The Man in the Sky, the first musical play written directly for the screen by Jerome Kern, composer, and Otto A. Harbach will begin next week. Irene IJelroy and Jack Whiting will head the cast, directed by Alfred E. Green. A Little from "Lots" By RALPH WILK pHIL AND BILL, 13-year-old twin sons of Phil Reisman, are fast becoming authorities on the Pathe product for next season. The youngsters, who are here from their New Rochelle, N. Y., home, have spent most of their vacation in Pathe projection rooms, viewing pictures. The boys have made a big hit with the executives, stars, directors, writers and others at the studio. * * * Simile — As popular as a studio efficiency expert. * * * Our Passing Show: E. B. Derr, Jack Cohn, Johnny Hines, Mauri Grashin, Melville Burke, Simeon Aller, Donald Crisp, Cyrus Wood, Charles Beyer, Jane Murfin, Endre Bohem, Joe Aller at the "Dixiana" premiere; smiling Hank Arnold busy at United Artists. * * * Frank Horscroft of the Meyer Synchronizing Service has assembled more than 1,000 sound-producing effects. His search for unusual sound devices has extended over a oeriod of 10 years. Horscroft has been a member of the Sousa and Paul Whiteman bands and the Philadelphia Symphony orchestra. * * * Anton Grot is busy at First National. He is designing sets for "Mother's Cnj." He also designed the sets for "Song of the Flame" and "Top Speed." * * * Larry Urbach. who exploited the premiere of "All Ouiet on the Western Front." at the Carthav Circle, is working on the opening' of "Holiday." which will also be held at the Carthav Circle. * * * Gene Farrell is First National's vrize fisherman. Several Burbank film editors went ov a fishing trip and pooled $10 for the bigaest "atch. Farrell cast his lines into the Pacific ocean and bronaht vn a nine-pound barracuda. Huqh Bennett. Rny Cnrtiss. Georae Amy. Terry Morse. Tom Pratt. Peter Frifsch. Otto Mnnson and Edward Schroeder were among the fisherm.en. James Wilkinson ivas the lone Paramount representative in the party. * * * The Allied Cultural Arts Guild of America has awarded its annual "Recognition of Personal Beautv" orize to Loretta Young. First National featured player. In announcing the award over Station KFWB, Hollywood, Dr. Henry Steivers, president of the Guild, stated that only one other person has ever received the unanimous vote of the committee for this honor, namely, Isadora Duncan, who won the cup in 1924. * * * More Passing Show: Lee Marcus, Lowell Sherman and "Amos 'n' Andy" chatting at RKO; Hal Wallis busy at First National; Julian Johnson, Hollywood's most enthusiastic walker, taking his daily stroll. Robert Dandridge, an eight-yearold pickaninny, will play one of the most colorful characters in "Father's Son," now in production at the First National Studio. The role is that of Vestibule Pullman Thompson, an Afro-American contemporary of the hero, Bill Emory, as interpreted by Leon Janney. * * * While making a tour of Canada, Bradley King, prominent scenarist. is collecting historical data which she intends to use as the background for a film story she plans to write on her return. According to word received from Miss King, she has encountered the basis for a tense, dramatic story. * * * Believe it or not, but Nick Basil claims he gained seven pounds working in "Society Goes Spaghetti," the first of the "Nick and Tony" series being produced by Lou Brock and directed by Mark Sandrich. Nick ate seven plates of spaghetti during his first day on the picture. * * * Al Boasberg, who is now freelancing, is writing the dialogue and comedy construction for "Fifty Million Frenchmen," which will be made by Warner Brothers. Boasberg was with M-G-M for several years, but believes he can serve the industry better by free-lancing. He is represented by Milton Bren. * * * Gilbert Warrenton has completed his contract with Universal and has moved his camera to First National. While with Universal he photographed "Show Boat." "Captain of the Guard" and "The Man Who Laughs." * * * Clarence Hennecke has moved hi> typewriter to the Mack Scnnett studios. He recently completed a s'nrv for George Sidney and Charlie Murray, at Universal. He also did 14 originals for Vitaphone Varieties. Day and Night Production for U's "The Cat Creeps" In making the English and Spanish versions of "The Cat Creeps," based on "The Cat and the Canary," a 24-hour schedule is being put into effect today by Universal. The English edition, directed by Rupert Julian, will be filmed in the daytime, and the Spanish, directed by George Melford, at night. The English cast includes Helen Twelvetrees, Raymond Hackett, Lilyan Tashman, Jean Hersholt, Neil Hamilton, Montagu Love, Blanche Friderici, Theodore von Eltz and Elizabeth Patterson. In the Spanish version are Antonio Moreno, Lupita Tovar, Andres de Segurola, Roberto Guzniann, Paul Ellis, Enrique Tovar Avalos, Agostino Borgato, Conchita Ballestero, Maria Galvo and Soledad Jiminez. Wright Leaves Columbia William Lord Wright has resigned as supervisor at the Columbia studios. Carney and Wills Teamed Again Bob Carney and Si Wills, who worked so well together in "All for Mabel," have been teamed again in the Pathe comedy, "Disturbing the Peace," directed by Wallace Fox. Carney and Wills are also credited with the original story. The cast also includes Lew Kelly, Addie McPhail, George Towne Hall, Richard Cramer and Stompie, the new colored comedian. Patsy Miller in "Snapshots" The first feminine master of ceremonies in "Screen Snapshots" is played by Patsy Ruth Miller in No. 25 of the series, directed by Ralph Staub for Columbia release. With the aid of a get-there-in-a-hurry machine invented by Miss Miller's husband, Tay Garnett, Patsy introduces to the audience Raquel Torres, Eddie Cantor. Ronald Colman, Samuel Goldwyn, Davey Lee, Dorothy Revicr, Matt Moore, Eddie Buzzell and Evelyn Laye. Al Smith and Frank Rice Cast Al Smith and Frank Rice have been added to the cast of Columbia's "Shadow Ranch." The picture, under the direction of Louis Kintr. is the second of a series of eight Buck Jones outdoor dramas. The cast includes Marguerite Dc La Motte opoosite rones, Kate Price and Ben Wilson. George Irving in "Social Errors" George Irving has been added to the cast of Paramount's "Social Errors. He is appearing as a family physician in this production which features Leon Enrol, Richard Arlen, Mary Brian and Stuart Erwin.