The Film Daily (1930)

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10 5 &&^ DAILY Thursday, July 31, 1930 80 Features Scheduled at Joinvitte This Year Eight Now in Production At Paramount Studio Near Paris Paris (By Cable) — Production of about 80 features is contemplated at the Paramount studios in Joinville under the direction of Robert T. Kane, according to announcement. Eight pictures are currently nearing completion. French, German and Spanish talkers already have been made at the Joinville studios, and production of pictures in other languages is on the way. New Standard Contract to be Submitted in Fall (Continued from Page 1) have already been okayed by distributing firms. T.O.C.C. to Consider Adopting New Contract That the proposed new standard contract awaiting ratification will be carefully analyzed, chiefly as it concerns arbitration, is seen in the stand taken by the T.O.C.C. that "since the organization was not represented at the various meetings between the distributors, Allied States Ass'n and the M.P.T.O.A., it will not be hamstrung into adopting the contract if not agreeable to its members," declares Charles O'Reilly, president. "Provided the rules of arbitration are satisfactory to us, we will gladly adopt the contract," O'Reilly stated yesterday. "If not, we will reject it and fight." General Talking Extends War Over Sound Patents (Continued from Page 1) the plan of M. A. Schlesinger, president of G.T.P., to establish his rights against the more powerful manufacturers and then go after the smaller infringers, many of whom are said to be seeking license terms with G.T. in order to forestall actions. The new suits are expected to be brought to trial in the near future. Western Electric's appeal from the recent decision favoring De Forest on the Ries patent is not likely to come up before November or December. Second Foxfilm Winners Named Second awards for the Foxfilm Hall of Merit go to Tony Ryan, manager, and Bob Clark, booker, both of the Oklahoma branch. To Remodel Cosmos The Cosmos, 116th St., New York, will be closed on Aug. 4 for renovations and rcdecoration. Stadium to Reopen Aug. 2 Manhattan Playhouses will reopen the Stadium, New York, on Aug. 2. The house has been completely remodeled. Hitchcock Heads Coat less Drive Eddie Hitchcock, publicity director of the Paramount, is heading a movement to induce theaters and other public places, wherever men without coats are not admitted, to let down the bars on shirtsleeves during the hot months. W. A. Rothschild Back from Directing Abroad After directing talkers in England and France, W. A. Rothschild, formerly with Paramount and other major producing organizations in this country, has returned to New York. He directed shorts for Robert T. Kane at Paris and co-directed with Monty Banks for P. D. C. in England. Rothschild, who has been abroad nearly a year, motored through Europe to study film conditions. Kramer Joins Brandt as Circuit Gen. Mgr. Rudolph Kramer, former Bronx division manager for Fox Theaters, has joined William Brandt as general manager of his new theater circuit in New York. Minn. Chain Adds Two Minneapolis — In line with its plans to build up a chain of 20 houses before the end of the year, Western Theater Co. has purchased the La Salle and Summit. Both houses will be remodeled and sound apparatus installed. Goldberg Leaving Fox? Harry Goldberg, Western New York State division manager for Fox Theaters, is reported resigning, effective Sept. 1. His territory, it is said, will be taken over by Marshall Taylor. Harry Arthur yesterday denied any knowledge of the resignation. Publix-Saenger Shifts Managers in N. C. Field Charlotte — Following a number of acquisitions, Publix-Saenger has made several changes in its managerial staff. J. Noble Arnold, city manager, has been transferred from the Wilson, Wilson, to Rocky Mount, where he has been placed in charge of the Palace and Lyric. Cecil B. Rosson, graduate of the managers' school, succeeds Arnold at Wilson. T. Y. Walker has been shifted from the Paris, Durham, to the State, Greenfield, with William Cooper, former assistant manager of the Carolina-Durnham, replacing Walker. Pat McSwain, assistant manager of the Carolina-Chapel Hill, has been given a like position at the Carolina-Durham. Phil Reisman Assumes 'IP Post Next Monday Phil Reisman, who resigned from Pathe this week to become general sales manager of Universal, assumes his new duties next Monday. Formal announcement of Reisman being secured as Universal's chief of sales was made yesterday by Carl Laemmle. Pathe Buys "Rebound" Pathe has bought the screen rights to Arthur Hopkins' stage play "Rebound." Decision will be made in a few days whether Helen Twelvetrees, Ann Harding or Constance Bennett will play the leading role. Production In Full Swing At Cines Studio in Rome Rome — Production activity at the newly established Cines Sound studios is now in full swing, with two features and a number of shorts on the 1930-31 program already completed. The first feature finished was "Resurrection," a modern drama with all dialogue and singing, from the pen of Alessandro Blassetti, and directed by the author. Venera Alexandresco, Lya Franca ard Daniele Crespi enact the principal roles. Next followed "The Court Yard," a musical comedy adaptation of the book bv Fatisto Maria Martini, starring the well known Italian artist, Ettore Petrolini. Carlo CampogalHani directed. Now in production are "Medecin Malgrelui," from the stage comedy by Moliere, featuring Petrolini, who also scored a success in the legitimate version; and a picturization of the Luigi Pirandello novel, "Silenzio," which will be made in Italian, French and German versions. "Napoli che canta," produced some time ago for the "Fert" by Mario Almirante as a silent, has been synchronized bv the original producer for Cines Studios release. Features on which work will be launched in the near future, are "II Castigamatti," starring Ettore Petrolini; "Ave Maria," to be filmed in Italian, German and French versions, with the possibility one being made in English; and the "Cantante Dell' Opera," a subject by Gino Rocca. SOUTHEASTERN EXHIBS TO INCREASE DIRECTORS Atlanta — To complete the proposed increase in the board of directors of the Southeastern Theater Owners' Ass'n, which holds its second annual convention here Aug. 11-12, the following have been suggested by the nominating committee: Sam Borisky, Milton Starr, Col. Thomas E. Orr, Mack Jackson, Mitchell Wilson, M. G. Lee and B. S. Donnan. All present officers of the organization have been nominated for reelection. The slate includes G. E. Ricker, president; O. C. Lam, vicepresident; Love B. Harrell, secretarytreasurer; E. F. Boyd, W. J. Brackin, Alf Fowler, A. C. Gortatowsky, Mrs. W. M. Kimbro, Roy E. Martin, J. J. Powell, R. B. Wilby, N. H. Williams and Hugh Manning, directors. Manning is the only officer not serving at present. Hays Says Talker Truce Opens New Developments (Continued from Page 1) ward developments in the sound field should follow the mutual understanding that has been reached, Hays declared. C. J. Ross, of RCA Photophone, also back from the conferences, expressed himself as pleased with the results. B. S. Moss Project Halted Construction of a heater by B. S. Moss in the Chelsea section of New York, as the first in a national chain recently announced by the former theater operator, has been temporarily halted. Work may be resumed in the fall. Devaney Joins R-K-0 Toronto — Leo M. Devaney, formerly with Universal, has been appointed division manager of R-K-O theaters here with offices at the Famous Players Canadian Corp., Ltd., in the Royal Bank Bldg. Joseph Plunkett, vice-president in charge of theater operations, made the appointment. Warner-Asbury Plans Delayed Asbury Park, N. J. — Unless three adjoining property owners sign releases consenting to extension of the structure to the sidewalk line, Warner Bros, will drop plans for erection of a $1,000,000 local house seating 3,000. A decision is expected in a few days. Consolidated Closes Morningside Consolidated Amusements has closed the Morningside, New York, for the summer.