The Film Daily (1930)

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THE THE NEWSPAPER OF FILM DOM AIL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. LIII No. 27 Friday, August 1, 1930 Price 5 Cents Universal Closes Booking Deal With R-K-O Chain WARNER PRODUCT FOR F0X-LOEW~H0USES RCA Photophone Launches Big Foreign Expansion The WLirror -a column of comment BUILDING, INSTEAD of buying, will be the theater expansion policy of the major circuits during the new season. In these days of rapid-fire evolution, houses which received a de luxe rating yesterday are second class today. More and more the public has been taught to expect attractive atmosphere and comfort, coupled with the latest mechanical developments in connection with the presentation of pictures. The big chains, aware of the situation, plan to give their customers 1930-31 houses — acoustically right and modern in the nth degree. In some instances entirely new structures will be erected. But probably in many more, existing houses will be reconstructed and re-equipped. As John Eberson put it a pair of years ago, numerous theaters "need but the touch of the rejuvenating wand of an experienced artisan to make them play their front rank part again." It seems likely that in view of the present extremely high costs of sites, hundreds of amusement dwellings will be salvaged through the reconstruction process. * * * PICTURE METHODS of operation and exploitation are to be used by a new pop price legit chain in New York under guidance of Billy Brandt. No branch of the amusement field has consistently displayed ingenuity and pep in selling its wares to the public as the motion picture. Its press agentry rates that imitation which has been described as the "sincerest flattery." * * * CHICAGO EXHIBS are seeking overhead reduction relief via cuts in their projection service. In this movement no doubt they will have the sympathy of every theater man who believes that current operation costs are top-heavy. 800 RCA Devices Abroad by November, Says C. J. Ross Five hundred RCA Photophone installations have been made outside of the United States, said Charles J. Ross, executive vice-president of the company, yesterday, in an interview with THE FILM DAILY, following his return from the talker patents conference held in Paris. He {Continued on Page 2) 33 PER CENTDtPANSION AT HAL ROACH STUDIOS West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Expansion of studio facilities by 33 1-3 per cent and the adoption of new silent recording cameras mark the beginning of the new season at the Hal Roach studios in Culver City, where 30 comedies of various lengths will be made {Continued on Page 2) Howard Hughes Sues Over "Dawn Patrol" West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Federal Film Co., of which Howard Hughes is president, seeks an injunction in the Federal Court against First National to prevent further showings of "The Dawn Patrol", charging it was taken in part from "Hell's Angels". Cohen A Fire Chief Emanuel Cohen, editor of Paramount News, can now ride the fire wagons in Boston. Mayor Curley has made him honorary chief of the Beantown Fire Dept., with badge and all. 136 New York Metropolitan Theaters to Play W. B. Films Booking of the entire Warner Bros, line-up of 35 features into 136 metropolitan New York houses in the Fox r .id Loew circuits was announced yesterday by Sam F. Morris, vice-president and general manager of Warners. Negotiations for the deal, which involves 78 Fox theaters (Continued on Page 2) R-K-0 Six Months' Profit $1,535,564 Ahead of 1929 Net profit of Radio-Keith Orpheum Corp. and subsidiaries for the six months ended June 30 was $2,166,133.38, after federal taxes, against $630,569.17 in the same period of 1929, or an increase of $1,535,564.21, according to the statement of Herman Zohbel, treasurer. In the June quarter profit was $410,230.58, against $2,030,902.80 in the March quarter. This, however, is said to reflect the general depression in the last several months, and a good upturn is expected to get under way with the beginning of the new season. 'U' -R-K-O Contract Involves $3,000,000 in Film Rentals HARRY BRANDT STARTS NEW FILM HOUSE CHAIN Harry Brandt has taken over the Cort, a 2,500-seat legitimate house in Jamaica, as the first of the new chain of picture houses that he is lining up. ( ontracts were signed yesterday whereby Universal's 20 features and roadshows, including "All Quiet on tin Western Front", will play RKO's metropolitan first runs and other houses in the national chain, involving a total of about $3,000,000 in rentals, according to a joint announcement by the two companies. PRINTING TRADES ASK REPEAL OF CENSORSHIP Syracuse — Repeal of the motion picture censorship act is asked in a resolu' on introduced at the annual convention of the Allied Printing Trades Council of New York state being held here. The resolution describes the present censorship as a denial of free press and free speech. S.M.P.E. Fall Meeting Set for October 20-23 Fall meeting of the Society of M. P. Engineers is scheduled for the Pennsylvania Hotel, New York, Ocl 20-23, announces W. C. Kunzmann, chairman of the program committee, following decision of the hoard of governors. Quick Action Quick work was accomplished by Fox Movietone News in delivering sound motion pictures of the earthquake in Italy. Prints of the disaster were shipped yesterday to all points in the I'. S. and Canada, according to Truman II. Talley, general manager. Practically every type of transport was used in getting the pictures to theaters for immediate showing.