The Film Daily (1930)

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THE jg^S DAILY Friday, August 1, 1930 :the HNClMifU Of ntJWDQM V(L Llll No. 27 Friday. Aug. 1, 1930 Price 5 Cants Additional Warner Stock Listed on the Exchange I1HN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holiday! it 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher ; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918. it the post office at New York, N. Y., under he act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage ree) United States outside of Greater Nen fork $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 nonths. $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscribe" bould remit with order. Address all com ounications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 iroadway. New York, N. Y. Phone Circle (736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday lew York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Gramtt .607. London— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Rente*, 89-91 Wardour St.. W I. Berlin— Karl Wolffiohn, Lichtbildbuehne Friedricbstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle La Cinematographic FrancaUe, Rue de la Cour-des-Noue*. 19. Financial NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chge. Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 21 20J4 21 + Vz East. Kodak ....21154 205 A 208& + 3H Fox Fm. "A" .. 46'A 44'A 46A + % Gen. Thea. Equ.. 33J4 32^ 33'A — A Loew's, Inc 72Yt 68-H 71 54 + H do pfd. xw (f>y2) 97J4 97J4 9754 + 2^ M-G-M pfd 24J4 24J4 24*i Para. F-L 595i 57-^ 59 + H Pathe Exch 454 454 454 — % do "A" 9J4 954 9J4 — H R-K-O 31J4 3054 3154+ H Warner Bros 37J4 3554 3756 + Vs do pfd 4SH 48-^ 485^ + A NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. .. 38J4 38M 3854 — 54 Fox Thea. "A" . 9J4 954 9J4 — 54 Nat. Scr. Ser. ..31 31 31 — H Technicolor 29 285/6 29+54 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 96 95 56 95 56 — Vs do Seller 7 9554 9556 9556 Loew 6s 41 x-war. 10054 10054 10054 + 54 Paramount 6s 47.. 101 56 10154 101 §4 + 54 Par. By. 554s 51.10256 102 10256 Pathe 7s 37 6154 6154 6154 Warner Pet. 6s39. 95 A 9454 9454 — V% Ail additional 140,278 shares of common stock and $4,583,000 of optional 6 per cent convertible debentures due in 1939 have been approved for listing on the New York Stock Exchange. The debentures will be used as part consideration for the properties and assets of the Stanley-Fabian Corp., Stanley-MarkStrand Corporation, Stanley-Crandall Co. of Washington, Ardmore Theater, Ardmore, Pa., and the Lerner, Orpheum and Buckler in Elkhart, Ind. Of the new common stock 36,632 shares will be used in connection with the acquisition of the Federal Theaters Co., the Indiana Harbor Theater circuit, the Jefferson and Lincoln of Goshen, Ind., and the Partheton and Orpheum at Canton, Ind.. and theater sites in Akron, Ohio, and White Plains, N. Y.; 61,107 shares to provide for conversion privileges on the corporation's 6 per cent debentures and 43.529 shares for payment of interest on such debentures. 33 Per Cent Expansion at Hal Roach Studios (Continued from Page 1) in 1930-31. Plans are under way for the building of a fourth sound stage. A musical library also is being created for scoring comedies. RCA Photophone Launches Big Foreign Expansion (Continued from Page 1) anticipates that 300 more installations will be made abroad within the next six months, making 800 in all. RCA Photophone plans further expansion in the European market, Ross stated. RCA Photophone of England, Ltd. has l>een reorganized under his supervision and offices established in Scotland and Ireland. F. R. Culbert, who has been identified with the Great Britain organization for some time, has been appointed managing director. Agents have been named to handle new business on the Continent, Ross said. Ross sees further modification of the German attitude towards American films in prospect. Theater business throughout Europe is good, he declared, and said that French product is showing much improvement. Warner Product Booked for Fox-Loew Houses (Continued from Page 1) and 58 of Loew's, were conducted by Morris, Claude C. Ezell, George Baldsdon, Edward Goldstein and Harry Decker, for Warners; J. Sullivan and A. Blumstein, for Fox, and David Loew and Eugene Ticker for Loew. Universal Club Outing Aug. 5 Annual outing of the Universal Club will be held Aug. 5 at Playland, Rye, N. Y., with about 300 expected to attend. One feature of the occasion will be an athletic program topped by a ball game. Gertrude Ederle will be guest of honor and starter of the events. The gang will close shop for the day and make the trip to Rye by boat from the Battery on the Americana. Herman Stern is making the arrangements. Shooting "Dirigible" in East Frank Capra, director, and Sam Briskin, assistant general manager, arrived in New York yesterday to make some sequences for Columbia's "Dirigible" based on an original story by Lieut. Commander Frank Wead, U.S.N., who will act as technical advisor and liaison officer between the Naval Aviation Service and Columbia. Jack Holt and Ralph Graves are the headliners in the picture, which will have aviation backgrounds at Lakehurst, Anacostia and San Diego. The Industry's Date Book Picketing Injunction Granted San Francisco — A temporary injunction to restrain picketing or interference with the Nasser houses has been signed by Superior Judge C. F. Vicini pending hearing of the $300,000 action filed by the theater owners against the union. Aug. Aug. Aug, Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Oct. Oct. 5 Annual outing of Universal Club at Playland, Rye, N. Y. 6 R-K-O divisional managers meeting in Chicago. 11-12 Annual convention of the Southeastern Theater Owners' Ass'n, Atlanta, Ga. 14 "Moby Dick" opens at the Hollywood, New York. 15 (Tentative) "Hell's Angels," Howard Hughes production, opens twoa-day run at the Criterion, New York. 21 Premiere of "Old English" at the Warner, New York. 25 : "Abraham Lincoln" opens at the Central, New York. 20-21 Tenth Annual Convention of M.P.T.O. of Western Pennsylvt nia and West Virginia, Pittsburgh 20-23 Fall meeting of the Society of M. P Engineers, Pennsylvania Hotel. New York. Paramount Reopens Stock Offer Montreal — Paramount has reopened its offer to exchange original snares of Famous Players Canadian on the basis of four ParamountPublix shares to five of the Canadian. The recently formed protective association, which opposed the exchange, appears to have given up the ghost. "Journey's End" at Roxy Aug. 8 "Journey's End", Tiffany special, will play the Roxy, New York, beginning Aug. 8. Fox Theaters Golf Opens Aug. 18 First Fox Theaters indoor miniature golf house will be opened about Aug. 18. Contracts have been signed Tor conversion of the Kew Gardens, L. I., into one of the midget links with work expected to be completed on Aug. 14. Publix Gets Two 111. Houses Chicago — The Wildey, Edwardsville and the Wood River, Wood River, have been acquired by Publix and will be in the division of which J. J. Rubens has charge. Florey Directing in Berlin Berlin — Robert Florey, former Paramount director in the U. S., is making French and Spanish versions of "L Amour Chante" for Ufa. In October Florey will direct the French operetta, "Mam'selle Nitouche," in German, Italian and French. ^-^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦W#V*V#V»V#V*v#V#* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦ *♦♦♦♦♦$ \ ♦.♦ New York Long Island City ;"{ M 1540 Broadway 154 Crescent St. it ».* BRYant 4712 STIllwell 7940 }'t li s I Eastman Films | # « I J. E. Brulatour, Inc, § % % Chicago Hollywood & 1727 Indian. Ave. 6700 Santa Monica « *> . • Blvd. *i g CALumet 2691 HOLlywood 4121 « Hays Tells Foreign Managers About Talker Patents Tangle Solution of the talker patents tangle abroad, as worked out by the recent Paris conference, was explained to foreign managers of distributing companies yesterday afternoon at a Hays office meeting. Details of the arrangements were outlined by Will H. Hays, who with Charles J. Ross of RCA Photophone and J. E. Otterson of Electrical Research Products, represented American interests at the confab. Otterson, incidentally, is expected, to arrive in New York next week. Conditions resulting from the new German film regulations will be studied by the foreign managers with view of determining their individual company attitude toward this market. Whether or not sufficient rev enue can be derived from this field will be decided. It is expected that some time will elapse before company policies are definitely adopted. Geographical Grouping of Canadian Theaters Toronto — Arrangements for the grouping of Canadian theaters into geographical districts have been completed, managers and officials of Paramount-Publix were informed at the annual convention of the eastern division managers here. The confab marked the first meet in eastern Canada since absorption of Famous Flayers Corp. by Tublix. About 200 attended. Fox Terminal To Close Aug. 3 Newark, N. J. — The Fox Terminal will be closed on Aug. 3 for complete remodeling and redecoration and will be reopened Aug. 30. COMING & GOING JOE LEO is due back in town on Monday from Martha's Vineyard. It is understood he will report back to Fox Theaters on Tuesday at the conclusion of his vacation. ERIC VON STROHEIM sails today on the He de France with his wife and children and will remain abroad until October, when he returns to make a talker for Universal. H. M. WARNER is aboard the Majestic clue in New York next week. JOSEPH I. SCHNITZER arrives from abroad next week on the Staatendam. J. J SHUBERT arrived yesterday on the Bremen. Kooler-^ire The SILENT Summer Attraction KOOLER-AIRE ENGINEERING CORP. 1914 PARAMOUNT BUILDING NEW YORK