The Film Daily (1930)

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THE Sunday, August 3, 1930 iSS^k DAILY HOLLYWOOD HAPPENINGS ACTIVITIES OF THE DAY AMONG STUDIOS ON THE WEST COAST ARE GETTING UNDER WAY Story preparations are under way it the Educational Studios for the irst of the new Ideal Comedy Series, vhich will feature Tom Patricola tnd his vaudeville partner, Joe r'hillips. This will follow in producion the first Mermaid, "His Error," eaturing T. Roy Barnes, Monty Collins, Virginia Sale and Greta jranstedt. A story, specially written 'or Lloyd Hamilton, is also being prepared for production. Mack Sennett's Scenario staff, coniisting of John Waldron, Earle Rodney, Jack Jevne, Walter Weems ind Vernon Smith, is also busily engaged planning and writing material or the players on the Sennett roster, ncluding Andy Clyde, Marjorie Beebe, Nick Stuart, Daphne Pollard, Margie "Babe" Kane, Charles Irwin, ^yril Chadwick, and Ann Christy. Second "Nick and Tony" The second subject in the "Nick md Tony" series being produced by ^ou Brock, with Nick Basil and rlenry Armetta as stars, will go into >roduction at the RKO studios next veek. Mark Sandrich, who directed 'Society Goes Spaghetti," the first if the series, will also direct the second comedy, as yet untitled. Charles Laniont. Al Martin, Johnny 3rey, Arthur Greenlaw, Tom J. Crizer and Bob Kerr are the writers working on material for the "Nick ind Tony" series. "Moonlight and Monkey Business" and "Big Dame Hunting" are among the comedies that will be made. Brock also will make four remaining subjects in his 'Broadway Headliners" series. Sennett Holds Trade Showing To show that Mack Sennett is con:er.trating on sophisticated comedies, a showing for casting agents and reviewers was held at the Sennett studios. Five comedies were projected. Natalie Moorhead, Albert Conti, Florence Roberts, Franklin Pangborn and other former players of the legitimate stage have been used in recent Sennett comedies. John Waldron, Jack Jevne, Walter Weems, Clarence Hennecke and Earle Rodney are among the members of Sennett's writing <~taff. Betz, Houseman in "Squealer" Matthew Put/ and Arthur Houseman have been added to "The Squealer" by Columbia. The company, under the direction of Harry Joe Brown, has gone on location. Jack Holt and Dorothy Revier are featured in the production, with Davey Lee and Zasu Pitts prominent m tne support. A Little from "Lots" By RALPH WILK DAY TAYLOR, veteran Universal director, has resigned and will direct "Buck" Jones in "The Gal-Shy Man" at Columbia. Ray has directed features, serials and short subjects. * * * Some Henrys — Herzbrun, Ford, Clay Bate, Cromjager, Gerrard. * * * Allen McNeil has sold an untitled original, which will serve as a starring vehicle for the four Hunter Brothers, the endurance flyers. McNeil has also been asked to direct the picture, but arrangements are as yet uncompleted. Phil Whitman will direct "The Fourth Alarm," a feature for Continental Productions. The picture will be made by Larry Darmour Studios and will mark Whitman's initial feature. He is a veteran in the short subject field. * * * Richard Schayer is a busy man. He collaborated with Achmud Abdullah on "The Song of India." They wrote the screen play, with Abdullah writing the original story. * * * Excellent reports filter in on "Mind Your Business," which was directed by Monte Carter, "Two Fresh Eggs," which Carter also directed, was shown at the Los Angeles Orpheum. Carter also wrote both comedies. * * * Frank Partos is writing a treatment of "Daybreak," which will be made by M-G-M. He is collaborating with Gerrit J. Lloyd. * * * Do you know that Richard Pearl is often mistaken for Bert Wheeler? That Henry Herzbrun was a track star at the New York DeWitt Clinton high school? That E. D. Venturini is a former art director? * * * "Banjo" is a popular name with Valentin Mandelstamm. He wrote a novel with that title, and also has a dog that he calls "Banjo." * * * Dr. Frederick Kuhner, who has been with Universal for several months, is en route to Berlin, to resume production work abroad. * * * "The Squaw Man" will be Cecil B. DeMille's fifty-eighth picture. He has made it twice before, originally with Dustin Farnum and later with Elliott Dexter. Jack Cunningham is busy writing the screen version of "The Criminal Code," stage hit, for Columbia. * * * George Bancroft's new film, formerly known as "Rolling Down to Rio," is now "Typhoon Bill." * * * Do you know that B. P. Schulberg, Bernie Fineman, Percy Heath and Richard Schayer were press agents several years ago? That Rollie Asher is often mistaken for John T. Murray? * * * Although "Lower Depths" played at the Play Shop a few weeks ago, Josef Berne, its director, is still being praised for his work in staging the piece. * * * Oliver H. P. Garrett and Wells Root, Hollywood's leading scenaristtennis players, are entered in the Los Angeles County tournament at the Palomar Club. 16 WEEKS OF LAID OUT FOR " tt Sixteen solid weeks of shooting have been laid out for RKO's "Cimarron," which has just gone into production under the direction of Wesley Ruggles. The picture is scheduled for completion Nov. 24. Levine Personally Supervising Nat Levine is personally supervising "The Lone Defender," first of the Rin-Tin-Tin serials, now in work. Walter Miller plays the male lead, with June Marlowe opposite. Others in the cast include Josef Swickard, Buzz Barton, Frank Lanning, Lee Shumway, Bob Kortman, Lafe McKee and Arthur Morrison. Story is an original by William Presley Burt, Harry Fraser and Ben Cohen. .,— — ^ ■-.■■^■r-r — mil* UI CTT3T" ter in addition to a lot of hoofing and other amusing business, and he is still going strong when the night club has been deserted and is about to be closed for the day. A very entertaining pro'luction that ought to co over well. GEORGE CRONE Director CURRENT RELEASE "WHAT A MAIN!" STARRING REGINALD DENNY "The type of picture every independent producer dreams of producing but usually fails." Harrison's Reports. "A trim, neat piece of screen fare. It gains momentum all the while and ends with a pair of reels which have plenty of laughs." Film Daily "Liable to turn out to be one of the commercial sensations of the year." Exhibitors Herald World "The most amusing comedy to come out of the film caldrons in some time." San Francisco Chronicle Now Preparing "HONEYMOON LANE" STARRING EDDIE DOWLING A Paramount Release J