The Film Daily (1930)

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THE '£Z*k DAILY Sunday, August 3, 1930 LATEST NEWS FROM LONDON, PARIS, BERLIN, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE AND OTHER FOREIGN CENTERS Foreign Markets HAPPENINGS IN OTHER LANDS OF INTEREST TO PRODUCERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND OTHERS IN THE U. S. By GEORGE REDDY NEW MASTER BRFNOGRAPH Detroit — In line with recent developments in projection, the Brenkert Light Projection Co. has put on the market the new Brenkert "F7" Master Brenograph, which, it is said, can be installed in any type or size theater. The new machine is completely equipped with pre-set adjustments so that double settings on each unit makes it easy for the operator to quickly change from one show to another and each will be perfectly framed, sharply focused and properly directed before the dowser shutters are opened. In addition there is a set of two directional mirrors attached to each upper and lower unit for independently directing the light beams and the complete equipment remains stationary and level, thereby requiring less space in the projection room and *»"* two small port openings in the to the picture ifuti-n. . ..— .. „-7 -..,.'. opportunity. We all know that for years good cameramen have been as much responsible as anyone else for the success of many pictures. This writer has frequentPre-seT "*iraSftffliram.eil absolutely dividual control of each blade"ancl' swivel adjustment locked in desired position. Pre-set iris shutters. Rapid operating iris dissolving shutters with conveniently located operating handle. Light intensity independently controlled by the iris dissolving shutters. Automatic arc controls to proven construction to each arc lamp. High efficiency lens system so that ample illumination is obtained with 35 to 50 amperes at each arc lamp for projecting rich color effects. Perfect rigidity of entire equipment. Ebonv enamel with polished nickeled trimmings is standard finish. Universal Elec. Making Welded Wire Wheels Universal Electric Welding Co. of Long Island City, is manufacturing welded wire reels for every purpose. There are three special types. Type "A", one piece, all welded; Type "B", three piece, Bakelite drum; Type "C", three piece, metal drum. All reels are bright cadmium plated. The company is also producing special reels for wide film. 'New Vnrk SpaHno T-aw rv»ctlir Double Service Paris — Upon completion of wiring, which is now in progress, the Palace, legitimate house, will do double service by showing talkers in the morning and afternoon, and musical revues in the evening. Prize for Propaganda Film Paris — One of the first acts of the new international organization for artistic and literary propaganda by means of films is to establish an annual prize of $6,000 to be awarded to the author of a scenario which might be used to diffuse a better understanding of the ideals of the League of Nations. ljearing sound in the theater day Scandinavian Exhibitors after day sometimes so accustoms ~D £ r* m n theater attaches to it that the volume Ureter German talkers seems insufficient. The tendency re Copenhagen — A preference for suiting from this is gradually to in German talkers has developed in Nor crease volume until it is considerably greater than it should be. The volume of sound provided in a theater should not be based on the judgment or inclination of any one person. What is to be sought is that which is pleasing to the ears of the majority. Opinions of persons sitting in various parts of the house often may be advantageously obtained. The fader setting should be raised as a theater fills and be lowered as the audience decreases in number. Theaters whose business varies rmterially on different days will find tint a uniform standard of volume for all days is not conducive to the best results. The change-over is generally the most ineffectively accomplished part of sound reproduction. Fast action is Peter Clark, Inc., Busy Elite Picture Theaters Plans Capital Reduction Bristol, Eng. — Elite Picture Theaters of Hastings and Bristol will meet on Aug. 11 to consider a resolution that the capital be reduced from 62,500 ordinary shares of one pound par value to 24,125 ordinary shares of 10 shillings and 38,375 shares of one pound, to change and reduce its capital structure. Admit Radio, Ltd., to K.R.S. London — At a recent meeting of the Kinema Renting Society, the body agreed upon the admission of Radio Pictures, Ltd., . (RKO British subsidiary) to membership. Sol G. Newman will represent Radio in the organization. 3,000-Seat House for Liverpool Liverpool — A 3,000-seat house, to be equipped for presentation of talking pictures, will be erected on the site of the Liverpool Stadium, former boxing center. For Projection — Stage and Sound Installation IRWIN D. RATHSTONE Projection Booth Specialist 152 West 42nd St. New York Tel. Wisconsin 1721 way, Sweden and Denmark, according to latest reports from exhibitors in these territories. The German version of "Atlantic," British International picture, recently was seen here by 220,000 persons, while an attempt to show the English version attracted only 1,200 in three days. An investigation made a year ago by John Ahl-Nielsen, Denmark correspondent for the Chicago "Tribune," showed that 80 per cent of school children choose to learn English instead of German or French, but nevertheless the German language appears to be more easily understood than English. Emery Chain Adds Five Manchester, Eng. — Councillor F. J. Emery has five more houses under his control, with the addition to his circuit of the King George, Cheetham Hill; Tower, Broughton; Plaza and Adelphi, Swinton; and the Dominion, Salford. New Sound for U. P. T. Houses London — Negotiations are under way for the replacement of B.T.P. talking apparatus in the United Picture Theaters circuit with Western Electric or RCA Photophone. Control of the U.P.T. chain has passed to Gaumont British, which will handle the general management of the theaters. The contract is for five years and calls for U.P.T. to pay Gaumont a sum to cover administration expenses (other than actual running expenses of the theaters) agreed at about $50,000 a year, plus $15,000 and a sum equal to 10 per cent of any amount which the directors resolve to distribute as dividends. EDUCATIONAL SUPER FILM IS BEING MADE BY UFA Berlin — Ufa's Carpathian expedition under direction of Dr. Ulrich K. T. Schulz has accomplished some remarkable work for a new talking educational super, according to reports received lately. With the game director of the Royal Roumanian Court, Col. August von Spiess, at their disposal as a special guide and expert on bear, wolf and heath-cock hunting, cameraman Juppe and Stanke came to "shoot" at a height of about 5,000 feet in the Roumanian Alps, exploiting every occasion and opportunity offered them. They succeeded in getting some very interesting species of game in front of their cameras, including some very amusing and thrilling scenes of the behavior and family life of a very strange rapacious bird, the black milan, which has never been seen on the screen before. African Bush Picture Treated with Sound Berlin— "Men in the Bush," a narrative of the natives in the Togo bush colony of Africa taken about a year ago by Gulla Pfeffer and Dr. Friedrich Dalsheim, has been given sound treatment. This was made possible through the producers getting together a sufficient number of natives from the Kru and Ewe negro tribes, who were brought here for the recording by the Melophone Film Co. on Tobis equipment. The picture has an accompanying lecture by Duke Adolf Friedrich of Mecklenburg, noted colonial explorer and the last governor of Togo, and there also is a musical score composed by Wolfgang Zeller. Sound direction and cutting are by Hans Oser and sound photography by Adolf Janssen. Terra-United Artists exchange will handle distribution. Key House for P.D.C. London — A key house is being negotiated for in the Piccadilly Circus are by P.D.C. to show its 1930-31 product The P.D.C. season opens about the second week in September. Art for Orchd FRANK 61 Barclay Si Wt "Cargo" Ban Lifted London — Decision made by Australian censors last May, banning the British talking picture), "White Cargo/' has been reversed by the Censorship Appeal Board. Slight cuts were ordered by the Board.