The Film Daily (1930)

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s tilt om&tnutfj, 91 <2lC f Here is Why We Are Establishing A New Precedent in Theatrical History By Staging the New York Premiere of "Hell's Angels" Simultaneously In Two of Broad-way's Major Theatres H "HELL'S ANGELS" were to play in one theatre OILY— there would be thousands of disappointed patrons daily. The magnitude of "HelPs Angels" demands greater capacity on Broadway than any one theatre can offer. Therefore we take this means of announcing to the trade and to the theatre-going public of Greater New York that leases have been signed for both the CRITERION THEATRE ■■■■■' ><>< GAIETY THEATRE U 46tk \liroauwau at 44th ^Jjeoadwau Both theatres will stage the dual Metropolitan Premieres Friday evening, August 15, at 8:30 sharp, with a $2 per seat policy to be maintained for an extended run. NEVER BEFORE in the history of the motion picture industry has a production demanded the combined capacity of two theatres and we firmly believe that even the added capacity of the two will not be half adequate to accommodate the tremendous New York demand for Howard Hughes9 (greatest Picture of All Time HELL'S ANGELS WHILE VISITING NEW YORK do not fail to see the spectacular electrical displays at both theaters, totalling 28,000 square feet of illuminated sign presentation. SID GRAUMAN