The Film Daily (1930)

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THE ■zzzzsset sra DAILV Tuesday, August 5, 1930 NEWS of the DAY Belgrade, Me. — The local picture house has been opened by Exhibitor Grant. Kennebunk, Me. — Plans are being drafted for a new theater to be erected here by William Littlefield. Newark — Dick Hill has been appointed district manager of Hudson county by Warner Bros. Jule Laurent has been given supervision of \V. B. houses in Bloomfield, Montclair, Orange, Dover, Bellville and Kearney. Pittsburgh — The Warner, now closed for repairs, will be reopened Aug. 15. Minneapolis — Plans are under way for the reopening of the Paradise, New Princess and Lyra sometime in August. Differences with the local operators' union brought on the closings. Superior, Wis. — Frank Buckley will reopen the Princess late in August. Grand Rapids, Minn. — M. W. Miller has acquired Charles Perrizo's half interest in the Grand. Williamstown, Mass. — With reopening of the Walderi, a new policy calls for operation on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday with two shows in the evening. New Bedford, Mass. — Reopening of the Empire is set for Aug. 2. Wilfred Tully, who was last at the Rialto, Brockton, will manage. Aberdeen, S. D. — The Orpheum, which has been under the temporary management of J. T. Stroud, is now in the charge of M. Wainstock, who has been transferred from the Orpheum, Sioux Falls. Stroud is managing the Capital here. Seattle — Jack O'Brien, formerly of the U. A. sales staff, has joined RKO. Newburyport, Mass. — Albert E. Fowler, Jr., manager of the Publix Uptown, Boston, has gone to Plum Island where he will spend a vacation with his parents. Manville, R. I. — New management has reopened the Crescent and installed sound apparatus. Haverhill, Mass. — Rumors circulating here state that Fox will build a theater here. Eastman Donates Rome (By Cable) — George Eastman of Eastman Kodak has donated $1,000,000 for the establishment of a dental clinic here bearing his name. Mrs. Chevalier Called Home Wet Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAU.\ Hollywood — Mrs. Maurice Chev alier has left by plane for the east on a hurried trip to the bedside oj her mother, who is reported critically ill in Paris. Powell To Make Scenes in East William Powell, who returned froir abroad yesterday, will remain in New York long enough to make scene.' for his next Paramount picture "Ladies' Man," based on a Rupen Hughes mystery story. THE MOST VITAL AND INTERESTING ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE YEAR HERE AT LAST MARCHES, OVERTURES AND POPULAR MUSIC MX R.P.M. lO Inch Discs AN OPEN LETTER TO EVERY THEATRE OWNER IN THE WORLD: Dear Sir: WE ARE PLEASED to announce that we have completed the first set of records of our series of popular 10 inch 33-1/3 R.P.M. discs. Each record averages three minutes. THESE DISCS CAN be played on any theatre sound-on-disc equipment. THEY ARE ELECTRICALLY RECORDED. The acme of scientific perfection. The very finest pressings and built especially for the better class sound equipped motion picture theatres. THE PRICE PER SET of 6 records is $5.00 f. o. b. New York. There are six (6) 10 inch 33-1/3 R.P.M. discs to each set. THEATRES IN EVERY STATE in the Union are now entertaining their audiences with these discs containing the latest popular music played by nationally known orchestras. The vocals are sung by Broadway's leading recording, radio and stage favorites. ALL ORDERS sent C.O.D. guaranteed to meet with your approval or money cheerfully refunded. Write for our booklet containing our new releases and the names of the popular artists and orchestras who will entertain your audiences. SEND YOUR ORDER IN NOW!! WRITE FOR OUR FREE BOOKLET. A POPULAR ORCHESTRA AND POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT IN YOUR THEATRE THE YEAR ROUND!! Sincerely yours, P. S. THESE RECORDS ARE CHECKER MUSIC CORPORATION SOLD TO YOU OUTRIGHT. ALBERT H. SHAYNE, Pres. LC/AHS. \fe Operate Our Own Recording Studios PARAMOUNT PUBLIX CORP. HAVE CONTRACTED TO ADD THESE DISCS IN MANY OF THEIR THEATRES All jRerarfo (guaranty or iimtrij QHjprrfulhj iUftmbro Most extensive list of overtures — marches — instrumental and popular numbers now being prepared. Play safe by signing a contract with us for a year for a minimum of 6 records per month. CHECKER MUSIC CORP. 1845 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY AFFILIATED WITH STANLEY RECORDING CO. OF AMERICA. Selections Now Available— Order 6 or More Records INSTRUMENTAL AVFRTIIDFC POPULARS (NO VOCAL) UVfcKlUKfcS 2788 SVMPHONFTTE 2760 MINOR GAFF 2791 BLACK HORSE 2762 PUNCH AND JUDY 2500 LA PALOMA (ME OUERIDA) 2790 DOWN SOUTH INSTRUMENTALS WITH VOCAL CHORUS 2655 IF I WERE KING 2651 THE MOON IS LOW 2654 SING YOU SINNERS 2787 RUSSIAN FANTASIE 2789 HITNGARIA 2793 SCOTCH FANTASIE 2792 FANTASIEORIENTALE 2834 IL GUARANY 2836 CARMEN MARCHES l STARS AND STRIPES 7 i DAFFODILS GROW 2652 WATCHING MY DREAMS GO BY 2653 THE STEIN SONG 2761 RO-RO-ROLLIN* ALONG 2763 CELLING IT TO THE 2838 WASHINGTON POST 2764 WutppoORWILL (SEMPRE-FIDELUS 2840 EL CAPITAN 2801 SABRE AND SPURS 2842 UNDER THE DOUBLE EAGLE MARCH 2765 WHAT IS THIS THING 2846 BATTALION FOR WARD MARCH CALLED LOVE CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON. Checker Music Corporation, Dcpt. F D7 Checker Building, 1845 Broadway, New York I | Place check in square at left if you send payment with this or ' — ' der. Enclosed please find our check for $ which is at the rate of $5 for each six records ordered as per list below. You may bill us for the cost of mailing from your studio in New York. I Place check in square at left if you desire records sent C.O.D. '-— ' Please send us list of records listed below. When they arrive, we will pay the postman at the rate of $5 for each six records ordered, plus the cost of mailing from your New York studio. Order by number or title Theatre By Address City State . .