The Film Daily (1930)

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THE Wednesday, August 20, 1930 JjQf™^ DAILY FOREIGN Dispatches Received From Abroad through the M. P. Division of the Department of Commerce. Kinoton Injunction Withdrawn The temporary injunction which Clangfilm had obtained in Germany gainst Kinoton, alleging violation if patents, has been withdrawn by higher juridical body, and Kinotyi sets will be sold freely to exibitors in Germany. Kinoton is ow active on plans for the marketig of a cheap set for smaller houses. Film Congress in Madrid A Congress of Spanish and Latin American film interests is now beig prepared in Madrid. Initiator nd president of this event is Don ose Franco Rodriguez. It is the im of this congress to lay the founations of a national Spanish film inustry. Theaters in Denmark Region There are at present 380 picture heaters in Denmark. Copenhagen as 42; Zeeland 61 in the cities and 7 in country districts; Jutland 78 l the cities and 108 in the country : 'ands possess 4 mo ters. The two Dan Sandberg and Carl ling sufficient em ........ with the limited oroduc on of the country, have of late diided their activities between their ivn country, France, and Germany, .aruitzen remains faithful to Pat id Patachon, and his efforts are the lly examples of the Danish cinema ■t known in many countries today. he Xordisk studio, which form i oduced several famous films, ha 3t had any striking successes to its edit lately. Cutting Amusement Tax At a meeting of the Grand Coun of Geneva it was decided to relce the amusement tax by 33 1-3 r cent with a prospect of further duction in the near future. The x is now 10 per cent instead of per cent. Poland Making Sound Shorts The Syrena Record Co. of Warw, which owns the only existing Dlish sound studio, has recently arted production of sound shorts. lie first two-reeler, released as an periment, proved to ue a great ccess, it is stated. Tax Proposed in Greece The new Greek Minister of PubInstruction has proposed a tax each motion picture theater tickfor sound film performances. The oceeds are to be used for the beneof the legitimate stages, particu•ly opera. This project of law, lich would impede the progress of und film in the whole country, s caused considerable excitement Greek cinema circles. Along The Rialto with Phil M. Daly ^ERRIFIC ACTION at the Kew Gardens front the other nocturnal, reports our war correspondent in that sector A force of minnie golfers, marshalled by Oscar Oldknow, staged a mighty putt-putt offensive at the New Gardens theater, which has been camouflaged to represent a real honest-to-Bobby Jones golf course Owing to inaccurate marksmanship only a few casualties occurred, including one dimmed lamp Stellar sniper of the offensive was M. A. Lightman, borrowed from the M.P.T.O.A. forces for the attack He holed 'em in one Morris Kutinsky directed some of the shooting * * * * UERMAN LANDWEHR, ace house manager at the Capitol, is back supervising customer traffic following his annual rest cure at a Jersey Coast resort Julius Cohen, who enlivens the somewhat staid "Journal of Commerce" through his picture colymn, is again working his enliving process after recovering from a Hollywood trip Wayne Pierson, head man for Howard Hughes in these parts, looks like three executives, he's so busy Add exciting news: Masterprint of "Maybe It's Love" has arrived at the Warner home office. * * * * LIOLLYWOOD, which has given birth to many stories, now provides one about a pitcher celeb who invited Sergei Eisen stein, Russian director imported by Paramount, to dinner Imagine Sergei's surprise (not to mention embarrassment) when she turned to him and murmured: "Now, Mr. Eisenstein, won't you tell me something about that wonderful theory of yours?" Anyway, we claim the distinction of being the first pencil pusher to interview S. Eisenstein in an Atlantic City yap bus And amplify his knowledge of American slanguage. * * * * ^HESTER HALE, whom every ballet girl knows as co-producer of stage revues and creator of dances, is personally demonstrating and instructing classes of more than 700 dancing teachers in the increasingly popular tie and precision dances All this at the convention of the Dancing Masters of America at the Commodore Will H. Hays is vacationing a la Western at the Lazy Bar H Ranch near Cody, Wyoming Classified ad: For sale or rent One rubber whale in excellent condition Write Box xyz, Hollywood, Cal * * * * TUST REMEMBERIN': When Emil Jannings arrived in J N' York a few years ago with a Paramount contract in his pocket but another arriving star in the public eye got more attention The other star was Queen Marie of Rumania When Paramount threw a welcome celebration for Gloria following her return from France after making "Madame Sans Gene" and Rose Pelswick, m. p. edit., who arrived at the Long Isle studio in a classy rig, was mistaken for the returning star and drew much cheering and horn tooting The chilly, wet summer day when Rudy Valentino died at the Polyclinic on West 50th St. and the hospital switchboard clogged with calls, ranging from Quebec to New Orleans, inquiring about his condition * ♦ * * QUR BUFFALO NEWSHOUND appears to have given us a bum steer when he frantically notified the city desk that Publix was leading a group of local exhibs in a campaign against a minnie golf contest sponsored by the "Buffalo Times" 100 p.c. friendship and co-operation exists between the Publix Buffalo theater and the "Times." and the Beauty Show staged at the picture house last week had no relation to a fight on the golf affair, sez Vincent McFaul, of the Publix forces ADD SIMILES: As unbelievable as a Hollyrvood chorus girl minus an appetite. HOLLYWOOD FLASHES Hollywood (^HARLES R. ROGERS, producer associated with RKO, has bought the talker rights to "Millie," novel by Donald Henderson Clarke. Charles Kenyon has been signed to do the dialogue continuity and John Francis Dillon will direct. Rogers has closed with Universal for an exclusive sound stage and office building. Sydney Lazarus and Matt Taylor have been added to the Columbia writing staff. Ann Harding will have the starring role in "Rebound," the Donald Ogden Stewart stage play, which Pathe has bought from Arthur Hopkins. Horace Jackson will write the screen story and E. H. Griffith will direct. Lupe Velez will make a Spanish version of "East is West" after finishing the English edition, Universal announces. Paul Lukas will play the leading role opposite Ruth Chatterton in Paramount's "The Right to Love." Margaret Livingston has been added, to Columbia's "For tho Love o' Lil." Howard Estabrook has received a long-term contract from RKO. George O'Brien is in the Hollywood Hospital with a badly lacerated leg as a result of an accident while making a picture. James Bradbury, Sr., Ann Brody, Marie Astaire and Fredericka Brown have been added to Paramount's "The Virtuous Sin." Monta Bell has taken the "East is West" unit to San Francisco for some Chinatown scenes. Dan Clark, promoted by Fox from cameraman to director, has «one to Arizona on location with "The Wyoming Wonder." Carmelita Geraghty will be in Warners' "Fifty Million French men: MANY HAPPY RETURNS Best wishes and congratulations are extended by THE FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays : August 20 Hyatt Daab Fred A. Kelsey Richard Pearl