The Film Daily (1930)

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THE DAILV Thursday, August 21, 1930 STHE IHNHHMKfi Of fllMDOM Vol. UN No. 44 Thursday, Aug. 21, 1930 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1930) by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY. 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chge. East. Kodak 214J4 2'08Ji 212 + VA Fox Fm. "A" ... 43i4 41 42J4 + V/2 Gen. Thea. Equ. . 30% 30 30A + A Keith A-0 pfd. ..115 113 115 +3 Loew's, Inc 69% 67^ 69% + 2% do pfd. ww (6J4). 104 104 104 + 1 Para. F-L ..' 59% 56% 59 + 2A Pathe Exch 4 4 4 + */g do "A" 8V2 SVt 854 + A R-K-O 32% 30% 32% + 2% Warner Bros 27!^ 25% 26^ — % do pfd 47% 47% 47% + % Warner rts 1% 1% 1% NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. . . 36 36 36 + % Fox Thea. "A" .. 8% 8J/2 8% + % Loew do deb. rts.. 33 33 33+2 Loew, Inc., war . . 9 8% 9 + % Nat. Scr. Ser. .. 26A 26% 26J4 Technicolor 25 24'A 24% — % NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 93 %. 92% 92% — % I.oew 6s x-war... 98% 98% 98% + % Paramount 6s 47. .100 99% 100 Par. By. 5%s 51.100% 100%100% Pathe 7s 37 58 58 58 — 1% Warner Pet. 6s39. 91 90% 90% — % Imagination -do you have it? (Continued from Page 1) ion that advertising and entertainment can never be successfully mixed upon the screens of America. * * * The next time anyone asks you if there is any chance for the little fellow tell him the story of Colin, Brandt & Cohn and their Columbia Pictures. * * * Our lunch yesterPictures and dav was at the ex" ., j-, . pense of the finan tne t uture cial interests. It was held in the shadow of Wall Street. Pictures, of course, was the main topic. Saying little and hearing much we gained that the collective opinion of at least some responsible banking and financial observers regarding this M. P. business is about as follows: That it is occasionally sensitive and not depression proof, but still more staple and evenly balanced than most lines. That the present economic depression and trying times have done much in knitting together better business organizations within the industry. That with the return of normal conditions our first string companies will lead the parade to bigger earnings and that all in all amusement in general and motion pictures in particular are as necessary to the peoples of the world as steel, food and clothing. The Industry's Date Book Today: Premiere of "Old English" at the Warner, New York. Aug. 25 : "Abraham Lincoln" opens at the Central, New York. Aug. 27 Premiere of "Monte Carlo" at the Aug. 28 "Animal Crackers," Paramount picture, with Four Marx Brothers opens at the Rialto. Rivoli, N. Y. Sept. 10 Academy of M. P. Arts and Sciences meet to discuss wide film problems. Sept. 15-16 Ninth annual convention of M. P. T. O. of St. Louis, Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois will be held in St. Louis. Sept. 17 Second meeting of Academy of M. P. Arts and Sciences for discussion of production problems and wide film. Sept. 27 Entertainment and dance given by Paths employees at the Hotel Astor, New York. Oct. 20-21 Tenth Annual Convention o) M.P.T.O. of Western Pennsylva nia and West Virginia, Pittsburgh Oct. 20-23 Fall meeting of the Society of M. P Engineers, Pennsylvania Hotel. New York. Nov. 1 Second annual dinner-dance to be held by Universal club at the Hotel Astor, New York. Nov. 10, 11, 12 Annual M.P.T.O.A. convention to be held in Philadelphia. Brandt Changes House Name Werba's Jamaica, leased by William Brandt for his legitimate chain, will be reopened on Labor Day under the name of Brandt's Carlton-Jamaica. "Dawn Patrol" Draw Holds Up "Big Boy" Due to the continued big business being done by "The Dawn Patrol" at the Winter Garden, the slated opening of Al Jolson in "Big Boy" at this Broadway house has been put off indefinitely. Affiliated Recordings Makes Change in Name Affiliated Sound Recordings, of which M. J. Mintz is head, has changed its name to Cameo Broadcasting & Recording Studios, Inc., under which title the organization will continue its service in the compilation and preparation of original scores for screen music, recording of music or sound, arranging of radio programs, and other related activities. COMING & GOING ♦♦.♦♦. f 1 B I 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 » New York 1540 Broadway BRYaot 4712 Long Island City 154 Crescent St. STIUwell 7940 Eastmnam Films | J, E. Brulatour, Inc. § i i Chicago Hollywood 8 1727 Indian. Ave. 6700 Sant. Monica g CALumet 2691 HOLlywood 4121 8 urn ;:-:KKa««««««:-u-:aK«:::-:aK: DAN CARROLL, managing director of the Prince Edward Theater and of the Queensland Circuit, has arrived in New York from the Antipodes for a survey of theatrical conditions in this country. He will remain about three weeks. MAX MILDER, central sales manager for Warner Bros., has left for a two weeks' business trip to the Middle West. A. P. GIANNINI, who returned tins week from Europe, is on his way to San Francisco, where his father-in-law is seriously ill. NEW YORK visitors in the last few days included George Schaeffer of Wheeling, W. Va. ; Claude Robinson of Clarksburg, W. Va. ; Frank Merritt of Birmingham, general manager of the Marvin Wise Circuit ; Ed Fay of Providence, and Oscar Smith of the Vita Temple in Toledo. FREDERICK BURTON, who has been appearing in Fox pictures, is hack from Hollywood to take part in an Arthur Hopkins stage production. NED E. DEPINET, general sales manager, and Gradwell L. Sears, western sales manager, of First National, have left for St. Louis to make a swing around the western circuit. JOHN EBERSON leaves today on a MidWest business trip in connection with various theaters which he has designed and is constructing. 'U' Music Corp. Releases Three Three new numbers have just been released by Universal Music Corp. They are "Wonder Where My Baby Can Be?" "Can't We Be Sweethearts Again," Lou Handman's new waltz, and "On the Merry-GoRound," by Handman and Benie Grossman. Phone Stillwell 7932 for NEGATIVES DEVELOPED and Positive Prints Made on standard or 16 mm. stock INTER-CONTINENTAL Film Laboratories Inc. 74 Sherman St. Long Island City AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Attractions for Picture Theatres Standard Vaudeville Acts 1600 Broadway, New York City Phone Perm. 3580 The Big Trail — Westward Ho as Indians Bar Way Moise, Montana, July 18, 1930. Winfield Sheehan, Vice President. Fox Film Corporation, Hollywood, Calif. Leaving Montana tonight with two special trains and twentyone baggage cars of equipment, having completed the Buffalo Stampede sequence of THE BIG TRAIL. Have had to use Pullman cars for sleeping quarters due to lack of accommodations locally and if the original pioneers suffered more from cram» cd quarters the present pioneeM would like to know. It wfl worth it for the buffalo chaS had so many thrills and JoW Wayne had so many close calls that I was mighty glad wheB it was over. For three days thi bulls in the buffalo herd ceM tainly were mean in their dispositions and now that meanness has been filmed and recorded for all time in the celluloid. Believe the buffalo hunt will top all the other high spots for thrills. One more desert sequence and then the end of the Trail in the Big Tree country and our work will have been finished. No more thrills to be filmed and the four months of worry is over, with no fatality or even accident. Am mighty proud we went over the Trail without injury to man or beast. RAOUL WALSH (Advt.)