The Film Daily (1930)

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THE ISZtl DAILY Thursday, August 21, 1930 Short Shots from New York Studios By HARRY N. BLAIR CAM SAX, production manager of the Warner Brooklyn Vitaphone studios, has brought Alf Goulding on from the coast to direct a series of shorts for the company. He will begin his first assignment next week. Although Ina Claire delayed departing from the coast for New York on schedule, she will arrive here Monday next to begin rehearsals for "The Royal Family," which tvill go into production the day after Labor Day. George Cukor and Cyril Gardner will co-direct the transcription of the famous stage play in which Miss Claire will portray the leading role. Donald Brian has just completed the leading role in the Chester Erskin playlet, "My Mistake," in which he is supported by Pat O'Brien. Arthur Hurley handled the direction of this Vitaphone Varieties. Lon Hascall marks his film debut in the Vitaphone Varieties "One on the Aisle," a playlet by Paul Gerard Smith. Roy Mack directed the portly comedian of the stage. Scoring of "Count Twenty-Three" and of "Felix the Cat" subjects has been completed at Chromotone Studios. The studio recently made a series of shorts at Jones Beach and the Pilgrim Hospital with Gov. Roosevelt as their principal character. MANY HAPPY RETURNS Best wishes and congratulations are extended by THE FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays s August 21 Albert Rogell Bert Roach Forrest Stanley Louis Brock Along The Rialto with Phil M. Daly 'TIN PAN ALLEY is returning to noisy normalcy With musicals receiving a refrigerated shoulder from the best Hollywood society, song-wranglers, once a mighty and expensive mob, now resemble guests straggling home after a serious week-end party To the sole survivors that oncepop melody, "When It's Option Time in Hollywood," has a sinister meaning When you used to walk around a Coast studio you had to be careful not to step on a song-writer Now you have to take three hours off duty to find one — if you're interested in finding one CHOTS OF Times Square at the noon feed-bag hour: Jay Emanuel of Philly bearing up bravely as he buys luncheon for a quartet of film gentlemen Howard Hughes, who. some people think, resembles Gary Cooper, inserting himself into an elevator, en route to his Broadway office Budd Rogers telling a friend that World Wide's "What a Man" has played 1,008 dates during the six weeks of its release existence Edward F. Stevenson, Visugraphic pictures chieftain, and Tommy Hitchcock, pony polo wizard, discussing plans for the fillum they are to make, with the international match at Meadowbrook next month as a highlight yACATION BREVITIES of 1930: Gabe Yorke's New Hamp shiring owing to the annual (annual at least) urge He's director of publicity and advertising for Fox Theater nowadays, y'know Hortense Schorr, Columbia p. a., is somewhere uo-state but refuses to tell all And the projectionist who is spending his vacation in Broadwav booths, watching other ginks run projectors Mildred MacDonald, secretary to Oscar R. Hanson of Tiffany, was injured in auto accident and is now laid up at home for a few days "R EAL ESTATE note: Jesse Lasky has leased a 17-room apartment on Fifth Ave. at 72nd St. and will consequently pay an annual rental of $35,000 Roy D'Arcy, Von Stroheim model, is optimisticallv combing Jersey City, no less, for a girl to play opposite him in his next talker for Hollywood Pictures Corp., sez a little boid to us He's on the bill at the Cameo in that hamlet Eddie Klein, in a line from Klein, avers that the A.M. PA. will go intimate with food at the Dixie Hotel tomorrow noon and hear, among other things, a report concerning accessories and such Harry Green, whose interpretations of the English language have made 'em tee-hee in many a house, will make a oersonal appearance at the Brooklyn Paramount beginning Friday TABLOID VERSION of our own "Oh Yeah" Scene: Cleopatra's old homestead "Easy Mark" Anthony (also in person) enters Sez Cleo : " Whv didn't you come home for dinner tonight?" Sez Mark: "Well, you. . . .er. . . .see, an out-of-town buyer came in and I had to take him to chow at Child's and to a talkie" Sez Cleo (operating her cooling svstem as she removes blonde hair from boy friend's shoulder) "Oh Yeah!" Fadeout as she laboriously lifts an early edition nf the Film Daily Year Book from table and heaves same at Mark, who collapses A RTHUR HOUSEMAN informs that winners of the American Snorts Beautv Contest, which takes olace at the Washington Baths. Conev Island, Aue. 29, will appear on the Brooklyn Strand staere the eveniner of Sept. 2 to receive their prizes Ben Atwell. to continue our press expose, sez that an exact duolication of Abe Lincoln's famous lean-to cabin will be di'nlayed in "Abraham Lincoln," oneniner at the Central Aner. 25 The Astor Hotel errand ballroom is going nautical for the Universal dinner-dance on Nov. 1 The soot "ill be transformed to represent "Morro Castle," new Ward liner Foreign Markets More "Song o' My Heart" Runs Sydney — A run of eight or ten weeks is predicted for Fox's "Song o' My Heart," starring John McCormack, at the Plaza, where the picture now is in its third big week. Capacity audiences also are nocking to the showing that started Aug. 16 at the Capitol in Melbourne, and an engagement will start Sept. 5 at the St. James in Auckland. Big Mexican Gross for "Quiet" Mexico City — In five days at the Regis, Universal's "All Quiet on the Western Front" grossed $18,000, a record here. The picture also is reported having shattered the record for receipts at the Porteno in Buenos Aires. 45 Days for "Jazz King" in B.A Buenos Aires — A minimum run of 45 days has been figured on for Universal's "King of Jazz," starring Paul Whiteman, opening Sept. 4 at the Cine-Paris. An extensive exploitation tieup with radio and department stores has been arranged. "Disraeli" A Month in Wellington Wellington, N. Z. — "Disraeli," Warner production starring George Arliss, has completed a run of four weeks at the St. James. This is the fourth city in New Zealand where the picture has played to big business. . Warner-Tobis Opera Planned Warner Bros, and Tobis will jointly make a screen version of the English light opera classic, "The Bege:ar's Opera," to be produced in Germany under the direction of G. W. Pabst. Jacob Wilk, of the Warner story department, helped to put through the deal while abroad recently. TEN YEARS AGO TO-DAY IN iTHE IHt NEKMTB Of FUMCQM Canadian exhibitors to meet oi First National sub-franchise pli| Dissatisfaction evident. Lionel Barrymore to make three more productions for Associated First National, making a total of seven. Samuel Goldwyn buys building fd Chicago exchange.