The Film Daily (1930)

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THE [HE NEWSPAPER )F FILM DOM ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME rOL. LIII No. 45 Friday, August 22, 1930 Price 5 Cents Theater Construction Costs Down 15 Per Cent i TRUST' CASE DISMISSED Paramount Reported After 1 00 Australian Houses The Mirror a column of comment TJST ABOUT the time that essimistic busybodies are prognosivaii<»g, ^v i lIi gestures, that this titeresting little old biz is headed or the bow-wows, along comes he Fox statement for the first ix months of 1930 A.D., showing n increase of nearly 45 per cent iver 1929. In addition, Broadway ommences to line 'em up at most ny old box-office and wire reports rom all over the country are equalV as optimistic. As long as Amerca moves ahead, so will pictures rosper, and anyone selling these rood old United States short for he long pull is a chump. * * * VXD NOW comes John Eberson, e of the rosy countenance, artistic ■ackground and practical plans, with well-designed thought for the ransformation of dark houses into loney-makers. Primarily he would lake them arcades with atmospheric ackgrounds. The old Harry Davis rlea of several different kinds of musements under one roof brought p-to-the-minute with modern dress, 'here' a bag of gold there for veryone if the idea clicks. * * * HE XKWSREEL Theater in Lonon seems to have become an intantaneous hit. So much so that lans are under way for one in every apital city in Europe. We have r been able to figure out why he idea, except in one or two favred spots, was not successful here !\ America. A properly edited newseel program i^ interesting, amusing, ntertaining and instructive. We still •elieve in the ultimate success of he X'ewsreel Theater when thoughtully managed. Negotiations Said to be Under Way for Union Hoyt Theaters Sydney (By Cable) — Paramount Publix is reported negotiating for control of Union Theaters, Australia's leading picture house circuit, which last year linked with Hoyt's Theaters and now controls about 100 houses. Calif. Court Sets Aside Indictment Against 11 Companies — Case Settled by Consent Decree PARAMOUNT MAY BUY THEATERSIN LONDON London (By Cable) — Sam Katz's visit here is reported to be chiefly in connecton with plans of Paramount Publix to acquire some important London cinema interests. Eberson Drafts Plans for Three Houses Abroad Paris (By Cable) — John Eberson of Xcw York and Paris has drafted plans for a 3,200-seat theater for Establishment Haik here. He has also prepared plans for a house in Brussels and another one in this city on the Champs Elysee. Juvenile Dep't From the N. Y. "American": " Lilyan Tashman, Mrs. Eddie Sutherland, Irene Mayer Selznick and Mrs. Sam Jaffe lunching with Mrs. Skeet Gallagher, who was out for the first time since the birth of her baby, at the Embassy." — of all places ! SHUBERT MAY PRODUCE TALKERS IN THE EAST Production of talker versions of stage plays in the east is reported under consideration by Lee Shubert, with "Ladies All," now at the Morosco, as the first legit, piece to be talkerized and three other scripts already lined up. Shubert is said to be negotiating with Oscar Lissau, Swiss inventor, for a new recording device. Harris Color Obtains Charter in Delaware Dover, Del. — Harris Color Films, Inc., of Xew York, has filed charter in this state, with capitalization of 600,000 shares of common stock. Cost of Theater Building ISozv 15 Per Cent Under 1929 137 Replacements One hundred and thirtyseven of the domestic installations of Western Electric Sound Systems during July were replacements of other equipments, states C. W. Bunn, general sales manager of Electrical Research Products. Theater construction costs are approximately 15 per cent lower than they were one year ago, according checkup made by THE FILM DAILY. Generally depressed businesj conditions, with the resultant unemployment, is regarded as the principal reason for reduced building costs. West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — One of the most significant and far-reaching cases in the history of the motion picture industry reached its culmination here yesterday when, upon motion for dismissal by government counsel in Federal Judge George Cosgrave's Court, criminal action on the indictment charging Harold B. Franklin, President of Fox West Coast Theaters, and 11 (Continued on Page 8) ALLPORT NAMED HAYS AID IN FILM PATENT PARLEY Paris (By Cable)— Fayette W. Allport, U. S. commercial attache here, has been named representative of Will H. Hays in motion picture affairs in Germany to negotiate details of the talker patent agreement. "Old English" From that combination composed of the finished artist in George Arliss, the understanding director in Alfred E. Green and the penetrating author in John Galsworthy, one has the right to expect nothing but the finest and most sophisticated in cinema fare. In "Old English," placed on Broadway display last evening by Warner Brothers in the theater that bears their name, this triumvirate of talent does not disappoint. Here one will find, bit by bit, the reflected genius of all three. To Mr. Arliss, of course, must go the lion's share of the glory. It is the type of photoplay that is great without being ostentatious. Through it runs an element of charm that lingers long after the final fadeout. As a legitimate attraction the play has long since made for itself an international reputation. "Old English" should prove a distinguished addition to the date book of any exhibitor. JACK ALICOATE.