The Film Daily (1930)

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THE SSuf—-^ DAILY Sunday, August 24, BQ :THE or fiimdom Vol. Lilt No. 46 Sunday, Aug. 24, 1 930 Price 25 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1930) by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph VVilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London— Ernest VV. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues. 19. Financial NEW YORK STOCK MARKET (QUOTATIONS AS OF FRIDAY) Net High Low Close Chge Con. Fm. Ind. 20 '4 20 '4 20 '4 + 4 East. Kodak .... 210^ 210 210/ + 3'4 Fox Fm. "A" . . 43 % 42^ 43 4 + % (ien. Thea. Equ. . 31 H 30 'A 31/4 + % Keith A-O 116 116 116 + 1 i ii « 's, Inc 73 li 71*4 72/ + 4 clo pfd. xw (6</2 ) 96*$ 95% 96% -r % Para. F-I 59</> 58 58/ — / Pathe F.xch 4 Mi 4 4 Ml + % . "A" 8 T4 8 '4 84 + 4 R-K-0 34 % 33* 33% — 4 Warner Bros. 25 74 2 4 '4 25/ — / do pfd 4S 48 48 Warner Bros. its. VA % 1 / NEW YORK CURB MARKET Fox Thea. "A" . 9 Wt. 9 Loew, Inc., war . 9 '4 9M 9 4 4 / Nat. Scr. Ser. . . 26^ 26% 26% + Vt NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eo. 6s40 93 92M 92% — / Loew os 41 ww . . 116 116 116 lo 6s 41 x-war. . 9834 98J4 98% Paramount 6s 47 . 99% '<'>':■: 99% — 4 Par. By. 5 Vis 51. 101 ini 101 Warner Pet. 6s39 89/, 8 7 '4 87/ — 1% Dickinson Circuit Buys Three Houses in Kansas Kansas City — With the purchase of the Mainstreet, Beloit, and the Empress theaters at f'aola and Osawatomie, all in Kansas, by the Glen \V. Dickinson Theaters, Inc., the total number of houses now in the chain 20. I § New York 1540 Broadway BRYant 4712 8 Long Island City }{ 154 Crescent St. ft STIllwell 7940 ft i 8 :.: i! Eastmaan Filinis 1 J. E, Brulatour, Inc. § ft ft ft ft ft ft ft :.: ft ft Chicago Hollywood ft 1727 Indian. Av«. 6700 Santa Monica ft Blvd. *> CALumet 2691 HOLlywood 4121 ft. }'•.♦•.••.♦•.♦♦.♦•.••.*♦.»•.••.♦♦.»♦.»♦.♦».♦♦.♦».♦•.♦•.♦»♦•♦•.«♦..♦•; 'WHAT A WIDOW!' CONTEST TAKES IN United Artists has arranged with 35 newspapers in as many cities in 11 countries to cooperate on its "What A Widow!" exploitation, in selecting winners of contests in those cities for free trips to Paris, Hollywood or New York. In this country, 24 key cities will send girls on a round trip to Paris, while Argentine will send a girl to Hollywood. From England, Spain, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland girls will come to New York. Paris will send one girl and the rest of France will send another. Prosperity Plugging Is Gaining Momentum (Continued from Page 1) regarded as a foremost authority, who has issued a statement declaring that business is ready to start on the upgrade, with surplus supplies well exhausted and banks in excellent condition to meet the demands of expanding trade. Paramount, which has been leading the amusement industry is plugging for prosperity, states that its Prosperity Week, beginning Oct. 5, will be conducted in the interests of the industry in general. Numerous forms of exploitation will be employed for this timely campaign which will include advertising in national magazines and newspapers, radio broadcasts, community tie-ups with local industries and various other propaganda. Paramount players also will pose for posters and photos to be distributed to business organization as an aid to trade stimulation. Five Branch Changes Announced by Tiffany (Continued from Pane 1) Louis as manager. W. L. Parker, salesman, temporarily is in charge of Charlotte, while R. C. Hill, manager of Salt Lake, is now Seattle manager, replacing M. A. Hullingm who has been placed in charge of San Francisco, replacing E. H. Strickland. Spoor Talker Device For Chicago Theaters George K. Spoor's new talker device, which lie claims is the most economical because it uses •mechanical instead of electrical means, is to be installed in some Chicago theaters in the near future, accordng to the inventor, who is at present in New York. Tri-State Exhibs Open Offices in Memphis (Continued from Pane 1) tional president of the M.P.T.O., who is helping the Tri-State organization in every yvay possible. Plans are now under way for the convention to be held at the Peabody Hotel here in October. J. F. Norman, of England, Ark., is president of the Tri-State group. 14 ON SUBJECTS THIS WEEK Fourteen Vitaphone subjects are being presented this week in five Broadway houses. The collection includes: Ripley's second "Believe it or Not," .Betty Compton in "The Legacy" and "Hold Anytiling." cartoon, at the Warner; "School Daze," musical, and The Potters in "His Big Ambition." at the Strap. I ; Clifton Webb and Fred Allen in "The Still Alarm," "Yamekraw," and Harry Fox and Beatrice Curtis in "The Play Boy," at the Beacon ; Bert I.ahr in "Faint Heart," Bobbe Arnst and Peggy Ellis and Slim Timblin in "Revival Day." at Wallack's; Ripley's third "Believe it or Not," "Congo Jazz." cartoon, and Walter Connolly, Ferdinand Gottschalk and Madge Evans in ".Many Happy Returns" at the Hollywood. H. M. Warner Scores Receivership Petition (.Continued from Page 1) the purpose of injuriously affecting the company's stock. Judge Hugh Mprris, of Wilmington, has been retained by the company as counsel and every effort will be made to bring the matter to an issue as speedily as possible. Warner said. Nelson's petition asks the court that the recent action of the Warner directors in offering new stock for sale be annulled and that the company be enjoined from paying further dividends on preferred or common stocks and from purchasing real estate and theaters from Renwar, Inc., the Warner real estate subsidiary, which also is named as defendant together with several Warner directors. Warner said there is no truth in the charges contained in the petition that sums of money were paid by Warner Bros, to Renwar for purchase _ of real estate leases and theaters .it excessive prices. COMING & GOING C. J. SCOLLARD and E. J. O'LEARY are back from Chicago where they attended the second of Pathe's mid-season sales meetings. E. B. DERR is en route to Los Angeles lor the third and last meeting of the series. WILLIAM LE BARON is due in the cast sometime next week. r ROD LA ROCQUE, from Hollywood, and VILMA HANKY, who has been visiting her folks abroad, arrive in New York early next month to rehearse for their stage appearance. JOHN EMERSON and ANITA LOOS, who wrote the play for La Rnci|ue and Miss Banky, will come east to supervise production. BARNEY GLAZER is coming to New York from Hollywood next week with his stage play for Colleen Moore. The Industry's Date Book th Aug. 25: "Abraham Lincoln" opens Central, New York. Aug. 27 Premiere of "Monte Carlo" tjthi Rivoli, N. Y. Aug. 28 "Animal Crackers," Paramoufpi ture, with Four Marx Brier opens at the Rialto. Carnival and dance to be he) b] the Film Players' Club irjtht grand ballroom of Starlight Mt East 177th St. Sept. 10 Academy of M. P. Arts an<Sc ences meet to discuss wideih problems. Sept. 15-16 Ninth annual convention f. P. T. O. of St. Louis, Ete, Missouri and Southern Illinokril be held in St. Louis. Sept. 17 Second meeting of Academy l; P. Arts and Sciences for disc icr of production problems and ic film. Sept. 17 Film Golf Tournament to bue by "The Exhibitor" of Phldel phia. Rinzler Shifts Manager in B'klyn and L. I., Hoie> Division Manager Sam Ri has made the following change ii managers of Fox theaters in Bnk lyn and Long Island: George Davis, supervisor, litis sup|M Herbert Mark as manager of the Stajn while Mark takes charge of the Cro Sam S. Clark, former manager of th«Na tional, has become treasurer and as manager of the Stadium, A. Bergenstc places him at the National. Sydnej P Levine, manager of the Savoy, h transferred to the Congress, and Bel Friedman, in charge of the Fortwaj been switched to the Savoy. Robert EjMc Cabe, manager of the Carlton, is no Fort way, while George Lanhart, supeeor succeeds McCahe. Trving Gold, manaj the Congress, has taken charge of thi terts atid Shirly Dinwoody, assistai Hold, continues with him at the L " \\ lliani Kastor, assistant manager o I Kismet, has assumed .like duties at the gress. Joseph li. Goobich, assistant ager of the Supreme, has taken ovi duties at the Kismet. Charles I has replaced Goobich at the Suprem? u J. 11. Goldstein, assistant manager i I Granada, is now assistant manage Meserole. "U" in Full Control of Capitol, Atlata Atlanta — Universal has re-ai its 100 per cent interest in the itol and at the same time diss, its booking arrangement with M 1 The house will he turned ove R-K-O on Sept. 1 for a perioi five years. Meanwhile the tit is being bandied for Universal i James B. Carrier. Let Us Solve Your Problems! Over 2 1 Years of Experience Qualifies Us as Specialists™ MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE Stebbins, Leterman & Gates INCORPORATED 1540 B'WAY N.Y.C. TELEPHONE BRYANT 3040