The Film Daily (1930)

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hursday, August 28, 1930 DAILY © LATEST HOLLYWOOD HAPPENINGS © = Coast Wire Service = Dng Term Contracts for Two Fox Players John Wayne and Marguerite urchill have been signed to new hg term contracts by Fox in recnition of good work in recent pices. Treacy for 8 'U' Two Reelers Emerson Treacy has been signed Universal in the principal roles eight two reel talking comedies. e firsts "A Day to Live," is now i;g directed by Albert Kelley un the. supe-vision of San; Erced In Treaty's support are Nina «iartero, Margaret Adams, Eddie Iyer and Jack Duffy. Lowe in "Shepper-Newfounder" Edmund Lowe has been transfer tl by Fox from "Stolen Thunder" t the male lead in "The Shepper wfounder." Leo McCarey will ect. Tommy Clifford has the •ole. ita Chevret for "Losing Game" Jta Chevret, recently signed by Hio Pictures for five years, has b n cast for "Losing Game." Others ii the picture will be Bert Morehise. Marian Nixon, George Mar i. Walter McGrail, Allen Roscoe al Robert McWade. Cawthorne in Fox Film oseph Cawthorne will appear in x's "The Princess and the ! iniber," featuring Charles Farrell ai Maureen O'Sullivan. Brock Finishes Another -ou Brock has completed the S'ond Nick and Tpny short entitled " izored in Old Kentucky." Mark Sidrich directed. Signed for "Charley's Aunt" une Collyer and Doris Lloyd e been signed to appear with Cirlie Ruggles in "Charley's it," which the Christies are makfor Columbia. Miss Collyer borrowed from Paramount. dded to "For the Love O* Lil" wo important additions to the • Columbia's "For the Love Lil," are James Sellon and Julia S|iyne Gordon. What a Boy! Douglas Scott, who plays vith Eddie Quillan in Pathe's 'Night Work," is only four 'ears old but has already ap>eared in 10 big pictures and an speak some French as "ell as English. A Little from "Lots" By RALPH WILK Hollywood JEAN HERSHOLT was permitted J by Director Rupert Julian to complete his featured character role in "The Cat Creeps," which Julian is directing for Universal, four days ahead of time in order to accept a proffer from Phil Goldstone of Tiffany. Hersholt has been signed by Tiffanv for the featured male role in "The Third Alarm." * * * None of the men in the cast of the Fox picture, "Scotland Yard,"^ is on unfamiliar ground. Each has played previously in at least one play or film dealing with the famous English detective system. They are Edmund Lowe, Donald Crisp, Georges Renevant, Lumsden Hare and Holliwell Hobbes and David Torrence. * * * Four tempting roles submitted by as many directors have caused Lucien Littlefield to indefinitely postpone his trip to Europe with his family. According to announcement by Al Christie, this prominent actoi was prevailed upon to remain for the featured character assignment in 'Charley's Aunt," which is to be produced on an elaborate scale. Littlefield, it was stated by Christie, who is to direct this famous farce, portrayed the same role now assigned him in the silent version of this production. * * * It is also learned, that immediately following the completion of this important role, Littlefield will move his belongings to the Paramount lot. It is understood that he has been selected for the featured character role of the grumpy school teacher in "Tom Sawyer," a most difficult portrayal. * * * Roy Del Ruth, Warner Bros, "ace" director, who was recently chosen by critics and exhibitors throughout the country as one of the 10 best megaphonists in the film industry, should repeat his listing on next year's compilation. Already Del Ruth has two outstanding box-office successes, with a third yet to be released; now he is casting a newly planned spectacular production based on "Ex-Mistress," in which Bebe Daniels and Ben Lyon will share honors. * * * Under the supervision of Melville Brown, who is directing Amos V Andy in "Check V Double Check," one of the largest ballroom sets ever seen on the screen has been constructed. In addition, the internationally known offices of the Fresh Air Taxicab Co., created by this duo of funsters over the radio, has been realistically produced at the RKO studios. * * * Toofic F, Simon has had to spend a. few days in a hospital following a too realistic pistol duel in a picture directed by Victor Fleming. With the picture version and dialogue for his next production completed and approved, Leo McCarey is preparing to select his cast. As yet no players have been chosen. McCarey recently scored with his direction of "Wild Company," produced by Fox. In the East QWEN DAVIS, JR., who was with Fox, is appearing in "The Ninth Guest," which was written by his father, the veteran playwright, who also was with Fox. * * * Here and There on Broadway: Lew Fields and Jack Haskell walk Brook and Bannister Opposite Ann Harding Clive Brook has been borrowed by Pathe from Paramount to share honors with Harry Bamyster opposite Ann Harding in '"1 he Greater Love," by Eugene Walter, it is announced by E. B. Derr. Rollo Lloyd is directing. Anton Grot Signed for Long Ter*. Anton Grot, art director, has jusi signed a new long-term contract with First National. ing down Broadway; Mike Connolly chatting with old friends; Harry Rathner talking with friends in front of the Godfrey building. * * * V. Pearce, atop the Strand marquee, is trying for a non-stop talking record. We could enter a large number of East and West Coast entrants for the record. Nat Levine arriving from the Coast, by airplane; Clark Robinson, deep in thought, walking up Broadway; Tom Hamlin strolling west on 49th St. Quickest return engagement in the 17 years' history of the R-K-O PALACE NEW YORK Week of August 2 and Again this week (Aug. 23) BENNY RUBIN Broke Records of Every Theatre Played During Country's Severest Heat Wave Limited Vaudeville Tour Concluding Sept. 19 Releases in the Near Future 'LOVE IN THE ROUGH* ( Metro i 'LEATHERNECKING' (Radio) BRUNSWICK RECORDING ARTIST