The Film Daily (1930)

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THE IE NEWSPAPER ) FILM DOM jl Ml THE NEWS ALL THE TIME 'C. LIII No. 51 Friday, August 29, 1930 Price 5 Cents lemaking Silent s is Hazardous, Says Griffith fDX rWARING BKTfOREIGN EXPANSION lubitsch Appointed Supervising Director in East The Mirror a column of comment >ER A NEW contract just m Jersey City, theaters hav ig(i<> need for musicians will not A to carry them on their pay during the past year. A and sensible adjustment of rhead problem which has operators of major-sized hcs much concern. It's been a ray tough position for exhibs ave to pay for something 'Mi, they considered, they could otjise in these sound-enthusiastic Similar situations exist in spots throughout the coun Readjustment along the lines 'it led by Jersey City union and 5, it seems, would be par y timely at the moment and certainly result in a more ious contact between the lions. Which is something des desire. MBI.VS NET for the fiscal nded June 30 is more than $1,I. Concrete facts of this sort encourage investments in picorganizations of established [round. Columbia's 'net, which t doubles its previous year's figndicates that a production-dision enterprise can make real i even without houses in which ly its product. The financial Is are compliments indeed for il)ia officialdom. Ire u VI ION of the San Francis yor for Governor of California led picture people. James is regarded as a good and con |t friend of the industry. This so, the elation felt by film folk | to tangibly express itself in iirnesi support of his campaign. Paramount to Make More Specials at Enlarged New York Studios Ernst Lubitsch has been appointed supervising director of the Eastern Paramount studios as one of the first moves in the exchange of East and West talent, first reported in THE FILM DAILY last Tuesday. In making the official announcement just before going West, Jesse L. (Continued on Page 6) WOULD MERGE THEATERS Rome — Plans are under way for the merging of all Italian theaters nto a Government controlled trust. All activities, conditions, wages and industry rules would be regulated by the Government. Signor Pittaluga, leading picture exhibitor, is slated for a commission on the board. Chicago Suburb Demands Open Sunday Injunction Chicago — An injunction to force officials of Evanston, local suburb, to permit Sunday shows in accordance with a recent referendum, is being demanded by exhibitors. Another Record West Coast Bur. THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Guy Oliver at the Paramount studios lays claim to a unique record in having played 341 roles without formality of a contract. WARNER-UNIVERSAL DEAL IS ABOUT TO BE CLOSED Conferences are being held in connection with the product deal whereby the Universal program is to play Warner houses. Closing of the contract is expected immediately. Increased Activities in Europe and Australia Being Planned A big expansion in activities of Fox in foreign countries, particularly Germany, Central Europe and Australia, is expected to get under way in the near future, following com(Continued on Page 6) ESSENAY PLANVCHICAGO BEING REOPENED BY SPOOR Chicago — Essenay's old Essenay studio on Argyle St. closed 14 years, will be put in shape and reopened early in January by George K. (Continued on Page 6) KEY CITY ACCESSORY DEPOTS SUGGESTED BY BUDD ROGERS Establishment of a national, centralized system of distribution for advertising accessories, with one branch in each key city to handle materials for all subscribing companies, was suggested yesterday by Hudd Rogers, director of sales for Sono Art-World Wide, as a feature (Continued on Page 6) Griffith Believes Silent s Will Always Have Some Field 'Birth' Coming Back "The Birth of a Nation"— with sound will soon be presented on Broadway. Music and effects have been synchronized with the_ original silent version. Success of tryouts have encouraged its owners, Epoch Producing Co., to give it a New York comeback. Remaking of silent successes into talkers is a hazardous undertaking owing to inability in most instances of using the original stars, said D. W. Griffith in an interview with THE FILM DAILY yesterday. Audiences comparing the new version with the old arc likely to be disappointed when the players they originally enthused over are missing, he declared. Griffith, now in New York in o>ui < ontinved on Pagt t > UNIVERSALE 20 SPECIALS TO BE SOLD IN ONE BLOCK Under Phil Reisman's regime as sales head, Universal is understood to be launching a new selling policy whereby the company will offer e.\ hibitors its 20 specials in one block and shorts in series. Concessions will be made where booking schedules may conflict. INDIVIDUALLY EXPLOITED