The Film Daily (1930)

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THE Timely Topics A Digest of Current Opinion o Developing the Family Program QNENIGHT or two night weekly entertainment programs, keyed to the requirements of the entire family— this is the goal of many community groups working with local exhibitors throughout the country to develop a family type of motion picture program suitable for children as well as adults. Reports from many parts of the country indicate the successful inauguration of such family programs. The advent of talkies brought many new problems of family entertainment both to exhibitors and to public groups interested in the production of family and child welfare. Sound which, to some extent, had substituted talk for action, had brought a type of entertainment to the screen often beyond the capacity of child audiences to grasp. So parents' and teachers' groups interested in maintaining the highest possible type of family movie program in their communities set to work harder than ever to secure the cooperation of exhibitors. More recently leading motion picture producers of the country, encouraged by the results which have sprung from such cooperation, have made important contributions to the solution of this problem, by announcing plans lot the production of talking motion pictures not only of definite child interest, but of adult entertainment value as well. The present tendency is in the direction of the selection of family motion picture entertainment in which the child finds a place, rattier than in the production of special pictures for children. "M. P. Monthly" There are 72 offices of distributing organizations in New York, and 23 in Los Angeles. jg^S DAILY Friday, August 29, 19: Along The Rialto with Phil M. Daly A/fARK HELLINGER in his column tells an interesting anecdote in the life of Lon Chaney 14 years ago Chaney was flat broke, touring the Mid-West with a little theatrical troupe arriving in a small Oklahoma town where he was booked, he called on the manager of the local theater to help him get his trunks, which were being held for board by the hotel in the last town he played so the manager staked him, and up to the day of his death this good Samaritan remained one of Chaney's close friends his name is Trevor Faulkner, now an executive in Paramount COME FILM celebs are lining up to support Heywood Brour in his candidacy for Congress a good thought Heywood is one of the few real intellectuals who has always given the film biz a fair break, and it's a cinch that in Washington he'd be a big asset for Hollerwood Jitnmie Glea son and the missus have just celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary with a big feed to their friends at Beverly Hills a song writer from Newyawk's East Side called for pickled herring at this Irish shindig, so they served him pickled pigs' feet and he didn't notice the difference which goes to prove that the liquid refreshments were of the usual Hollerwood variety < -T* 5f£ "pfc £)0 LORES COSTELLO is reported to have announced her retirement from the screen she will stay home and darn hubby Barrymore's sock and buskin Max Rudnick, former Brooklyn exhib, has gone over big with his first legit venture he has those chocolates stepping fast in "Hot Rhythm," the all-colored Broadway show Olin F. Peak, assistant to Ralph Stitt at the Rivoli, was all togged out in a new tux for the opening of "Monte Carlo." T EE SHUBERT, the latest of the Broadway producers to line up with the talkies, will present a stage show, "Insult," at Asburv Park next Mondav and what a title that is for the flip critics to play with Ruth Roland went over big with her personal appearance at a preview of "Reno" to the dousrhboys in the Sawtelle ("Cal.") Soldiers' Home and Mike Simmons, the publicity blurber, naively notes: "The audience was entirely male." Ruth was the only doughgirl Pierre Arnaud is much up in the air these days, now beino: known as the Flving Frenchman an aviator pal at Roosevelt Field is teaching him how to bank in the air, Pierre having given up trying to bank anything in the film biz T AURA LA PLANTE has recovered $8,000 stolen by three dinges in Chi tut, tut, a mere eight grand — hardly rates a press notice George Sayre is spending these evenings at the Night Court, getting atmosphere for a prolog and epilog for a coming feature How They Broke In: George Arthur Gray, assistant to Al Selig of Tiffany, many years ago was on the Cleveland "Plain Dealer," and the editor sent him out to review a Fox picture being his first review, he slopped over with a rave it was about the first time this naoer had ever said anything nice about a Fox pix so Bill Fox sent him a personal letter offering him a job ]\TORMA SHEARER and husband, Irving excited about a brand new feature, the Rudolph Kuehn, general manager Amusements, is struggling with his first mus having a tough time to consolidate, and insi ment Harrison Carroll tells about the who wrote to a house manager to explain week and the manager wrote back: ceipts were not as large as our expenses." seem to explain it Thalberg, are all same being a son of Consolidated tache. which he is sts it's no amusehead of a circuit a $287 deficit one "Because our re that would EXPLOITETTES A Clearing House for Tabloid Exploitation Ideas — © — 'Laugh" Ad Sells 'Top Speed" QNE particularly striking at vertisement announced "tl second hilarious week" at tl Hollywood in Los Angeles an featured a series of photograpr of the face of Joe E. Browi There were five of these photi graphs varying in size from small one at the top to the Iarg one at the bottom of the adve tisement. Opposite the first an smallest photograph was tl word "smile"; opposite the sei ond, "giggle"; opposite the thir "laugh"; opposite the fourt "roar" and opposite the fifth, i large black type, "howl." — First Natiom Movie Title Contest Plugs Line-up HpHE "Evening Graphic" running a Movie Title Coi test on Warner Bros, and Fir National titles. A cartoon d picts a scene of a forthconiii release. A box enumerates i the titles. The trick is to asce tain to which picture the ca toon applies. First prize is trip to Boston on a giant Fo air liner, and among the priz are tickets to "Moby Dick." — Warne MANY HAPPY RETURNS Best wishes and congratulations ai extended by THE FILM DAIL' to the following members of the ii dustry, who are celebrating the: birthdays : August 29 Ann Brody Hoy Lawler Charles J. Van Enger Dorothy Spero