The Film Daily (1930)

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* — — THE THE NEWSPAPER OF FILM DOM -c>£< ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. LIII No. 67 Thursday, September 18, 1930 Price 5 Cents Lightman Scores Exhibs for Apathy Toward Films FILM RACKETEERING^! ITS LOWEST EBB Syndicate Pictures Takes Big Expansion Step A Controversy — over the ladies of India -By JACK ALICOATE Proving We Are Wrong We have before u s undisputable and authentic evidence in the shapi of an affidavit by Louis de Rochdi mont sworn to, signed, sealed an?* delivered, to wit, to the effect th^{ regardless of our observation ariai opinion to the contrary, the newin reel shot of the ladies of Ind;d smashing bottles of Johnny Walkeh a la Carrie Nation, are the truth, tht whole truth and nothing but tl/e truth, and that these scenes wenneither, faked, staged or otherwi.tmisquoted. This fact, as a mattne of fairness, we are happy to recoiin in this exact spot. The newsretst regardless of its producer, is ouf popular diversion and our favorite nephew in the industry family. We' like to applaud its progress. Conversely if occasional indiscretion, seemed to us not only unnecessary but seriously detrimental to its progress and possibilities. We repeat to the newsreel fraternity, doubled here in spades, our firm conviction that faking of newsreel shots can tear down almost over night the prestige, goodwill and understanding of years of hard-earned effort. And to Louis de Rochemont we doff, in sporting spirit, our editorial chapeau. First, for proving to our satisfaction that our observation was wrong; second, for his splendid spirit in fighting for the clearance of any stigma of faith from his efforts, in his chosen field, and third, because we both agree on one cardinal principle NEWSREEL SHOTS MUST NOT BE FAKED. Probably no inPatrotlS of dustry move of the Tomorrow Past few years has attracted more favorable comment from organizations and the press gener (Coittinued on Page 2) Capitalization Increased, New Officers Named — 5 Units Busy Expansion of the activities of Syndicate Pictures, headed by W. Ray Johnston, has been launched with an increase in capital stock from 250 shares of no par to 20,000 shares of $10 preferred^ stock and 10,000 in their morning ceremoni George Spelvin sez that th these days, for they can't mags now that the talkies c and George opines of becoming creative.... D( O YOU Remember Whe first film, "On the Quie "De Luxe Annie" was the ft simultaneously, the Rialto record of "Hell's Angels'; Reichenbach was ballyhooi tional Film Corp th< sic and film, known as Film Warner Bros, and Fox are all operating in the state. "Whoopee!" Atlantic City — Here is the finest musical to reach the screen to date. The Goldwynian-Ziegfeldian transposition of the Broadway "Whoopee" to a film musical standout is a decided achievement for Sam and a brilliant start in pictures for Florenz. Eddie Cantor is immense. The film is completely Technicolor, is gorgeously costumed and alluringly musical. There is no attempt at realism. "Whoopee" is 24-lkarat screen entertainment, built for color, background, extravaganza and laughs. In each case it comes close to having a perfect batting average. A United Artists picture for any type of audience in any sized house anywhere on earth. ALICOATE. R-K-0 Now Operating More Than 260 Houses More than 260 houses are now operated by R-K-O throughout the country. It is expected that at least 20 new houses will be added to the chain within the next year. Fake Promotion Schemes Now Practically Wiped Out Picture racketeering is at its lowest ebb since the inception of the film industry, according to officials whose duties are to keep a check on fraudulent practices which reflect (Continued on Page 4) ALL W. B. CLOSED HOUSES MAY BECOME MINNIE COLES Negotiations are understood to be under way for the leasing of all the Warner Bros, closed houses in the east for con(Continued on Page 4) Co-operation on Kid Pictures Urged by Lightman at Meeting WITH THUNDER OF HOOFS MINGLED WITH SHRILL WAR-CRIES, THE INDIAN TRIBES SWEEP TO THE ATTACK OF THE WAGON TRAIN IN THE STIRRING FOX MOVIETONE, RAOUL WALSH'S "THE BIG TRAIL."— Advt. St. Louis — Declaring that exhibitors can control, if they so desire, the types of pictures to be produced, M. A. Lightman, president of the M.I'.T.O.A., speaking at the ninth annual convention of the M.P.T.O. of St. Louis, Eastern Missouri and (Continued on Page 4) "Outward Bound" A tense, breath-taking drama that marks another and a mighty big step forward in the progress of the screen toward the higher levels. It is just about the height of artistic achievement by the talkers thus far. While its appeal is primarily to the more intelligent audiences, the story depicted is sufficiently clarified to hit home with the average fan. Keen understanding, vivid imagination and a delicate sense of the ethereal were necessary for the proper presentation of this mystical tale, and all of these qualities were supplied with a bang by Director Robert Milton and the photographers, with a fine cast also doing noble work. It's a picture to evoke rejoicing from the most fastidious. GILLETTE. REN Ovate your box-office with Sono Art World Widei smashing rtorjr of the American divorce mill. — Advt.