The Film Daily (1930)

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THE THE NEWSPAPER OF FILM DOM AIL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. LIII No. 71 Tuesday, September 23, 1930 Price 5 Cents Ohio Exhibs Fight Ban on All Underworld Films FRANKLIN RESIGNS FROM FOX WESTjMST 12 Pictures Scheduled by Erlanger Organization An Experiment —in foreign production =By JACK ALICOATE^^ We like One Answer to Fritz Zelnick, a Big Problem t h e German dire c to r ial ace, for two reasons. First, his directional ability to steer us to the exact geographical location on the continent where the Pilsener flows the grandest, and second, because of his sound technical background and farsighted ideas regarding the somewhat complicated international aspect of the talking picture. He has just reached Berlin, from Hollywood, to make a practical test of what may be one satisfactory answer to the problem of production for the continental market. It is simply the application of the now tried and proven Dunning process, wherein foreign voices and actors are shot into backgrounds already photographed in Hollywood, and then transplanted, less stars, to studios abroad. Like many other big ideas, it is simplicity itself. For a few thousand frogs a million-dollar American production, with its lavish atmosphere and background, can be re-shot with German, French, Spanish or even Chinese principals. Startling and Unique sez You. Righto sez We. * * * No great picture has ever been made that teas not the result of inspirational and sensitively understanding direction. * ' * * Once upon a time there was a big industry engaged in amusing the populace by running pictures on celluloid through a magic lantern gadget. This indus ( Continued on Pane 2) Film Production by Legit. Theater Company May Be in East A tentative schedule of 10 to 12 pictures for the first year is understood to have been mapped out by the A. L. Erlanger interests in their recently reported plans for invading the film production field. A definite appropriation has been set aside for this picture activity and a producing organization is now being built up. Production probably will be centered in the east. CONFERENCE SUGGESTED ON NEW JERSEY ZONING A conference with object of drafting a zoning and protection plan for northern New Jersey is understood to have been suggested by Attorney {Continued on Page 6) All for Art Following the Cruze-Compton example, Doris Deane will have the privilege of being directed by her former husband, Roscoe Arbuckle, in an Educational comedy. Imagine taking orders from your exhusband! Rothaf el Stays at Roxy Until First of the Year S. L. Rothafel, who sails for Europe about Oct. 8, will not sever his connection with the Roxy at that time, but will resume direction of the house on his return and continue in the post until the first of the year, it is definitely learned by (Continued on Paqc 8) President of Big Western Circuit Settles Contract With Clarke Harold B. Franklin resigned yesterday as president of Fox West Coast Theaters. In confirming this to THE FILM DAILY, Franklin said he would go abroad for a vaca (Continued on Pa/ie 8) COLUMBIA PICTURES JOINS WILL HAYS ORGANIZATION Columbia Pictures was elected to membership in the Hays Organization at yesterday's meeting of the board of directors. Other business i ( ontmued on Page 8) Underworld Film Ban in Ohio Characterized as 'Politics9 A Film Fable JtekTJ2e,t ,thea,res '" 'he country will be KhNOvatnl! Advt. "THE INDIANS ARE COMING!" THE CRY THAT STRUCK TERROR TO THE HEARTS OF THE PIONEERS SOUNDS AGAIN FROM THE SCREEN IN RAOUL WALSH'S "THE BIG TRAIL." FORTHCOMING FOX PRODUCTION —Advt. Columbus — Declaring that the action of the Ohio censor board in banning all future gangland and racketeering pictures will mean a loss of $1,()0(),()00 to exhibitors in this state, the M.I'.T.O. of Ohio is de( ( ontinued on Paige 8) 35 INDUSTRIAL LABS LEASED BY MULTICOLOR West Coast Bureau, THIi FILM DAILY Hollywood — About 35 industrial laboratories throughout the country have been leased already to turn out educational and advertising tilnis in Multicolor, it is announced by Howard B, Lewis, general manager of the color company controlled by Howard Hughes. The new lab. here IS expected to !•• I • ad} Nov. 15. Meanwhile a staff of photographers is being lined up. those signed so far including Alvin VVyckoff, [*onj Gaudio, Harry Perry, Billy Williams. Hal Mohr and other-. The best Showman will Rl their marqueei and lobbies thi \>lvt.