The Film Daily (1930)

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THE ■<&mk DAILY Wednesday, October 22, 1930 :the ret newsrm th Of niMDOM Vol. LIV No. 19 Wadnesday, Oct. 22. 1930 Price 5 Cents I0HX W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1930) by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers •hould remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St.. W. I. Berlin — Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Con. Fm. Ind. . . . Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. East. Kodak Fox Fm. "A" . . . Gen. Thea. Equ Keith pfd Loew's, Inc •M-G-M pfd Para. F-L Pathe Exch do "A" 'R-K-0 Warner Bros High 15^ 18^ 188 3754 227^ 95 56^ 25 4954 3 A 65^ 22 2154 Low Close nvs 185J4 3554 2054 95 5354 25 47 3Vs 6ti 1954 19'A 145/g 1854 18554 37 22 95 S4K 25 475* 354 65* 2054 2054 Net Chg. 154 'A 554 1 1 7 254 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. ... 30 29J* 30 + 1 Fox Thea. "A"... 65* 654 654—5* Loew, Inc., war.. 6'4 654 654 — ■ 54 Nat. Scr. Ser. ... 20 20 20 — 3 NEW YORK BOND MARKET I.oew 6s 41ww ..11254 11254 11254 do 6s 41 xwar.. 10054 100 100 Paramount 6s 47.. -98 54 98 98 + 54 Par. By. 554s51 . . 102^ 102^ 102% + 54 Blofson Will Manage N. Y. Tiffany Exchange \1 Bolfson, formerly branch manager for Tiffany in Philadelphia, has been appointed manager of the New York exchange in place of Phil Meyer. Harry Brown of Washington succeeds Blofson in Philadelphia S New York Long Island City « 1540 Broadway 154 Crescent St. it BRYant 4712 STIllwell 7940 | Eastiman Films jH J. E. Bruiatour, Inc Movietone City — last word in studios (Continued from page 1) week and I am told about half that amount is already on the books under yearly contract. Its lowest cost now is about 7 cents a foot and they hope to bring that clown to 5 through mass production. We saw the latest, advanced, 1931 edition of Multicolor just before the reel was placed aboard the plane on its eastward journey to be shown before the Society of Motion Picture Engineers at their New York pow-wow this week. Producers interested in color should see Multicolor in its latest form. If the reel we were privileged to see can be taken as a criterion, it comes pretty near to being what the Dr. ordered. * * * „ , . This intensive in tSdCK to dustry is once more Personalities one of personalities. Analyze quickly those companies most successful and you will find their success in the reflected genius of their personalities. Once again the factory or wholesale system is being broken down into the individualization of those component parts forming its imaginative and productive power. Trade marks, presentations and extravagance of production are all right in their orbit, but satellites whirling around the present production planet as a whole. The good old public still wants personalities in pictures. After all, it seems like a hopeless job to find anything to take the place, in drawing power, of screen favorites. COMING & GOING LOIS MORAN will arrive Friday on a vacation trip. MARIAN NIXON arrives today from the coast for a short holiday. HELENE DARLY gets in on the He de France today on her way west to make the French version of "The Show Girl In Hollywood" for Warner-First National. E, S. GREGG, J. C. LATHAM and A. McLEAN, of ERPI's foreign offices are on their way here. FORTUNE GALLO arrives today on the Olympic and intends to make operatic films. ELISSA LAND! leaves tomorrow for Hollywood where she will be under the Fox banner. "Brothers" for Capitol "Brothers," Columbia feature with Bert Lytell, opens at the Capitol Nov. 7. 11 Units Are Working at Universal Studio (Continued from page 1) cula," with Bela Lugosi, directed by Tod Browning; Spanish version of "Dracula," and Spanish, German and French versions of "The Boudoir Diplomat." Shorts in work are the seventh chapter of "The Leather Pushers." Raymo-'d Hatton and Bert Roach in "Pineapples," and a new Slim Summerville comedy. In preparation are "Seed," "Strictly Dishonorable," "Firrs of Youth." "Mississippi." "Many a Slip,' "Merry-go-Round" and an original by John M. Stahl. RCA Executive Sees Television-Film Unison (Continued from Page 1) told THE FILM DAILY that occupancy of the Rockefeller-sponsored structure will start late in 1932. S. L. Rothafel (Roxy) is expected to join RCA on his return from Europe. Ontario Censorship Fee Boosted 333 Per Cent Toronto — Under the new order-in council of the Ontario Provincial Government, now in effect, censorship fees on foreign films are boosted 333 per cent from $3 a reel to $10. and $7 a reel instead of $3 for Brit ish pictures. Catholics Launch Drive for Purity in Pictures San Franc;sco — The Catholic Screen .Commission of the Knights of Columbus was formed here yesterday in a drive against improper films, stage shows and literature. Appointees to the commission will be nationally known dramatic, screen and art critics. The organization has the approval of Cardinal Hayes in New York. Luby Editing "Jazz Cinderella" S. Roy Luby has been engaged by Chesterfield to edit the synchronized version of "The Jazz Cinderella." featuring Myrna Loy and Jason R<ibards. The picture is being distributed by Classplay Pictures Corp. in the non-English speaking territories. Tiffany Contest Continues Tiffany's sales contest on "The Voice of Hollywood" is being continued until Dec. 31, Oscar R. Hanson announces. The New York exchange is leading, with Minneapolis, Denver and Milwaukee following in the order named. Alfred Mannon and Lou Lewyn, co-producers of the series, are sponsoring the contest. Chicago 1727 Indian. Are. CALumet 2691 Hollywood 6700 Santa Monica Blvd. HOLlywood 4121 flwwwwwHMMHmmumjiuaatttttfJI Let Us Solve Your Problems! Over 21 Years of Experience Qualifies Us as Specialistsirt MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE Stebbins, Leterman & Gates INCORPORATED 1540 B'WAY N.Y.C. TELEPHONE BRYANT 3040 THE INDLSTCVS DATE BCCtt Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. 21-23 Fall meeting of the Society of M. P Engineer!, Pennsylvania Hotel. New York. 27 Hearine of two appeals on Thachet Decision to be heard in U. S. Supreme Court, New York. 27-28 Annual convention of Allied Theater Owners of Texas at Baker Hotel. Dallas. 30 "Laughter" (Paramount) opens at the Rivoli, New York. 30 "Kismet," starring Otis Skinner, on Vitascope film, opens at the Hollywood, New York. 31 Harold Lloyd in "Feet First" opens at the Rialto, New York. 1 Second annual dinner-dance to be held by Universal club at tie Hotel Attor, New York. 8 Twelfth Annual Ball of Actors' Equity Ass'n, Hotel Astor, New York. 30-Dec. 1 : Fall convention of Tri-States M.P.T.O., Memphis, Tenn. 10, 11, 12 Annual M.P.T.O.A. convention to be h"ld in Philadelphia. 31 M. P. Salesmen's New Year Frolic at the Plaza Hotel. New York. Double-Feature System Again Hits German Exhibs Berlin — Exhibitors and renters are up in arms over the return of the double-feature system, which is said to be damaging film business in Germany. Many houses have been showing two talkers on one program. Paramount Anniversary For its fourth anniversary week, Nov. 7-13, the New York Paramount will show Jack Oakie in "Sea Legs". George Bancroft in "Derelict" follows. Opening of Leo Reisman as conductor of the Paramount orchestra has been set back to Nov. 14, due to Reisman's illness. "Half Shot" Breaks Record "Half Shot At Sunrise," RKO feature, has broken all standing records at the box-office of the Globe by a margin of over $3,000. During the week ending Friday, Oct. 17, the picture playing 11 shows daily grossed $29,200. Phone Stillwell 7932 for NEGATIVES DEVELOPED and Positive Prints Made on standard or 16 mm. stock INTER-CONTINENTAL Film Laboratories Inc. 74 Sherman St. Long Island City ♦ ANYTHING, THAT CAN BE SOLD TO THE FILM INDUSTRY, CAN BE SOLD BY ADVERTISING IN THE FILM DAILY AND THE FILMi DAILY YEAR BOOK ♦ ;