The Film Daily (1930)

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THE Friday, October 24, 1930 EXPLOITETTES yi Clearing House for Tabloid Exploitation Ideas € Big Splurge On Radio Opening THREE hundred exhibitors in as many cities throughout the country are all set for the day and date premiere of Radio Pictures' Amos V Andy picture, "Check and Double Check" tonight. Full page and double truck newspaper ads with big heads of Amos 'n' Andy and punch advertising copy broke yesterday in over one hundred and fifty of the nation's most important dailies. This is a campaign carried through by Radio Pictures on its own initiative and paid for by the producing-distributing organization. Tonight, through the courtesy of Pepsodent, Amos V Andy, themselves, go on the air on the RKO hour over the NBC "Red Network" to personally address their millions of fans in behalf of their first motion picture appearance. Newspapers throughout the country have already begun running the special art work and features which the Titan organization has prepared for the day and date showing. Tie-ups are in full swing in many thousands of stores participating in various campaigns launched by Pepsodent, Marx Toy and Williamson Candy Company. — Radio TEN YEARS AGO TO-DAY IN — 5TOE mNOSMftt Of HIM DQM rMF^^ Mi l HI «w. iP ■ ^^ All TOT IIMI Allan Dwan wants cooperation of trade press on types of future productions. Third National formed in Boston. Will produce and sell stock to public. H. H. Van Loan forms new producing company on Coast. * * * First National making further investigation into popular types of pictures. ■S&2k DAILY (^OOD MORNING, scholars here you are all bright and smiling, with your ears and fingernails clean (I hope), and thirsting for knowledge and you come to this classroom for it, which proves how Optimistic you are or that you fall easy for a line of salve ain't this film biz taught you to distinguish between hopes and hops? dear, dear, won't you ever learn? well, well, if Hy Daab will quit playing with that Amos 'n' Andy press sheet and Joe Brandt will stop yelping about prosperin' with Columbia, we'll try to go on with the lesson now what subject shall we discuss that won't strain your minds to grasp any more than it strains mine to talk about? "Profits!" yells Sam Katz and Al Lichtman together yea, you guys would think of a joke like that and in the middle of a bear market, too didn't I just say we'd talk about something we ALL can grasp? ah, I have it Ambition a worthy subject everybody's filled with it in this li'l biz all coked up with a desire to get somewhere and be Somebody so that when you walk along Broadway they'll point you out and say: "I knew that guy when he was a Nobody, and lookit him now, the dirty so'nso, he ain't changed a bit." then you KNOW you're a Success ah, wot a grand and glorious feeling to be talked about and what they say about a lot of you chumps who think you're champs would burn you up if I told it here but this paper ain't printed on asbestos and teacher has enough worries without law suits now quit chewing gum and snuffling your schnozzles, children, and teacher will tell you all about what Ambition does to the suckers who chase the dizzy dame in this here goofy game referred to by the funny fellers as the Motion Picture Art * * * * HTAKE THE case of Joe Blopp about 11 years ago he was selling sexy Parisian postcards made in Canarsie in sealed envelopes for a dime on Broadway and when the goofs bought the envelopes and rushed into a corner to look at the sexy pix, they found views of Little Bo Peep and Alice in Wonderland that gave Joe the idea to become a film producer and work the gag on a large scale and he cleaned up umpty million sticking red hot titles on li'l Bo Peep pix that were so clean and innocent that the censors went nertz trying to find the Dirt that wasn't there but Joe personally likes Dirt, so he spent his fortune buying translations of naughty foreign books only to find all the naughty words printed in foreign languages now Joe has gone clean off his noodle studying foreign languages when he can't even read English yet Ambition ? phooey ! * * * * AND THERE is the pathetic case of the Hollerword extra, Mike Mush, who has been hanging around the studios since they opened, and never landed a job but he has Ambition, so he stuck he started out as a boy who was a perfect type for a poor orphan and now we see him half a century later a splendid type for Rip Van Winkle, whiskers 'n' evrythin' .then his big opportunity came Slugem Films decided to make a pix of Rip Van Winkle... Mike won the featured part as Rip naturally, he was wild with joy fame, fortune, right in his mitt then the director, who was a hound for realism, told him that in order to get in the proper atmosphere, he'd have to do as Rip did before they started the picture "Whazzat?" asks Mike and the director sez: "You gotta go to sleep for a hundred years." so Joe has started sleeping but whoinell is gonna wake him up a hundred years from now? * * * * ]SjOW HERE'S the story of Minnie Hoosh for all you li'l stenogs and secretaries to ponder over Minnie started working for Otto Zugg when Otto was just a kibitzer in 729 Seventh Avenoo like some other clucks in this biz, Otto prospered because Minnie was his stenog and had the brains while he had the Crust first thing you know Otto owned a string of theaters and Minnie, just because she had her Heart in her work, used to stick around after office hours doing a li'l of this and that, thinkin' some dav she'd be Missus Zupp and one nipht while Otto and Minnie were working away happily in walks the real Missus Zug<r with six li'l Ztiergs and Minnie walked out just like that Ambition? oh, children, be yourselves, will va? Timely Topics A Digest of Current Opinion — €)— Future of Music in the Talkies TS grand opera doomed by the advance of the sound films, soon to be reinforced by threedimensional photography and television? Such is the belief of Mary Garden. Is grand opera to enter on a new era of prosperity as the talkies educate new audiences for the living opera stage? That thesis has been defended. Is skilled instrumental musicianship being destroyed by radio? So it is commonly held. Is the broadcasting of symphonic music building up a vast new audience which will demand more and more symphony orchestras? This point has been made. In such speculations on the future of music one would like to see a thought given now and then to other factors than the progress of mechanical invention. There is, for instance, the question of the rise and decline of prosperity. To what extent is the present certain "doom" of opera and orchestral music and the theater due to last year's events in Wall Street? Under different business conditions it is not unlikely that the directors of the Metropolitan Opera would have gone ahead with their plans for a new home. The development of Mr. Rockefeller's midtown arts center would have moved forward more rapidly. The hardships inflicted upon musicians by the introduction of talkie music in the picture theaters might not have been so severe if reasons for economy were not so pressing. The return of the musicians to picture theaters on our next wave of prosperity is among the possibilities. — N. Y. Times MANY HAPPY RETURNS Best wishes and congratulations are extended by THE FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays : Oct. 24 Arthur W. Stebbins Byron Morgan Marion Caldwell Julia Swayne Gordon S. J. Stebbins Henry Goldfarb Radie Harris