The Film Daily (1930)

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THE Sunday, October 26. 1930 :the nENEKwa of him dom 12 VMf^^^< wufciv VaL IIV No. 22 Sunday. Oct. 26. 1930 Price 25 Cents I0HN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher W. E. British Installations Nearly All Disc and Film Published daily except Saturday and holiday.' at 16S0 Broadway, New York, N. Y., anH copyright (1930) by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau. Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager: Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette. Managing Editor. En tered as second class matter, May 21, 1918 tt the post-office at New York. N. Y.. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, S5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber? fhould remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York. N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday. New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London— Ernest W. Fredman. Tbr Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne. Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle. La Cinematographic Francaiie, Rue de la Cour-des-Nouea, 19. Fin ancia NEW YORK STOCK MARKET (QUOTATIONS AS OF FRIDAY) Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat 6% 6% 6J4 — lfg Con. Fm. Ind. . . . 15 JT 14*$ 1SJ^ + % Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. WA ™A WA + ZA East. Kodak 192/, 188^ \92 + 5 Fox Fm. "A" . . 39*$ 37J* 39*J + 2% Gen. Thea. Equ. . 23*4 21*< 23*4 + W* Loew's, Inc 5854 56J4 58*$ + 2*$ Para. F-L 49*$ 48^4 49*$ + 1*$ Pathe Exch 3lA 3% 3% + % do "A" 7 (,% 7 + H R-K-O 21*4 20J4 21*4 + Hi Warner Bros 2154 20'A 2VA + H NEW YORK CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. Vtc 2854 28 2S'A + H Fox Thea. "A"... 6*$ (>A 654 — »/$ Loew do deb rts. 22 22 22 +354 Loew, Inc., war.,. 654 6 6J4 + H Nat. Scr. Ser.... 21 21 21+1 Technicolor 12^ 1254 12 V% + % NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. 85 84*4 84*4 — V* Keith A-O 6s 46.. 81 8054 80J4 — J4 Loew 6s 41 x-war.100 100 100 — 1 Paramount 6s 47 . 96*4 96*4 96*4 — 54 Par. By. 5^s51.,102^ 102?$ 102 % Par. 5!4s50 885i 87?$ 88 — J4 Pathe 7s37 45 45 45 Practically all Western Electric sound installations being made in Europe are combination equipments providing both sound-on-film and disc, according to E. S. Gregg, European manager for Electrical Research. Only about a dozen of the orders received to the best of his knowledge call for single reproducers, he said. Gregg sails Wednesday on the Berengaria, returning to his headquarters in London following a three weeks' visit to New York to confer with home office officials. A proposal to reduce prices on equipment being sold on the foreign market has been under discussion, he stated, but no decision has been reached in the matter. Approximately 1,000 of the 1,600 W. E. devices installed in Europe are in the British Isles, said Gregg Owing to the fact that production of French talkers is speeding up, he expects equipment orders to increase substantially from now on. Three W. E. recording devices are being used in EuroDe. Thev are located a<= follows: British & Dominion Films studio _ at Elstree: Paramount studio at Joinville and the Braunberger plant at Billancourt. Dick Anderson Out of 'IP Dick Anderson, lately handling newsreel sales for Universal, is leaving the company. COMING & GOING C. GRAHAM BAKER is coming to New Vork around Nov. 1 with the script of Dick Barthlemess' next picture. MRS. LAWRENCE TTBBET sailed yes'erday on the He de France. JAMES RENNIE sails on the Mametania Nov. 4 for a pleasure trip. OTIS SKINNER and SIDNEY BLACK MER wi'l come tn New York for the opening of "Kismet" Oct. 30. PAUL BURGER of United Artists has returned from a trip to New Orleans. E. S. GREGG. European manager for Electrical Research Products, sails for Eng'and on Wednesday after a visit here. Two-Reel Drama Series Started at Audio Cinema Bertram Harrison has completed the script of "Her Story," a two-reel production to be made at the Audio Cinema studios. Raymond Friedgen, who will direct the production, is now assembling the cast which already includes Roy D'Arcy, Louise Carter and Wyndham Standing. "Her Story" is the first of 12 two-reel shorts, all of which will be distributed by the Edward L. Klein Corporation. Al Lichtman Will Speak at M.P.T.O.A. Convention Al Lichtman of United Artists has been added to the list of speakers for the M.P.T.O.A. convention in Philadelphia next month. Ed Kuykendahl. Mississippi exhibitor, also has been obtained by M. A. Lightman as one of the speakers at the opening session, Nov. 10. Other additional speakers announced by Lightman include R. E. Logsden of the Memphis Chamber of Commerce, Michael L. Simmons and a group of A.M. P. A. members, Paul Block of the Block newspapers, and David Stern of the Philadelphia "Record". The Allied States Ass'n has taken exception to some of the names announced as on the M.P.T.O.A. convention committee, declaring that the list contains names of Allied members who have not agreed to serve on the committee. These included Ernest H. Horstmann, L. L. Bard, Harry Nolan. A. C. Zaring and Merle Davis. National Screen Releasing Two Armistice Trailer? National Screen Service has comoleted two presentations for Armistice Day. one silent and one sound on-film. The historic events of 191418 are memorialized and treated editorially in a review with appropriate pictorial settings as background silhouettes. New York il ^540 Broadway BRYant 4712 Long Island City 154 Crescent St. STIllwell 7940 i j; :,■ :.: :.: a 1 Eastman Films | § J. E. Bruiatour, Inc i v Hollywood *•* Chicago 6700 Santa Monica S 1727 Indiana Are. Blvd. K CALumet 2691 HOLlywood 4121 jj liinmii m h tjWwwawtitiggw aantuJ Let Us Solve Your Problems! Over 21 Years of Experience Qualifies Us as Specialists^ MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE Stebbins, Leterman & Gates INCORPORATED 1540 B'WAY N.Y.C. TELEPHONE BRYANT 3040 THE INDUSTRY'S DATE BC€K U) 31 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. 8 l Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. 27 Hearing of two appeals on Thacher Decision to be heard in U. S. Supreme Court. New York. 27-28 Annual convention of Allied Theater Owners of Texas at Bakei Hotel. Dallas "Kismet," starring Otis Skinner, on Vitascope film, opens at the Hollywood, New York. Opening of RKO Mayfair, New York, with "Check and Double Check" (Amos 'n' Andy). Harold Lloyd in "Feet First" opens at the Rialto, New York. Second annual dinner-dance to be held by Universal club at th# Hotel Astor. New York. Dinner-Dance of the Warner Club at the Hotel Nfw Yorker. "Life of the Party," Warner Bros., opens at the New York Winter Garden. Twelfth Annual Ball of Actors' Equity Ass'n, Hotel Astor, New York. 11, 12 Annual M.P.T.O.A. convention to be h'Od in Philadelphia 18-19 Tenth Annual convention of M. P.T.O. of Ohio, Columbus. 30-Dec. 1 : Fall convention of Tri-Statei M. P.T.O. . Memphis, Tenn. 31 M. P. Salesmen's New Year Frolic at the Plaza Hotel. New York. 10, Hays Tells Radio Fans Prosperity is Coming That a period of "Vigorous prosperity" is ahead was the prediction made by Will H. Hays in an address broadcast last night over the Columbia system. The subject of his address was: "Forging an Industry out of Shadows and Sound." New Incorporations Spanish Talking Pictures Corp.; Fitelson, Lerman & Mayers, 70 West 40th St., New York. 200 shares common. The Wilber Amusement Co.; J. W. Cody, Phillipsburg, N. J. $10,000. Metropolitan Christie Pictures Corp., Ltd., Dover, Del., amusement enterprises, Un'ted States Corporation Co. 2,000,000 shares common. W. S. M. Amusement Corp., Philadelphia, Pa., amusement proprietors; Corporation Guarantee Trust Co. 100 shares common. Capital Increases General Theaters Equipment, Inc., New York. 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 shares no par. EXTMK5R of Philadelphia of Washington THt NtW YORK ATATt yCfflBIToR of New York. Albany and Buffalo "The Pride of the East Coast >' The "Home Town Papers" of 4.600 theatre owners. The most intensively read journals in the ind u s t r y — Keeping everlastingly at it for the 12th successive year. 100% coverage a 35% territory! EMANUEL-GOODWIN PUBLICATIONS, < New York — Philadelphia — Washington' ! Man Office, 219 N. BROAD ST., PHILA.