The Film Daily (1930)

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Sunday, October 26, 1930 -. SWl DAILY EQU IP M EN T BOOTH. Bausch & Lomb Develop Lens for Wide Screen Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. has ..itroduced a new series of projection lenses known as the Super-Cinephor lenses, and a special Cinephor Condenser system, which are said to solve the problem in the way of condensing systems and projection lenses to satisfactorily illuminate and depict the wide film picture. These products are the result of long research by the company's scientific bureau, headed by W. B. Rayton. About two years ago there was introduced a new series of photographic lenses, known as the Raytar, working at a speed of F 2.3, which many of the cameramen have pronounced as highly satisfactory even for Grandeur. The Super-Cinephor lenses, it is said, are made in focal lengths arranging from 2 inches to 5/j inches in J^-inch steps. From 3 inches focus on up, these lenses will project the 23 by 46 wide film aperture satisfactorily, provided they are used in conjunction with a suitable and adequate illuminating system. The shorter focal lengths are the only satisfactory lenses for those who are using 35 mm. film and projecting the wide picture. These lenses are particularly noted for their flatness of field, sharp definition, freedom from distortion and excellent color GOLD SE4L TICKET REGISTERS Protection — Sprrri— Efficiency GENERAL REGISTER CORP. Paramount Building Chickcring 4065 New York J. C Ensi.f.n, Cm. Sales Mpr. correction, and are said to be the first anastigmats to be offered for motion picture projection. The condensing system is a highly corrected system, the rear condenser which is 5^2-inch diameter being sphero-cylindrical in form and a front condenser, which is 6 inches in diameter, being of sphero-parabolic form. They must be set up according to very definite specifications and the projectionist using them musl see that these specifications are complied with regardless of whatever mechanical modifications he may have to make on his equipment. Fox's "The Big Trail," now at the Roxy, is using these lenses. New Condenser Manual Aerovox Wireless Corp. of Brooklyn has published a new 32-page manual for free distribution on electrolytic condensers, their uses, advantages and limitations, with detailed data and characteristics of the Aerovox Hi-Farad dry electrolytic condenser. 16 mm and 35 mm MOTION PICTURE APPARATUS of Every Type Consult Us and Save Money UIIUXKIGHByS If 110 West 32"St.Ne» *>rti.MV ~ Phone Penna. 0330 Motion Picture Department U. S. and Canada Agenti for Debrie 'VANITYWARE NIGHTS ASSURES YOU A STEADY BUSINESS" Four campaigns 26 to 52 weeks Deal direct with a responsible manufacturer. Wanted — Representativea to call on theatres in their territory. Can make big money. ASTORLOID MFG. CO., Inc. Solid merchandise only (not filled) rose or jade Price range io^, uy2, \z% and 13^ cents 17 Hopkins St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Magazine Light A light that can be attached to the side of a magazine, for the purpose of illuminating the inside and showing the exact amount of film on the reel from either side without opening the door, is being manufactured by the Best Devices Co. of Cleveland. Switches to Photophone Racine, Wis. — R-K-O's Mainstreet has replaced its former equipment with the latest models of RCA Photophone. FILM SPEAKER COMPANY TO HANDLE RACON UNITS Film Speaker Co. of Oklahoma City has been Riven the distribution of the products of the Racon Electric Co. of New York in the Oklahoma territory. Racon manufactures a complete line of horns, dynamic speakers, etc. The Racon horn is used as standard equipment by De Forest in all its installations, and by many of the independent companies. "modem motion pictures Wide screen presentation99 The Peter Clark Screen Adjustor can be enlarged or contracted to fit any size film. It fulfills all the demands of the present motion picture and has anticipated the needs of the future. Equip now and be ready for better pictures and bigger profits. Further information upon request. "Stage Equipment with a Reputation" PETER CLARK INC. 540 West 30th Street New York, N. Y. DECORATIVE SHRUBS Trees and Flowers Grass Mats for Lawn Effects for Golf Courses Orchestra Pits Lobbies and Foyers Write for Catalogue No. 3 Frank Netschert, Inc. 61 Barclay St., N. Y. Phone : Barclay 0166