The Film Daily (1930)

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Sunday, November 2, 1930 :the IKNHHMFB Of HIMDOM »ol. LIV Ho. 28 Sunday, Nov. 2. 1930 Price 25 Cents 10HN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1930) by Wid's Films and Film Folks Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor En tered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 mon'hs, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00 Subscribers should remit with order Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph VVilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London— Ernest W. Fredman. The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehtie, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET (QUOTATIONS AS OF FRIDAY) Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat 5*4 5A W* + K Con. Fm. Ind.... 14 13^ \3% — % Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 19 18J4 18}4 — J* East. Kodak . .172J4 169*4 171)4— X Fox Fm. "A" .. 37J4 36A 36'A — \% Gen. Thea. Equ... 21& 20-4 21 — ^ Loew's, Inc 58 55^ 56 — 2J^ Para. F-L 49^ WA 48 — 1 Pathe Exch 3*4 3A 3'A — tt do "A" (>% 6V4 6H — A R-K-0 23J4 21*6 2m— % Warner Bros 20A 18% 19A — 1% NEW YORK CURB Columbia Pets. Vtc 27A Fox Thea. "A" .. 6% Loew do deb rts . . . 20 Nat. Scr. Ser. .. \9^ Technicolor 12 A NEW YORK BOND (Jen. Th. Eq. 6s40 SS'A Keith A-O 6s 46.. 81 Loew 6s 41 x-war.100 Paramount 6s 47. . 96 Par. By. 5Hs51..103 Par. 5#s50 88 Pathe 7s37 50 Warners 6s39 80 !B MARKET 27 A 27A — 1/ 6 6 — A 20 20 — 6 17A 17'/ — 3 A 12" 12A + A [D MARKET 84 84 — 1A 81 81 + a 99'/, 99'/ — A 95*4 96 + A 102)4 102)4 — A 87 A 87/ — A 48 49 + m 795* 78% + A Stapleton Paramount Opens The Paramount at Stapleton, Staten Island, opened Friday ni^ht with "Monte Carlo" on the bill. Premiere of the theater, which seats 2,000, attracted various civic officials. Television Belongs To Films, Radio Commissioner Declares Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — When practical television arrives it will be a theater proposition rather than a radio development, according to Federal Radio Commissioner Harold A. Lafount. "The 'movies of the air' will require the acme of showmanship," says Lafount, "and there is no group better qualified to supply it than the motion picture interests. It is my view that the evolution of television will be a great theatrically controlled entertainment and educational medium, very likely made available to the people along wires." Lafount admits, however, the practical application of television is still far off. John Murray Anderson Assigned Dramatic Story John Murray Anderson, the stage musical impresario who directed "King of Jazz," has been given a dramatic story as his next assignment for Universal. It was written by William K. Wells, Edward Luddy and C. Jerome Horwin, 'U' staff writers, and is temporarily called "Fan Mail." London "Hell's Angels" Selling Two Weeks Ahead London — Tickets for "Hell's Angels' at the Pavilion are selling out almost two weeks ahead. Royalty has already begun to patronize the Howard Hughes air epic, among those attending being Prince George Queen Victoria of Spain and Lord and Lady Mountbatten. Spargo Editing Minnie Mag. E. S. Spargo, formerly with Par amount and other film interests, is publishing the International Minia ture Golf Magazine, the first issue of which appears Nov. IS. Chas. Goetz Opens Casting Agency Under the name of Thornton & Goetz, Inc., Charles Goetz, former exchange man and producer, has opened a casting office with his new partner, Thornton, a well-known artists' model, in the Chrysler building. They will specialize in placing artists' models in pictures. EARLIER SECOND RUNS SOUGHT BY TEXAS ALLIED Dallas — Special effort to bring -i bout earlier release on second runs vill be made by the Allied Theater Owners of Texas following a dis :ussion of the subject at the con ention here last Monday and Tuesday. Will Horwitz of Houston, new ^resident of the organization, sue eeding H. A. Cole, who declined to -tin for an eighth term, was the principal speaker on the subject of ■cond runs. Abram F. Myers and TT M. Richey also were on hand to address the gathering. A reduction was made in the finan <'al assessment of members, brine' ing the annual rate down to \lA ents per head of population in the °<=nective cities, instead of the 3 cents a head formerly paid, and Tif fany's indie contract was approved. Reuben Frels of Victoria and W E. Hodges of Stamford are the new ice-presidents of the Texas Allied ^pnnett Haralson continues as sec retary. Three Publix Birthdays with "Laughter" As BilT Three Publix houses observe birthday anniversaries within a few weeks. The Paramount, New York^ wil' -elebrate its fourth anniversary thweek beginning Nov. 7. In Brook'yn the Paramount will observe itecond birthday the following week. The Metropolitan, Boston, is alsr iue for an anniversary celebratio' oon. "Laughter" will be the attraction at all houses. Holmes Opposite Carroll Phillips Holmes has been assignee4 fo appear opposite Nancy Carroll ir "Stolen Heaven." which goes into production at the Paramount New Trork studios in about a week. Paul Lukas also will be in the cast. Powell for "Death Takes Holiday" William Powell is understood to be slated for the lead in "Death Takes A Holiday." 1 U New York Long Island City :'t 1540 Broadway 154 Crescent St. it BRYant 4712 STIllwell 7940 V. | Eastman Films ! J. E. Brulatour, Inc. 1 J> Hollywood \t Chicago 0700 Santa Monica •> 1727 Indiana Are. Blvd. *.| CALumet 2691 HOLlywood 4121 1 » :.: }.: :.: Let Us Solve Your Problems! Over 21 Years of Experience Qualifies Us as Specialists^ MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE Stebbins, Leterman & Gates INCORPORATED 1540 B'WAY N.Y.C. TELEPHONE BRYANT 3040 THE INDUSTRY'S DATE DOCK Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov. Dec. 6 Dinner-Dance of the Warner Club at the Hotel New Yorker. "Life of the Party," Warner Bros., opens at the New York Wintei Garden. 8 Twelfth Annual Ball of Acton Equity Ass'n, Hotel Astor, New York. 10. 11. 12 Annual MP TO A coo vention to be h-!d in Philadelphia 18-19 Tenth Annual convention of M. P.T.O. of Ohio, Deshler-Wallick Hotel, Columbus. 28-Dec. 1 Second Congress of the Independent Cinema, Palais det Beaux Arts, Brussels. 30-Dec. 1 : Fall convention of Tri-Statei M. P.T.O. , Memphis, Tenn. 31 M. P. Salesmen's New Year Froli. at the Plaza Hotel. New York Chicago S.M.P.E. to Hold Meetings Once a Month Chicago — Chicago section of the S. M. P. E. has decided to hold regular meetings on the first Thursday of each month. The next session will take place Nov. 6 at the Webster Hotel. In connection with the Dec. 4 meeting the members will visit the Enterprise Optical Co. and hear a paper read by O. F. Spahr on projection. At the Jan. 8 session R. Fawn Mitchell of Bell & Howell will read a paper on color. Open S. M. P. E. Office The S. M. P. E. has opened New York headquarters in Room 701 at 33 West 42nd St. Silvan Harris, is in charge. COMING & GOING EXHIBITOR of Philadelphia of Washington . THE NEW VTJRX 4UTK gjflHBflfag of New York. Albany and Buffalo "The Pride of the East Coast" The "Home Town Papers" of -1,600 theatre owners. The most intensively read journals in the Industry — Keeping everlastingly at it f°i the 12th successive year. 100% coverage of a 35 fo territory! EMANUEL-GOOOWIN PUBLICATIONS ) New York — Philadelphia — Washington Man Office, 219 N. BROAD ST., PHIL*' FELIX MALITZ, vice-president of Ufa, sails Tuesday on the Columbus for Germany. IRENE DELROY has arrived from the coast, making the trip by auto with her mother. JOSEPH P. KENNEDY is expected to leave over the week end for the coast. JACK L. WARNER and C. GRAHAM BAKER will arrive in New York on Sunday from the Coast. M. A. LIGHTMAN is due in New York on Monday. BEN GOETZ leaves for the coast on Tuesday after several weeks in New York. WALTER HUSTON is due in New York on Tuesday en route to Europe for a vacation. MARIKA COTOPOULI, Greek actress, has arrived in New York. PHILLIPS HOLMES is on his way front Hollywood for an assignment at the Para mount New York studios.