The Film Daily (1930)

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m N-E-W-S 0-F T-H-E D-A-Y Wl DAILY Friday, December 26, 1930 MM Albany — Alfred Weinberg, former manager of the Albany, has succeeded Al Stevens in charge of the Ritz, a Warner house. Mare Island, Cal. — A new theater has been opened at the Mare Island Hospital Reservation, taking the place of the old Farenholt. Plattsville, Wis. — The Avalon, built at a cost of $80,000, has been opened. Pittsburgh — Now owned by J. A. Stanley, the Eagle has reopened under the new name of Columuia. New Orleans — C. L. Peavey has become identified with Motion Picture Advertisers of this City and wih cover South Georgia territory. Benton, Pa. — R. E. Keller ha? taken over and will operate the Universal. Runnemede, N. J. — Emanuel Lewis has acquired and is now operating the Runnemede. Charlotte, N. C. — Tom Brown of Hartford, Conn., has been appointed manager of Warners' Broadway, succeeding George Overend. Washington — Corbin Sheild has resigned as manager of the Keith here. C. F. Schreiber, who held the post as assistant manager and treasurer under Sheild, is temporarily handling the house. Baltimore — Operators' Union, Local 181, of this city, has elected the following office/s for the ensuing year: Samuel Isaacson, president; William George, Nelson Baldwin and William Lange, vice presidents; Basil Morgan, secretary, and G. Kingston Howard, business manager. IF yCU NEED A JCB-IE YCU HAVE A JCC ©PEN-ADVEETETE IT ECEE IN IliE IILM DAILY Many splendid, efficient men and women are out of employment in the motion picture industry. With conditions picking up many jobs should soon be open. To help along a worthy cause FILM DAILY will print WITHOUT COS1' your advertisement in classified form under "Help Wanted' or "Situation Wanted." Each advertisement limited to 25 words. Simply address your tetter to Advt. Mgr., Film Daily, 1650 Broadway, New York City. Baltimore — R. G. Woods, manager of Warners' Metropolitan, has left for Charleston, W. Va., where his father is reported seriously ill. He has been succeeded at the Metropolitan by Walter L. Morris, formerly a Publix manager in Perth Amboy, N. J. Dresden, O. — Ward Q. Butler has closed the Dresden until further notice. Andover, O. — Kenneth A. Rood has leased the Gibbs here and the Gibbs in Kinsman, O., from A. W. Gibbs. Platteville, Wis.— Tracy's $100,000 Avalon has been opened by W. C. Tyler, formerly lessee and owner of Jie Gem. The Avalon seats 700. SITUATIONS WANTED FORMER EXHIBITOR and Manager, well known with excellent reputation in the trade, wants connection as theatre booker or manager. Would also consider making small investment in a proven, going house. Box 566, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. THEATRE MANAGER — Many years' experience stage and screen attractions. Specialist in exploitation and publicity. Available for any spot where initiative ability, intelligence and appearance plus showmanship are essential. Highest credentials. Box 532, THE F11.M DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. Finley, N. D. — Charles Lazarre of iamestown has been appointed manager of the new City Auditorium. Sound equipment will be installed. BOX OFFICE RECORDS, will SOAR! FRANK CAPRA Production umbia\ PICTUR.E Noiseless Recording For Fox's 1931 Product (Continued from Page 1) which became known as Fox Movietone, is designed to eliminate ground noises, insure absolute silence on the screen when silence is desired, and promote perfect tone reproduction Under this system light flashes make horizontal lines of varying densities on the sound track of the film. By the refinement of the process the sound track becomes entirely black when no sound is desired and this completely eliminates the cracking and snaoping which often issued from theater screens in the past. It also does away with extraneous noises. This differs from the Western Electric system through which the light lines are admitted to the sound track of the film by means of a light valve which is opened and closed by sound vibrations. Mack Gest Feted Mack Gest, Eastern representative of the Building Maintenance Co., San Francisco, has resigned and has left for his home in Los Angeles. A farewell dinner was tendered h m at the Savoy Plaza by a number of his theater-manager friends. Among those nresent were Herb Schooler, Frank Steffy, M. D. Howe, Bert Adler, Ci Cecil Rhodes, A. Mike Vogel and Harry CrulL MANAGER-SALESMAN, 10 years' experience, of pleasing personality, record and ability, desires position where results will be appreciated. Knows Buffalo, Albany, Cleveland, St. Louis and Cincinnati territories. Box No. 533, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED theater supply salesman, capable of selling big units. Outside territory. Car necessary! State age, married or single, acquaintance, experience, other qualifications. Box 553, Film Daily, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. WANTED FILM SALESMAN. We can offer the right man a very attractive proposition to cover the following territories; Indiana, western half of Penn., Northern Ohio and Michigan, southern Ohio, W. Va., and Kentucky. Must be familiar with territory and a go-getter. In reply state past connections, whether or not employed at present, must have car and be able to start at once. Box 545, FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. AMERICAN, 38, speaks, reads and writes Spanish has represented large distributors for the past 12 years desires connection here or Latin countries. Highest references. Interview requested. Box 534, FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. FILM BUYER, broker, supervisor Jersey circuit, age 32; college graduate; familiar with legal phases of industry and contracts, office manager, correspondent, excellent reputation in industry. Box No. 535, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. TYPIST, office assistant. Neat appearance, seeks position in any branch of the industry. Salary $15. Box 536, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. YOUNG WOMAN— 22, five years' experience as secretary-stenographer with a motion picture house, special THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. FOREIGN LANGUAGE TALKIES. Gentleman with experience, speaking five languages wants a position to promote distribution of foreign langauge talkies. Box 539, The Film Daily, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. ADVERTISING SALESMAN— aggressive, with knowledge of advertising and marketing principles. Access to large national advertisers and agencies for whole or part time service on commission basis. Work is selling motion picture advertising on national or sectional basis with national coverage of 18 million people. Openings in major cities of the country. Detail experience. Address, Manager, National Screen Advertising, 4-238 General Motors Building, Detroit, Mich. SALESMEN: Salesmen who have experience and acquaintance with motion picture exhibitors in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Our proposition is a recognized high grade advertising service. Only sue cessful and experienced men should apply — apply by letter. Box 561, FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. LEADING exponential horn speaker and microphone manufacturer de sires representation on a strictly 10 per cent commission. Opportunity to secure representation for the new year. Write now. Box 537, THE | FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. SALESMEN, who are thoroughly acquainted with theatre exhibitors in the following territories: Long Island, New Jersey, So. N. Y. State and So. Conn, to handle our merchandise as a sideline. It is sold to every exhibitor and is backed by a high financial and responsible organization. This is not a canvassing or cosmetic proposition. Write in detail about yourself and be assured that it will be considered confidential. Box 556, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C.