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The Film Daily (1930)

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Monday, December 29, 1930 IE YOU NEED A. JCB-IE YCU HAVE A J€B CPENADVCCTI/E IT EKEE IN 111 EIEA4 I Vll> Many splendid, efficient men and women are out of employment in the motion picture industry. With conditions picking up many jobs should soon be open. To help along a worthy cause FILM DAILY ivill print WITHOUT COST your advertisement in classified form under "Help Wanted' or "Situation Wanted." Each advertisement limited to 25 words. Simply address your tetter to Advt. Mgr., Film Daily, 1650 Broadway, New York City. SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG WOMAN— Christian, five years' experience as secretary-stenographer with motion picture company; special training in film export. Take full charge of office. Furnish reference. Box 538, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. BRANCH MANAGER or sales representative with seven years' sales and branch operation experience National Organization desires connection film company where all requisites good man power essential. Will go anywhere. Box No. 541, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. LABORATORY SUPERVISOR— Can do anything in laboratory from timing down. Has New York moving picture operator's license, will accept position in laboratory or theatre. Box 550, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. YOUNG MAN, 27, six years' experience all branches export business. Thorough knowledge of Spanish, Italian, some understanding of French and Portuguese. Also knowledge of accounting. Will travel. Box 551, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. YOUNG MAN, 20, desires position in the motion picture industry as office or errand boy. Diligent, conscientious. Good references. Box 552, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. YOUNG MAN, (20), with thorough knowledge of electricity and radio de6ires position as assistant projectionist. Eastern Penna. preferred. Willing to take small salary. Box 554, Film Daily, 1650 Broadway, New York City. WELLESLEY GRADUATE, age 24, film experience, wants secretarial, script, editing or other work on motion picture production in New York. Box 555, FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. Thoroughly experienced film man, over 16 years' experience in foreign ,and domestic shipping, band'ing of prints and negatives, inserti'n of 'foreign titles, desires pos tbn. Best Inferences. Box 557, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. THEATRE MANAGER, fully capable in publicity, presentations, exploitation, etc. Age 38, married, good (personal appearance. Will go anywhere. Box 559, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. II ELI' WANTED EXPERIENCED theater supply salesman, capable of selling big units. Outside territory. Car necessary. State age, married or single, acquaintance, experience, other qualifications. Box 553, Film Daily, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. WANTED FILM SALESMAN. We can offer the right man a very attractive proposition to cover the following territories; Indiana, western half of Penn., Northern Ohio and Michigan, southern Ohio, W. Va., and Kentucky. Must be familiar with territory and a go-getter. In reply state past connections, whether or not employed at present, must have car and be able to start at once. Box 545, FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. ADVERTISING SALESMAN— aggressive, with knowledge of advertising and marketing principles. Access to large national advertisers and agencies for whole or part time service on commission basis. Work is selling motion picture advertising on national or sectional basis with national coverage of 18 million people. Openings in major cities of the country. Detail experience. Address, Manager, National Screen Advertising, 4-238 General Motors Building, Detroit, Mich. SALESMEN: Salesmen who have experience and acquaintance with motion picture exhibitors in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Our proposition is a recognized high grade advertising service. Only successful and experienced men should apply — apply by letter. Box 561, FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. LEADING exponential horn speaker and microphone manufacturer desires representation on a strictly 10 per cent commission. Opportunity to secure representation for the new year. Write now. Box 537, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. SALESMEN, who are thoroughly acquainted with theatre exhibitors in the following territories: Long Island, New Jersey, So. N. Y. State and So. Conn, to handle our merchandise as a sideline. It is sold to every exhibitor and is backed by a high financial and responsible organization. This is not a canvassing or cosmetic proposition. Write in detail about yourself and be assured that it will be considered confidential. Box 556, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. Foreign Dispatches \By GEORGE REDDY\ 804 Wired in Antipodes Sydney — There are now 804 theaters in Australia and New Zealand that have installed sound equipment, according to a survey made recently. The total expenditure by exhibitors for sound has been approximately $8,500,000. Western Electric units are in the majority. Wired houses in Australia numjber 621, and in New Zealand* 183, which includes both sound-oiijfilm and disc. Of the silent houses remaining, Australia has 982 and New Zealand 185, the majority being in the country districts. — A Happy New Year — Rene Clair's Next Tobis Paris — Next production that Rene Jla.r will make for the Tobi9 Company, will be "Le Million A Million," a comedy by Berr and Guillemand. $300,000 Blackburn Super Blackburn, Eng. — Associated British Properties, Ltd., of which David Rosenfield of Manchester is chairman, will erect a $300,000 super in a central location here. The house will have a seating capacity of 2,000, and will provide a cafe lounge and hall to accommodate more than 1,000 people. Co-directors in the enterprise are Alderman C. H. Bryning, R. H. Smithies, William Madigan and G. Close. — A Happy New Year — French All-Talker for London London — "Sous les Toits de Paris" is the first French all-talker to be shown here. The production is now being presented by Wardour Films, n its original French verson at the Alhambra, Five Czech Talkies in Work Prague — Four different producing companies have five talkies in preparation to be made in January. The companies are Gloriafilm, Sonorfilm, Gongfilm and Occannlm. German versions will also be made of these. — A Happy New Year — Czechs Have 137 Wired Houses Prague — Latest statistics show 137 theaters wired for sound in Czechoslovakia. Prague itself has 36 of these. The total number are divided as follows: 46 German Klangfilm; 40 of Czech manufacture; 17 Western Electric, and 25 Paccnt. Release "Le Refuge" Paris — "Le Refuge," with Alice Field and Andre Burgere, has been released bv Gaumont Franco Aubert. Directed by Leon Mathot. — A Happy New Year — Leon Poirier's Next Paris — Leon Poirier is at work on "Cain," with Rama Tahe in a leading role. Foreign Demand Warner's Foreign Department reports demands pouring in from such Oriental countriea as China, Japan and India for "Moby Dick" and "Kismet." The former has been going strong on the Continent, in spite of its English dialogue. THE FILM DAILY