The Film Daily (1930)

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THE THE NEWSPAPER OF FILM COM ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. L1V NO. 75 NEW yOKft, TUESDAY DECEMBER 3C. 193C 3 (ISI\ Universal' s Own-Produced Reel Starts in January STOCKHOLDERS SUE W BLOCK PATHE DEAL 34 Features Tentatively Set by Tiffany for 1931-32 1-9-3-1 — and a new deal ■By JACK A LI CO ATE Old devil 1930 has A Smile packed his shabby bag Cure with his old fears, de pressions and apprehensions and will soon sneak out the back door as young Kid 1931 enters by the front. Headaches always come from over-indulgence and never last long but, while they do last, they give plenty of opportunity for thought and regret. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with these United States unless it is the chronic gloom spreader. If we had anything to do about it we'd pass a law making it imperative for every man, woman and child to smile every minute of the day for the next three months. Leading bankThe Profits ei and econo Of Tomorrow "lists agree that t h e depression has hit bed-rock. The time for pessimism was a year ago and not now. This great country has never failed to come back and right now is making its periodical "About Face." At one extreme we have the confirmed failure, believing the situation hopeless. At the other the constructive thinker, planning now for the next cycle of unprecedented prosperity. If you have plans for building or refurnishing, do it now. Order your printing now. Buy supplies now while prices are low. By so doing you will be digging tomorrow's asMired profits out of the opportunities of today. * * * If you have any idea of Open taking a jolly jaunt out to HoU8€ Colorful California this Winter, better make it February, for thai will be the twentyfifth anniversary of Carl Laemmle as (.Continued on Page 1) 14 Westerns Included in Company's Plans for Next Season With object of discussing plans for the 1931-32 Tiffany program with President L. A. Young, Phil Goldstone, in charge of production for that company, yesterday arrived in Xew York from the Coast. He expects that Tiffany will place about 34 features on its schedule as com (Continued on Page 2) CRABB,FELDSTEIN, KRAVETZ West Coast Bureau. THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Earl Crabb, formerly Fox division manager; Manny Feldstein and Max Kravetz have joined the newly formed HughesFranklin Theaters. Feldstein and Kravetz will handle real-estate for the circuit. — A Happy New Year — Allied States Directors Meet Jan. 3 in Chicago Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — A meeting of the board of directors of the Allied States Ass'n is announced by Abram F. Myers for the morning of Jan. 3 at the Stevens Hotel, Chicago. "Recent developments of unusual importance will be considered and is for the ensuing year will be discussed," says Myers. E 33% AHEAD OF LAST YEAR Aggregate income of the major companies in the film industry for the first nine months of 1930, notwithstanding the severe setback during trie Summer, were 33 per cent ahead of the same period in the previous year, which was a normally good period, it is shown in a financial survey of the industry just (Continued on Page 8) Holders of 1,800 Shares Charge Sale Price Inadequate Suit to restrain the sale of Pathe to RKO was filed in the Supreme Court yesterday by three stockholders owning 1,400 shares of preferred stock and 400 shares :f C ts mon. The complaint charges that the sum of approximately $5,000,000 to be paid in the deal is not adequate. Distributors To Answer Demands Of Small Towns for Exploitation Because of insistent demands of subsequent runs and small-town exhibitors for localized exploitation campaigns when they play special features on percentage, at least two national distributors are considering nation-wide exploitation departments with district managers in key cities and traveling staffs of "service" men, the FILM DAILY learns. Although some companies are al(Continued on Page 8) Youth Sticks Up Para. For $11,000 Receipts Holdup of the Paramount earlj yesterday morning by an armed youth, who carted off about $1(i,iiimi in receipts, bad Broadwaj humming (Continued on Page 8) First Issue of U's Own Reel Makes its Debut Next Month On the Cuff Detroit — A small exhibitor in the suburbs here is hanging on by his teeth. In these tough times he offers charge accounts to his regular patrons. Initial issue of the Universal talking newsreel, put out directly by I, is set for early in January, possibly the first week \ ..i cameramen is now being assembled throughout the country to photograph new • events formerly handled in Kinograms cameramen (Continued on Page 8) PUBL1X TAKES 25-YR. LEASE ON 2 NEW OHIO THEATERS Cincinnati— Publix has taken 25ycar leases on two large theaters built by the Midham Corp., of which Robert A. Taft is president One of the houses wt.ll be located in Hamilton and the other in Middle (Continued on Page 8) "Reaching for the Moon" Mighty entertaining, sophisticated and clever comedy through which a modernclothes Doug Fairbanks frolics in grand style. Star does lively and suave job of role of Wall Street giant who falls for an almost-unattainable miss, splendidly played by Bebe Daniels. It's a lavishly-made and altogether charming United Artists affair. And intelligent, adult entertainment. EDDY