The Film Daily (1930)

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LOBE Readm Critkssay c ■ """vesaplaceamo,* *« 'ead,n9 /aush-pro. ^ers...A$Urcbet< W» «rst;,mil€# fhcn ^Slc and then howl and r°ar -•"■•»• nour of unstrained laughter." "Charlie RuSS»e*",s-a grand comedian and the picture ^allows him to roam freely" Richard Watts, Jr. tm N"Y:Herald-Tribune A' Sherman in V r Morn,ng Tel* "If you want to laugh by all means visit the Globe, — and 'Charley's AuntV" Regina Crewe in N. Y. American e9raph To those thousands of livewire showmen who are insistently demanding REAL, BOX-OFFICE comedies we now offer the laugh riot of the century. Charleys Aunt uu CHARLIE RUGGLES and JUNE COLLYER PRODUCED BY CHRISTIE Built for the BOX OFFICE