The Film Daily (1930)

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Wednesday, December 31, 1930 FOREIGN Dispatches Received From Abroad through the M. P. Division of the Department of Commerce. Wardour Releasing 27 Wardour Films has jusl announced the release date of all films handled by it through Aug. 10, 1931. For the 1930-31 playing season 27 films are being distributed by this company of which six are foreign films and 21 British. ' Nappy New Yeai English Music Firm in France Under the title of Compagnie Francaise d'Enregistrement Radio Electrique the British music publishing firm Francis Day and Hunter in collaboration with the Editions Francis Salahert, Andrieu Freies and Enoch are offering their services to French film producers and distributors. Their studios for sound recording and re-recording are at Courbevoie a suburb of Paris and within convenient distance of the city. At present recording i done only on discs. New Sound Company . An agreement is reported to have been concluded recently between the Xitzsche A. G. and the Selenophon Co. of Vienna and these two companies have just created a new organization in Leipzig under the t't'e of Selenophon Vertriehsgesellschaft, which will deal with the manufacturing and sale of sound film reproduction equipments and similar apparatus connected with the film and gramophone industries An entireh new device in sound apparatus field will soon be revealed by the company, it is stated. — A Happy New V,m Slow Buying in Australia Australian exhibitors are not buying ahead, according to a recent report from Assistant Trade Conimi sioner H. P. Van Blarcom in S\ dney. Australian Newsreel Early in 1931 an American film company will present a full length Australasian Newsreel. Sound n cording outfits are now in a posi tion to cover all of Australia an Xew Zealand so that full 1000 feet weekly ne vsreels will be assured. —A Happy ft New Studio for India United Picture Corp. of India has just opened its new studio at Lucknow and has already begun to produce silent pictui (Z fA A FILM FACT A DAY During 1931 British studios wi'l make about 120 features. • • • WITH THE kind indulgence of all the assembled members of this club and bearing in mind that on this last day of the year your minds are not on work it is only fitting that we should contribute our ministrations to aid you to get into the Proper Frame of Mind for the New Year heigh-ho and slop-over so, boys and girls, and those dignified members who kid themselves that they are Grown Up in the film biz, ha, ha that's a laugh we are going to read to you from a pretty book of ye ancient days compiled by the Buzza Company, entitled "Bottoms Up" ah, there's a title the producers have unaccountably overlocked it lists 52 Cocktail Spins for High Fliers one for every week in 1931 a marvelous book, this it tells you Everything about Etherized Likker every th'ng except how to Procure it here is one that will make your heart glad to make a champagne cocktail take one lump of sugar, a dash of Angostura bitters, a Jump of ice and fill the goblet with Wine for the benefit cf those members who have migrated to this country since Prohibition, and have never tasted this wine known as champagne use Dago red-eye instead of wine not having known anything different, you'll never realize what you've missed and this li'l book recaUs some of the cherished Famous Bars, now only a dim, fond Memory the old Waldorf, with the 1-allet girl poised gracefully over the door, the comfortable chairs and tables, the quiet dignity of the bar the Astor, once the rendezvous of the R'alto, where Nat Goodwin, John Drew and their contemporaries could be seen almost nightly the Knickerbocker, with silk hatted men about town, taking their last-before-the-theater drink whi'e OH King Cole smiled benignly from above aw, we're all choked up there's a lump in our throat Memories! fond Memories! our old eyes are blurred with tears dropping down on the typewriter and rusting the keys and now that we've put you in a happy, joyous frame of mind for the evening's celebration we wish you one and all a Ha-Hap-Happy New Year * * * * • • • PIERRE DE ROHAN, publicist extraordinary, has struck a New Note in sending out his blurbs this amazing miracle of a p. a. striking anything Xew has simply overwhelmed us we had a hunch that something startling would happen before this Old Year staggered out and it has Pierre sends out a spasm about Doug Fairbanks Joonior and Joan Crawford having been secured after terrific competition to sprak on his Ohrbach Hour on Xew Year's night and who will be in a Condition to tune in on Xew Year's night, we ask you, Pierre? if that isn't pulling a Xew Stunt, what is a stunt, anyway? furthermore, they will not talk about Themselves and screen stars just imagine! furthermore; this iv Rohan person rims not ask Us personally to listen in only to mention it in the kolyuni oil. yeSi Just as a matter of record ........ .and good newspaper reporting the screen pair go on WOE at 7:30 just the time when everybody -tarts twisting corkscrews and not radio dials success, Doug and Joan and you, too. Mister I >e Rohan We've done our best for the three of v.ui * * * * • • • NOW IT becomes our sad duty to record the fact that the film biz's loss is New York City's gain you may recall that some time ago there were certain published comments to the effect that Hizzoner Jimmy Walker would resign as mayor soon after the New Year and take a job in the Industry. . . ...well, Jimmy up and foo'ed 'em we have the honor to announce EXCLUSIVELY no other metropolitan rag having got the Scoop to our knowledge that Genial Jimmy will be the Next Mayor of our hamlet he having told the political powers that he will run for the ossif again, is tantamount to predicting that Jimmy will succeed himself as Mayor he has set the Prosperity Note for all of us for the New Year by having his private quarters in the City Hall decorated splendiferously with Oriental rugs and whatnot so that's that and this ain't NO RUMOR « « « » » » EXPLOITETTES A. Clearing jot Tabloid Exploitatinn tdfns €) Airplane "Fight" For "Hell's Angels" AS part of the campaign to exploit "Hell's Angels," at the (Jueen in Galveston, Texas, manager Homer LeTempt and Win. A. Taylor, United Artists exploitation man, obtained fr, m Ft. Crockett the use of 20 planes and got permission from the city authorities to fly them over the main streets and sta^e a "dog tight" over the theater. Display in lobby of the, iter consisted of several bombs, a machine gun. 3 propellers, bomb racks and tall pieces. 6,000 special printed heralds were distributed at the Air Races. — United Artists * * * Lobby Display on "Danger Lights" ^AXAGER J. T. Hughes concentrated on a unique lobby stunt to sell "Danger Lights" — a railroad picture, playing at the Publix-Palace. Breckenridge. Tex. The lobby display consisted of a large table on which was a miniature electric train running on track; the engine drawing four lighted cars \ stop-light was used which started and stopped the train at regular intervals. The displa\ was drawn up in landscape form with tunnel, station and mountains. —Radio Pictures MANY HAPPY RfTURNS Best wishes and congratulations an extended by ThE FILM DAILY to the following members of the in dustry, who are celebrating tneii Sirthdaya: December 31 Gaston Glass Marshall Montgomery Frank Richardson Harry Mandel