The Film Daily (1931)

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DAILY Sunday, January 4, 1931 © T HEATER JBy M. P. Strong Remote Volume Control Solves Another Sound Problem NEW THEATERS Another troublesome problem in conn und. the control oi volume and quality of talking picture lion at tiie point of delivery, has been solved by a new device known as the Strong Remote Control. L. D. Strong of the Kssannay Electric Manufacturing Co., Chicago, is the patentee and hi company is now busy turning out the device for all K'i \ Photophone installations, the Ki \ company having been the first to give the device unqualified approval and sanction. Exhibitors have long wondered why some inventive mind had not devised a means of regulating the volume remotely from a downstairs point, but after all that is the only section of the theater from which sound reception can be safely judged. Certainly the operator in the projection room cannot determine if and when more or less volume of sound is needed to pli the patron His monitor horn only tells him that there is sound emanating from the screen. The quality of the reception is not within the power of determination. But with remote control from downstair points, the manager or some attendant delegated to do. so may not only regulate accurately the quantity of sound volume but the quality as well, actuall) "playing the picture," giving it the proper touch and tone for every set or scene, just as the producer intended the exhibition should be made. While several remote stations may be installed, located at as many points in the house as desired, one station i usually sufficient, this located at the rear of the seats in the auditorium. An inconspicuous double toggle switch with "ui)" and "down" position marked enables in-tantly regulate the volume, step by Step, up or down ared. And further, the device does not in any manner interfere with the work of the projectionist who still retains his same mean of Control and operation. It is pointed out that buzzer sig cue -beets, telephone calls and other methods heretofore employed in trying to direct the sound reception from downstairs may be dispensed with when the new system is installed. The manager directly controls the sound of his program with the new device, which does not interfere with the work of the projectionist. Installations are now being made in RCA equipped theaters and, according to Strong, within a very short time the devices will be ready for adaptation to all other makes of sound equipment amplifiers. STAGE EQUIPMENT Console Orchestra Elevators Magnescopic-Grandeur Screen BRUCKNER-MITCHELL, INC. 532 West 22nd Street New York International Develops New Adjustable Shutter A new shutter in which the blades are adjustable in the matter of width, and designed for use on the SuperSimplex or Simplex models equipped with the rear shutter, is the latest development of the International Projector Corp. of New York. The device is "said to consist of a narrow vane which may be rotated within the limits of a slot containing set screws located in each end of the blades. The effect of this movement, it is claimed, will widen each of the two blades in equal proportion, or make them both narrow, depending upon which way the vane is moved. Designed primarily for use in place of the regular stock Simplex rear -butter, it may also be substituted for an in-front-of-the-lens Simplex -butter, by having the hole in the bub bushed to fit the smaller shaft and constructing some sort of protective i?uard to prevent coming into accidental contact with the shutter wings when it is in operation, it is claimed. Monroe, Wis. — Plans for the erection of a $100,000 theater here by Chester J. Goetz have been announced. Danville, 111. — It is reported that Warner Bros, have secured an option on the lease of a site here on which it is understood the company is to build a theater. Davenport, la. — The Bechtel interests are backers of the hotel and theater building to be erected here at an estimated cost of about $2,000,000. Decatur, 111. — Plans are in progress for the erection of a theater here by the Decatur Theaters, Inc. Hollywood — Construction on the $1,000,000 Pilgrimage theater here has been started. The house is to have a seating capacity of 1,471. Southampton, N. Y. — Construction has been started on the Glynne theater to be erected in this city at an approximate cost of $250,000. Spokane — Work has been started on the s 1,000.000 Fox West Coast theater here. Springfield, 111. — 'Negotiations have been completed by the Fox West Coast theaters with George N. Kreider of this city for a site on which to erect a $1,000,000 theater. New Distributor for Kooler-Aire Appointment of the Berlanger Fan cc Blower Co. of Detroit as distributors for Kooler-Aire, complete air conditioning systems, and Arctic NuAir cooling and ventilating systems has been announced by the KoolerAire Engineering Corp. of New York. METAL SEAMLESS SCREEN PUT OUT BY COAST FIRM Long Beach, Cal. — Mercury Light Sound Screen Co., which was recently established here, is manufacturing an all-metal, seamless, fireresisting sound screen. The screen has been thoroughly tested* and many are being installed in the East and South. The metallic construction of the screen eliminates dampening or muffling of tone, thereby permitting perfect sound transmission. Michigan's Second Smallest Wired Morenci, Mich. — Western Electric sound equipment has been installed in the Gem here owned by E. Furman. This town is the second smallest in the state reported to be using Western Electric equipment, Saugautuct taking first honors in this respect. Saugautuct has a population of 526. Color Equipment Natural colored glass hoods that will fit 10 to 500 watt lamps for interiors and exteriors and color screens in circular, square or oblong shapes to fit all standard units are being offered by the Reynolds Electric Co. of Chicago, manufacturers of theater color lighting equipment. I HIS Stamp of Approval in advertisements of equipment and supplies means: That the NATIONAL GUARANTEE of highest quality is coupled with thrt of a manufacturer. GOLD SEAL TICKET REGISTER Protection — Speed — Efficiency GENERAL REGISTER CORP. Paramount Building Chirkering 4065 New York J. C. Ensi.rn, Gen. Sales Mgr. Convertible Reel The new day reel, constructed of balanced aluminum and said to reduce wear, tear and trouble, is being put out by the Lincoln Electric & Manufacturing Co. of Boonville, Ind. The reel is convertible to any width film. Bring Back the Kiddies with the "Universal" Surprise Bag. A sure shot. Repeat business guaranteed. Extremely lowpriced. Send for samples. UNIVERSAL TOY & NOVELTY MFG. CO. 2329 Third Avenue, New York City. NATIONAL THEATRE SUPPLY COMPANY Branches in till Principal Cities LITTLE THINGS that mean so much to good lighting THE many important little things required for proper illumination of the stage are here in abundance — parts and supplies of every description ; carbons for arc lamps, cable and connectors, gelatine and glass color mediums, color wheels and color frames, resistances, enclosed pedestal switches, terminal lugs, etc. — also spot-lights and other stage lamps of various kinds. KLIEGL BROS Universal Electric Stage Lighting Ccinc ^ 321 West 50thStreet New York, NY.