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The Film Daily (1931)

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feres an REGIONAL Sold as a Single Unit to ^'V/f^-K National Advertisers One Order! One Plate! One Bill! /viRG««* . T^ROUN* a/ ^s'£*^K v*— str~--\ ill HJ VOU GET these advantages: (1) Better trade papers, publishing selected news material that is of the greatest national as well as local interest (not padded space fillers for bulk size), assuring the greatest reader interest. (2) The most intimate exhibitor contact, giving definite sales value. (3) The lowest advertising rate per thousand readers. (4) Saving in plate costs. (5) Simplification of placing of advertisements on the part of the advertiser. (6) Each advertisement can be "localized" to fit special needs of the advertiser in the various trade territories — and without additional cost. Associated Publications, inc. BEN SHLYEN, President and Publisher General Offices: Kansas City, Mo. NEW YORK: 551 FIFTH AVENUE . CHICAGO: 1018 SO. WABASH AVE. lllllilll! ~*