The Film Daily (1931)

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THE fUE NEWSPAPER OF FILM DOM AIL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. LV N©. 1 1 NEW y©EK, WEDNESDAY, JANLACy 14, 1931 5 CENTS Amended Copyright Bill Passes House by 165 to 26 PLAN NAT! LEGAL BUREAU ON CONTRACTS Fox Will Continue Foreign Production in Hollywood The Mirror -a column of comment SPONSORS OF admission tax bills introduced in too-many state legislatures and aimed at the film industry classify motion pictures as a luxury . . . No less an authority than a chap called Webster is on the record as alleg'ng that "luxury" has to do with "anything expensive" and "costly." Any way you look at the word, it certainly doesn't apply to pictures, which are the most inexpensive of national entertainments. According to our modest slant on the matter,_ you can classify such items a Chippendale furniture and fur coats as luxuries, and jewelry as well. But don't libel motion picture shows, which come within the pocketbook reach of the most lowly in financial status. _Imposition of admission taxes, which automatically boost admission prices paid by the public, incidentally won't make the average citizen and voter cheer for the legislators who support the measures, nohow. REPORTS indicate that loudspeakers used in some theater lobbies to ballyhoo the show inside are annoying patrons. .. .Something exhibs who use 'em ought to check up. Disgruntled customers will exit from theaters which talk too loudly outside and therefore interfere with their patrons' enjoyment of the screen program. COLORADO exhibitors are inviting legislators to attend their shows in order to acquaint themselves -with the type of fare being served. .. .A fairenough proposition which also amounts to smart showmanship. Solons who keep in touch with motion pictures will certainly have a more accurate perspective in dealing with bills affecting them. Not Enough Wired Houses Abroad to Warrant Activity There Because of the small number of wired houses on the continent, Fox for the present will not produce foreign lrnguage talkies in the countries for which the) are intended, according to Clayton P. Sheehan, (Continued on Page 8) UNION THEATERTcLOSES N. I, LONDON OFFICES Due to the high rate of exchange out of Australia, the New York and London offices of Union Theaters, Ltd., which also embraces Australasian Films, are being closed immediately. Millard Johnson, New York representative, has been (Continued on Page 8) Irving Lesser Appointed Disney's New York Agent West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Irving Lesser has been appointed New York representative for Walt Disney and the "Mickey House" cartoon shorts. End Merger Talk Conversations toward a merger deal involving Tiffany and interests identified with Sono Art-World Wide are understood to have been definitely dropped. BASIL DEAN APPOINTED EUROPEAN HEAD FOR RKO Basil Dean, theatrical producer of London, has been engaged by Hiram S. Brown as general European representative for RKO. Dean will supervise the operation of RKO and its affiliated companies in Europe with the exception of the sale and distribution of Radio pictures, which are under the jurisdiction of Sol Newman. Dean will also continue in charge of production of Associated Radio Pictures, Ltd., the RKO British subsidiary. Film Boards Will Figure in System to Aid Enforcement Establishment of a national legal bureau system with object of more completely enforcing film contracts is planned by distributors through the Hays organization. The plan, it is understood, will be operated via (Continued on Page 8) PARA. SHORTS ACTIVSTY RESUMING ABOUT APRIL 6 Actual short subject production at the Paramount New York studio is set to resume about April 6 under supervision of Larry Kent. A staff will be organized to replace the one disbanded late last year when the ilant suspended short production operations owing to completion of its 1930-31 schedule. Frank Woods Resigns From M. P. Academy West Coast Bureau. THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Frank Woods, secretary of the Academy of M. P. Arts and Sciences, has resigned. House Passes Copyright Bill; Measure Now Up to the Senate Oh, Yeah? Universal City, Calif., Jan. 12, 1931. Film Daily, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Previewed "Millie" at Belmont Theatre here last night and it went over tremendously. Big executives from leading studios who attended preview stated that "Millie" had more audience entertainment than "Common Clay," "Divorcee" or "Paid" and properly exploited shou'd prove sensational box office cleanup. Knew you wouM be happy to hear this. Kindest regards. CHARLES R. ROGERS. — You wouldn't give us a bum steer, would you, Charlie? Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — By a vote of 185 to 34 the Vestal Copyright bill passed the House of Representatives, which efused to send it back to committee by a vote of 165 to 26. The measuii, now going to the Senate for action, provides various amendments o the existing laws, including: The term of copyright will be the life of the author and 50 years intend of present period of 28 years with a renewal of 28 years. It will make copyright automatic ipon creation. It will make .copyright divisible. (Continued on Page 8) 60 Firms, 121 Theaters Already Probed in Canada Toronto — Examination of the records of 60 companies and 121 theaters already has been made by Peter White, commissioner ap (Continued on Page 8) Keenly Interested ! Participation in this year's "Ten Best Pictures" votes, including the original and nation-wide FILM DAILY poll and the numerous local contests, is 'way ahead of other years. This indicates the keen interest existing, both in the trade and out, over the "Ten Best". Chester B. Bahn, m. p. ed. of the "Syracuse Herald", even held two contests, one for Syracuse fans and the other for Central New York, in addition to picking his own list. Results of FILM DAILY'S universally authoritative "Ten Best" vote will be out within a fortnight.