The Film Daily (1931)

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THE sgEfr* DAILY Wednesday, January 14, 1931 :tne HKNnBMrtt or nu4txm V* LT Hi. 11 Wedmsiiy, Ja«. 14, 1931 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE : Editor and PaMisber Published daily except Saturdays and holiday* at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y.. and copyright (1931) by Wid'a Filmi and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau. Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager ; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. En tered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., undo the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all com munications to THE FILM DAILY, 165t Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywoo Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-9 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolftsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Pans —P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Fran caise, Rue de la Cour-des-Nouea, 19. Fin ancia NEW YORK Con. Km. Ind. Con. Fm. Ind. pfd East. Kodak . . . . 1 Fox Fm. "A" . . . Gen. Th. Eq. (new) Loew's, Inc Paramount Pathe Exch do "A" RKO "A" Warner Bros NEW YORK Columbia Pets. Vtc Fox Thea. "A"... Gen. Th. Eq. pf . . . Loew's, Inc., war. Technieolor NEW YORK Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 Loew 6s 41 x-war. Paramount 6s 47 . . Par. By. 5J4.51. . 1 Par. 5Hs50 Pathe 7s37 Warners 6s39 .... STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 12 12 12 1754 17*s \7H — % 153 — Hi H s*y* i5i 2754 2654 27 7/2 75s 7M 46 48 475^ — a 41 Js 40% 41J* 134 17 15 3*4 1654 1654 1554 IK 3*4 — 16J4 15*4 CURB MARKET 1854 454 24 2' 7?4 1854 454 237/s 24 2 2 754 18l4 454 7 54 BOND MARKET H 64 6154 61!^ — 274 98 98 98 95% 95 9554 — Va 03 102*4 10254 — ?4 554 87'/2 88 55 55 55 7354 72 73 Warners Reopening Hornell House Hornell, N. Y. — The Shattuck. closed since last May, will be reopened in February under an agreement reached between the owner, Mrs. Harriet Coughlin, and Wayne Ingram, representing Warner Bros., who have leased the theater. Screen Cooling System Being Tried Out by Fox A combination frost screen and cooling system has been set up in one of the projection rooms on the s^xth floor of the Fox building on 56th Street, as an experiment while officials consider its practicability against the installation cost. The screen is made of sheet metal. Immediately behind it is a one-and-onehalf-ton refrigerating plant which causes the metal to become entirely covered with white frost. The visual effect is said to be an improvement over the frosted glass screen ind in addition, with fans blowing he cool air from the screen toward the audience, the dual purpose is ac omplished. Bondy Distributing G. E. Shorts Al O. Bondy has been appointed distribution head of all industrial subjects put out by General Electric Co. Bondy has opened an office in the Film Center Bldg. General Electric subjects are being produced at the company's studio at Schenectady under supervision of John Klenke. Sanger Here to Learn Fox Movietone Workings Gerald Sanger, editor of the Movietone newsreel made up in London, arrived in New Yoik yesterday in line with the policy inaugurated by Winfield Sheehan to allow executives working in different parts of the world to familiarize themselves with home office methods and policies from a production viewpoint Sanger will actively assist E. L. Harvey, managing editor of Movietone, while here. Bud Pollard Editing "Voice of the Jungle" Bud Pollard, now making his headquarters at 723 Seventh Ave., is editing the African animal film, "The Voice of the Jungle" which will be ready for release about Feb. 1. A new company will release the production. Emerson Yorke 111 H. Emerson Yorke, formerly casting director at the Paramount New York studio, is ill in the Mt. Vernon Hospital. * COMING & GOING * Keeping Up With Movements of Film Folk t> ♦♦*♦♦♦*♦♦«*♦*♦*♦•♦•♦•♦♦♦*♦♦♦*♦*♦*♦♦**♦*** *♦♦»♦* New York }'{ 1540 Broadway ;*: BRYant 4712 « Long Island City 1 54 Crescent St. STIllwell 7940 I Eastman Films 0 I. E. Brulatour, Inc. Chicago 1727 Indiana Ave. CALumet 26S1 Hollywood 6700 Santa Monica Blvd. HOLlywood 4111 CHARLIE CHAPLIN is due from the coast about the end of next week. SAMMY FAIN, former Paramount com poser, who has been abroad with the Yacht Club Boys, returns on Monday. EDWIN CAREWE is en route to New York via Phoenix and Dallas. He is expected to arrive here Tuesday. GEORGE R. BENTEL arrives in New York tomorrow for story conferences. MR. and MRS. MALCOLM ST. CLAIR returned yesterday from abroad. PRINCE ALEXIS Z. MDIVANI arrived yesterday from Europe. BENITO DEL VILLAR of Santiago, Chile, manager for Paramount in Chile, Peru and Bolivia, is in New York with Mrs. Vil lar. H. D'ABBADIE D'ARRAST returned from Europe yesterday on the Paris. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR., and JOAN CRAWFORD will leave tomorrow for the coast. NORMAN H. MORAY, general sales manager of Vitaphone, is back from a trip through the southeast. R. A. GRIFFITH, Oklahoma theater man. is in town for a visit. GERALD SANGER, editor of the British Movietone newsreel, arrived in New York yesterday on the Aquitania. OTTO ROHDE, manager of the Warner Vitagraph exchange in Oklahoma City, is in town for a visit to the home office. CLAUDE ROBINSON, Clarksburg, W. Va., exhibitor, is in town. AL KAUFMAN, manager of Fay's, Rochester, N. Y., is visting New York. WILLIAM LE BARON arrives from the coast next Wednesday. LEE MARCUS leaves for the coast on Friday. JOSEPH I. SCHNITZER leaves for the coast on Sunday. He will be accompanied by Harry Takoff. CHARLES WILCOX sails Saturday for England on the Aquitania. H. B. FRANKLIN leaves Saturday for the coast. AMBROSE DOWLING, RKO foreign manager, sails on the Aquitania for England on Saturday. MARTIN J. QUIGLEY leaves for Chicago on Saturday. 2-1-4-1— WISCONSIN is the number of THE STONE FILM LIBRARY 220 West 42nd Street New York City Let Us Solve Your Problems! Over 2 1 Years of Experience Qualifies Us as Specialists in MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE Stebbins, Leterman & Gates INCORPORATED 1540 B'WAY N.Y.C. TELEPHONE BRYANT 3040 THE INDUSTRY'S DATE icer Jan. 15 "The Bat Whispers" United Artists production opens at the Rivoli, New York. Jan. 16 Luncheon given by Paramount at the Ritz, New York, in honor of George Akerson, who is resigning as President Hoover's secretary to join Paramount. "Illicit," Warner production with Barbara Stanwyck, opens at the Winter Garden. New York. Jan. 17 Dinner and Dance (17th Anniversary) of M. P. Machine Operators' Union, Hotel Astor, New York. Jan. 20 General meeting of M. P. T. O., Hotel Henry, Pittsburgh. Jan. 22 M. P. T. O. of Eastern Pennsylvania will hold annual election meeting in Philadelphia. Jan. 19-24 Fox Anniversary Week. Jan. 22-24 Annual conference of National Board of Review, Hotel Pennsylvania, New York. Jan. 30 World Premiere of Charlie Chaplin's "City Lights" at the new Los Angeles in Los Angeles. Feb. 6 Charlie Chaplin's "City Lights" opens at the George M. Cohan, New York. Feb. 9 Thirty-second annual dinner by the Society of the Genesee in honor of George Eastman, Ho Feb. 10-11 National convention of independent exhibitor! called by Allied States Ass'n to be held in Chicago. Mar. 7 Annual midnight theater party by the Kaplan Projection Society for the benefit of the Sick Fund, at the Hippodrome, New York. April 4-11 Players' and Patrons' Jubilee Week, national benefit for N. V. A. Club. April 23-24 State Convention of Indiana Indorsers of Photoplays, Claypool Hotel, Indianapolis. May 25-28 Spring meeting of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers to be held in Hollywood. Shaw Talker Flops London — First talker of George Bernard Shaw's plays, a three-reeler based on "How He Lied to Her Husband," has been declared a disappointment on its premiere here. The author picked the cast and supervised the production. Cameo Holds "AlYemen" "Al-Yemen" will be held over at the RKO Cameo for a second week beginning Friday. Phone Stillwell 7932 toi NEGATIVES DEVELOPED and Positive Prints Hade on standard or 16 mm. stock 1NTER-CONTIN ENTAL Film Laboratories Inc. 74 Sherman St. Long Island City COLOR PRINTS Color sound cameras available for short subjects, or advertising films. Color prints from Bi-pack negatives. BREWSTER COLOR FILM CORPORATION 58 First Street Newark, N. J. Humboldt 2-4228