The Film Daily (1931)

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figg^ DAILY Friday, January 16, 1931 :THE IH WWSliUlk Of HIM DOM ViL. LV Ni. 13 Friday, Jan. IB, 1931 J Price SiCents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturdays and holidays »t 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1931) by Wid'g Films and Film Folk. Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President. Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager ; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., unde. the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage iree) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all com munications to THE FILM DAILY 165', Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 7-4736. 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood California — Ualph Wilk, 6425 Hollywoo Ulvd Phone Granite 6607. London — Erne?t W Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-9 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn, Lichthildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Pans —P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Fran caise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. THEATERS CO-OPERATING IN RED CROSS CAMPAIGN Responding to a request from John Barton Payne, head of the American Red Cross, asking motion picture theaters to ajd local Red Cross chapters in the $10,000,000 drought fund drive, National Secretary M. J. O'Toole of the M.P.T.O. A. yesterday transmitted to the theater owners the message of M. A. Lightman. national president, urging that theaters give full co-operation to the Red Cross workers in this emergency work. 26 Theater Projects Launched in December Theater construction contracts awarded during December in 37 eastern states involved 26 projects and a total coast of $1,727,500, according to the monthly report of the r. W. Dodge Corp. Fin ancia NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low Close Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 17 yi 17 J* 17 yi — East. Kodak 150*4 145J4 14554 — Fox Fm. "A" . . 28 2654 27J4 — Gen. Th. Eq. (new) 9*S 8*4 8*4 — Loew's, Inc 47*4 46^ 46Yi — Paramount 41 H 40*4 4I ~ Pathe Exch IH 15* 15* • do "A" 3*4 3*4 3*4 — RKO "A" 17/8 165* 165* — Warner Bros 165* 15*4 15*4 — NEW YORK CURB MARKET Fox Thea. "A" ..4*4 4*4 4*4 + Gen. Th. Eq. pf... 25 5* 24*4 25 Loew's war 154 154 154 — Technicolor 7Vt 7** 7** . NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. 64^ 63 63*4 .. A-O 6s46 ..76 76 76 — Paramount 6s47 .96 95** 96 + Par. By. 5*4s51..103 103 103 Par. 5*4s50 87*4 87*4 87*4 — Pathe 7s37 53 53 53 — Warners 6s39 ... 71*4 71 71 — Net Chg. *4 6 *4 *4 Vs 5* 2*4 54 Edgar Adams Dead West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Edgar Adams, veteran film editor, is dead here. He edited "All Quiet on the Western Front," "Humoresque" and other big pictures. *.•♦'♦••♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦•♦•^ J New York Long Island City },J 1540 Broadway 154 Crescent St. J.t BRYant 4712 STIllwell 7940 it i § Eastman Films! J. E. Bralatour, Inc. § Chicago 1727 Indiana Ave. CALumet 2691 1 Hollywood |a 6700 Santa Monica J-J Blvd. HOLlywood 4111 4 & #.♦♦>♦>♦.♦♦,♦♦«♦♦.*♦.••**♦.♦♦.♦♦.♦♦,♦♦.♦♦.♦♦,♦♦>♦.♦♦.♦♦: ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦As *•*'♦♦*♦»♦♦#♦♦♦#*♦♦***♦**#»#*♦*#*•♦'**•♦*'.*****#*'**'♦**#*» Rentals 25% Too High, Independents Contend Contention that film rentals are between 25 and 30 per cent too high will be made by a committee representing the Theater Owners' Chamber of Commerce, which will take up the matter with Will H. Hays when he arrives from the Coast early next week. Comprising the committee are: Charles O'Reilly, Lee Ochs, Leo Brecher and Ben Sherman. Van Beuren Shorts for Warners Warners have signed with Robert Mochrie, Pathe Philadelphia branch manager, for 1350 reels of Van Beuren product to be played between Jan. 12 and March 31, involving playing time of 2740 days. Radio Corp. Gets $6,800,000 Site Radio Corp. of America has acquired property at Broad, Beaver, and News Streets and Exchange Place assessed at $6,800,000. The property was acquired for possible future expansion of radio communication. COMING & GOING B. B. KAHANE, RKO vice president and general counsel, sails for Europe today on the Aquitania. PAUL L. HOEFLER, explorer is back in New York after a tour of personal appearances with Columbia's "Africa Speaks". GLENDON ALLVINE and QUTNN MARTIN leave tomorrow on the S. S. Virginia for Movietone City by way of the Panama Canal. LYNN FARNOL left New York yesterday for Detroit in connection with the opening of "The Devil to Pay" at the United Artists there on Jan. 27. ARTHUR LEE, en route to England on the Majestic, will arrange various foreign distribution deals. Among other firms he handles Tiffany product abroad. EDW. G. ROBINSON, under contract to First National, leaves on Tuesday for the coast. 14 IN FOREIGN DIALOGUE COMPLETED BY WARNERS Fourteen foreign language talkers have been produced so far by Warner Bros., whose multi-lingual production program is indefinite and is contingent upon the character o£ product talkerized in English. The 14 pictures comprise four in Spanish, four in French and six in German. No multi-lingual shorts are being produced. Dancing Acts on Sunday Favored in Post Measure Albany — A bill permitting dancing acts in theaters on Sunday has been filed <n the legislature by Assemblyman Langdon W. Post. Post stated that dance exhibitions on stages should have the same consideration as Sunday movies and that he intended to remove the alleged discrimination. Lab. Patent Suit Hearing Coming up in Wilmington Wilmington, Del. — Hearing is scheduled for today in the Federal Court here on an application by Craft Film Laboratories for taking of depositions from Leon Gaumont, French scientist now living in Paris, in connection with the suit brought by Cinema Patents Co., against Craft for alleged infringement of the Gaumont patent for fixing, toning and treating photographic films ana prints. The plaintiff, Cinema Patents, opposes the taking of the Gaumont depositions on the ground that the interrogations planned are irrelevant. The suit was filed in April of last year and hearing has been set for Jan. 26 in Wilmington. Three Injured in Theater Fire A fire in the projection booth of the Hy-Grade at 1770 Third Ave. resulted in injuries to two operators and the manager. Audience of 700 reached the street safely. Yugoslavia Bans "All Quiet" Belgrade — Military authorities' opposition to "All Quiet On the Western Front" has resulted in the film being banned by the censor throughout Yugoslavia. Basketballers to Battle Industry basketball enthusiasts will gather at the U. S. S. Illinois tonight to watch the undefeated Fox and Pathe teams battle for first place in the motion picture league. Another attraction will be the RKOM-G-M contest. Atlanta Capitol Robbed Atlanta— -Two young bandits held up and robbed the Negro box-offic^ of the Capitol, escaping with $273.25, according to Manager John Thomas. THE INDUSTRY'S DATE DCCr Today: Luncheon given by Paramount at the Ritz, New York, in honor of George Akerson, who is resigning as President Hoover's secretary to join Paramount. "Illicit," Warner production with Barbara Stanwyck, opens at the Winter Garden. New York. Jan. 17 Dinner and Dance (17th Anniversary) of M. P. Machine Operators' Union, Hotel Astor, New York. Jan. 20 General meeting of M. P. T. O., Hotel Henry, Pittsburgh. Jan. 22 M. P. T. O. ot Eastern Pennsylvania will hold annual election meeting in Philadelphia. Jan. 19-24 Fox Anniversary Week. Jan. 22-24 Annual conference of National Board of Review, Hotel Pennsylvania, New York. Jan. 26 "Cimarron", RKO production, opens at the Globe on Broadway. Jan. 30 World Premiere of Charlie Chaplin's "City Lights" at the new Los Angeles in Los Angeles. Feb. 6 Charlie Chaplin's "City Lights" opens at the George M. Cohan, New York. Feb. 7 First Annual Dinner and Dance by Columbia Pictures employees, Hotel Plaza, New York. Feb. 9 Thirty-second annual dinner by the Society of the Genesee in honor of George Eastman. Feb. 10-11 National convention of independent exhibitors called by Allied States Ass'n to be held in Chicago. Mar. 7 Annual midnight theater party by the Kaplan Projection Society for the benefit of the Sick Fund, at the Hippodrome, New York. April 4-11 Players' and Patrons' Jubilee Week, national benefit for N. V. A. Club. May 25-28 Spring meeting of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers to be held in Hollywood. April 23-24 State Convention of Indiana Indorsers of Photoplays, Claypool Hotel, Indianapolis. Caroline Gentry Handling Rights Caroline Gentry, who assembled and edited the Theodore Roosevelt pictures, is now handling the screen and stage rights to the works of Henry Sydnor Harrison, including "Queed," "Angela's Business," "V. V.'s Eyes," "Mr. Bride of Paris," and other stories by the late American novelist. Miss Gentry, who is making her headquarters at the Hotel Irving, already has sold one story, while others are under consideration. Johnny Walker in "First Million" Johnny Walker will leave New York in two weeks for the Coast to produce "His First Million." Stage and Screen Rights to "Queed" "V. V.'s Eyes" "Angela's Business" "Mr. Bride of Paris" "The Good Hope" and ALL BEST SELLERS and short stories of the late Henry Sydnor Harrison Miss Caroline Gentry: Agent Hotel Irving 26 Gramercy Park GRamercy 5-6264 Studio and Location Sound on Film Recording Low Daily or Weekly Rates Powers Cinephone Equipment Corporation 723-7TH AVE., N. V. BRYANT 6067