The Film Daily (1931)

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THE Friday, January 16, 1931 1 -ZWI DAILY Review Board To Discuss Community M. P. Support (Continued from page 1) itsch, Peter J. Brady, the New York banker, and Walter Wanger of Paramount will be among the speakers at the 16th Annual Luncheon Conference of the Board at the Hotel Pennsylvania, on Saturday, Jan. 24. Other speakers will be Russell Owen, New York "Times" correspondent with the Byrd Antarctic Expedition, Bernt Balchen, Admiral Byrd s Chief Pilot in the Antarctic, and Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance, author and lecturer who played the lead in the Indian film "The Silent Enemy." The luncheon will be preceded by two days of conference sessions participated in by delegates from various communities over the country in which the work of the National Board is actively carried on. Among the motion picture celebrities who will attend the luncheon will be Dorothy Arzner, Edmund Goulding Maurice Chevaljer, Tallulah Bankhead, Claudette Colbert, Fredric March, and Charles Ruggles. Thursday morning one of the Board's review groups will illustrate that organization's reviewing procedure in the new Fox Private Theater for the benefit of the visiting delegates. The whole subject of the Conference will be sub-divided into the sub-topics: "The Community and the Motion Picture in the Theater;" "Cultural Uses of the Unusual Film by the Community"; "The Community and the Motion Picture For Children"; and "The Community and the Motion Picture in Visual Education." Speakers presenting various phases of the subject will be Albert Howson, scenario editor of Warner Bros,.; Arthur E. Krows, director, Electrical Research Products, and author of "The Talkies"; Mrs. Alonzo Richardson, secretary of Atlanta, Ga. Better Films Committee; Montague Salmon, managing director, Fox's State, Jersey City, N. J.; Ashley Miller, Director Children's Theater, Heckscher Foundation; Dr. William Martin Richards, Better Vision Institute; A. G. Balcom, Director of Visual Education, Newark, N. J. schools. Two evening events will feature the Conference. One will be a showing on Thursday night, in the Chanin Little Theater 'on the 50th floor of the Chanin Building, of the picture feango" made in Sumatra by Ernest Schoedsack. Miss Iris Barry, noted English critic and author of "Let's Go to the Movies," will be guest Terry-Tooned Up Paul Terry and Frank Moser yesterday signed a new contract to make 26 more Terry-Toons for Educational. The animators have delivered the last release on the original contract for 26, made April, 1930. So Appropriate Marilyn Miller will aid Hizzoner Jimmy Walker to launch the Farmers' Prosperity Campaign at City Hall today. After that we can expect a drive among unemployed orchestra musicians to aid a Sound Recorders' Prosperity Campaign. speaker. Friday night the Conference delegates will be guests of the American Museum of Natural History, when there will be a showing of special fiims in the Museum auditorium. Imperial Will Release Two Expedition Pictures Two outdoor expedition features are to be released by Imperial Distributing Corp. "Fojund", produced by the Porteous expedition, is a story of the Neanderthal man told against the Australian bush background. It is now being edited. "Jango," African picture, vyas made by the Davenport-Quigley expedition. Two More Houses Adopt Burlesque-Film Policy Two more houses in the New York metropolitan area are going over to a policy of burlesque with pictures. They are the Century, formerly the Shubert-Teller, and the Odeon, both in Brooklyn. The burlesque presentation runs for 40 minutes. Releasing "Desert Vengeance" Columbia's second January release will be "Desert Vengeance," starring Buck Jones. In the cast with Jones are Barbara Bedford, Al Smith, Bob Fleming, Douglas Gilmore, Ed Brady, 'Buck' Connor, 'Peewee' Holmes, 'Slim' Whitaker, Barney Beasby, and Joe Ferrard. Louis King directed. Hoefler Completes Tour Paul L. Hoefler, African explorer has completed a tour of key cities in the U. S., making personal appearances with Columbia's. "Africa Speaks." After leaving San Francisco, Hoefler traveled by plane to many cities for the purpose of lecturing before local organizations in addition to appearing with the pjcture. Radio broadcasts of the explorer's talks were also sent out by 200 stations. $275,302 Film Imports from Canada Toronto — Figures issued by the American Consulate lure show the declared exports to the United States from the Toronto consular district for the quarter ending Dec. 31 included films to the value of $275,302. ie yet need a jce-ie you HAVE A. JCB CPEN -ADVERTISE IT PCCE IN THE EILA4 DAILY Many splendid, efficient men and women are out of employment in the motion picture industry. With conditions picking up many jobs should soon be open. To help along a worthy cause FILM DAILY will print WITHOUT COST your advertisement in classified form under "Help Wanted' or "Situation Wanted." Each advertisement limited to 25 words. Simply address your tetter to Advt. Mgr., Film Daily, 1650 Broadway, New York City. HEL1» WANTED SALESMEN, acquainted with theatre exhibitors in N. Y. State, Conn., Penna., and Mass. States, to carry as a side line novelties for exploitations, on a commission basis. Box 575, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. SALESMEN: Salesmen who have experience and acquaintance with motion picture exhibitors in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Our proposition is a recognized high grade advertising service. Only successful and experienced men should apply — apply by letter. Box 561 FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. SITUATIONS WANTED PRODUCERS! LADY, 33, highly talented in writing super-modern plots, etc. Have 6 great novels and stories (unpublished) in synopsis. Seeks connection as staffwriter or similar capacity. Gert Brandes, 107-25 129th St., Richmond Hill, New York. TRAVELING AUDITOR and ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER, young man thoroughly experienced with every phase of home office and exchange detail. Fifteen years experience. Will appreciate interview. Box 607, FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. CASHIER-BOOKER-CONTRACT MAN experienced with all details of home office and exchange. Ten years experience, can furnish excellent references. Will appreciate interview. Box 608, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. WRITER, 25, doing editorials and features past four years with national magazine, desires theatrical or film connection; publicity experience. Arnold Kaplan, 2397 Grand Ave., New York. FORMERLY CONTACT MAN, also Assistant Production Manager several years prominent studio. Later organized company producing industrials. Desires position, any capacity, affiliated with cinema industry. Box 612, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. REWRITE and ADVERTISING MAN, seven years' experience with large trade paper. Excellent references. Will travel if necessary. Box 620, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. NEWSPAPERWOMAN, 24, five years experience Connecticut and New York newspapers, also publicity and advertising experience excellent references. Box 614, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. FILM SALESMAN, 32^ fifteen years' experience, desires opportunity where ability, intelligence and honest effort are appreciated. Also experienced on equipment. Will go anywhere. Best of references. Box 600, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. FRENCH YOUNG LADY— expert interpreter and translator in both languages, knowledge German, experienced in advertising, journalistic, foreign film publicity fields, seeks connection. Box 601, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. NATURAL COLOR CHEMIST experienced in developing and processing machines; can produce the finest lifelike colors on double coated stock. Seeking a position in N. Y. or out of town. Box 613, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. YOUNG PLAYWRIGHT — associate member dramatist guild. Seeks connection menial capacity to start — in scenario department. Good dialogue, will submit own work as evidence of ability. Box 603, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N. Y. C. A THOROUGH SHOWMAN, with many years experience as theatre manager, _ film buyer and booker. Exploitation and ad writing. Possess all qualities that make an alert showman and go-getter. Box 605, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. EXPLOITATION, ADVERTISING and PUBLICITY MAN, well known in the industry served four years with one of the foremost circuits in the mid-west as advertising manager. Also past experience good references excellent. Box 606, THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York City. YOUNG MAN, wide experience in motion picture and theatrical publicity and exploitation, theatre management and newspaper work. Wants either full or part time publicity position. College graduate, ambitious Requests interview. Box 540 THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, N.