The Film Daily (1931)

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THE flJt NEWSPAPER OF FILM DOM All THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. LV NO. 21 NEW y©!3r, MONDAY, JANUARY 2C, 1931 5 CENTS Review Board Speakers Urge More Juvenile Films ANTI-MERGER BILL nTCALIF. LEGISLATURE English Instead of MultiUnguals (or Foreign Market The Mirror — a column of comment FILMS of today, because they try to please folks of every age and class, conform to a mental plane of 13-year-olds, it is charged by Arthur E. Krows of Western Electric. ... If Mr. Krows is really serious in this accusation, he will encounter an army ready to take strong issue with him on the point. And that army will have plenty nf powerful ammunition to back it up. Included in this ammunition will be such exhibits as "All Quiet on the Western Front," "Journey's End," 'Abraham Lincoln," "Holiday," "Anna Christie," "The Big House," "With Byrd at the South Pole," "The Divorcee," "Hell's Angels," "Old Engish," "Outward Bound," "Let Us Be Gay," "Sarah and Son," "Love Parade," "Sin Takes a Holiday" and at least a score of other big shells like these. Anybody who calls this kind af fare suitable only for 13-year-olds -nust have a notion that we are living in an age of remarkable prodigies. • MANAGERS of Fox theaters have been warned by the home office to make no mention of film stars' legal or other difficulties in their advertising and publicity. . . . The admonition is timely and constructive. There may 3e no way to stop newspapers and 'dirt journalists" from exaggerating and capitalizing on the unfortunate incidents that befall stellar personalities, but when theaters attempt to :ash in on such publicity it gives the ndustry a double sock. • NEWSPAPERS in Baltimore are now •qre fully inspecting film ad copy with i view to keeping out anything _ considered improper. . . . Theoretically, his sounds all right. Its practical elect, however, won't amount to much inless the film industry in turn is alowed some censorship consideration vith respect to the unsavory, unwarranted and harmful "scandal" .arris about picture people which lewspapers are so fond of dishing up. American Producers Considering New Policy With Less Talk Several American producer-distributor companies are considering plans to serve the foreign market with English dialogue pictures instead of multi (Continued on Page 2) 19 PUBLIX CHICAGO HOUSES REINSTATE STAGE SHOWS Chicago — Twelve Publix Great States Circuit houses and seven in the Publix-Balaban & Katz group have reinstated vaudeville in the last three weeks. The B. & K. theaters, important neighborhoods, arc the Belmont, Senate, Congress, Central Park, Alamo, Belpark and Patio. All local Warner houses also are using stage talent while numerous indies are experimenting with week-end vaude. Local booking agencies report a 45 per cent increase in business in the last two months. Special Railroad Rates For Allied Convention Chicago — A special rate of one and one-half fares for the round trip has been granted by railroads for those attending the Allied States national convention Feb. 10-11. Censors to Band Formation of a Congress of Censors, comprising censor boards in the various states, is understood to be planned. In addition to the exchange of information concerning censoring problems, the association will discuss the moral characteristics of pictures. Leaders in film censorship movements are reported interested in the project. TWO OPERATORS IN BOOTH REQUIRED UNDER NEW BILL Hartford, Conn. — Under a bill introduced in the State Senate by Senator Sullivan of Bridgeport, all picture theaters will be required to have two licensed operators in projection booths. Bridgeport houses (Continued on Page 6) Chicago Company Plans Production of Shorts Chicago — Production of shorts, mostly commercial and industrial, but also including some comedies, is planned by the U. S. Talking Film Corp., it is announced by Dr. Charles (Continued on Page 2) Brady Says Film Industry Helps Country's Stability Joy-Killers Chicago— The Law and Order League, dedicated to keeping Chicago pure, will next leap upon the movies. It plans to appeal for police aid in overriding decisions of censors and also to go after snappy posters, spicy lobby displays and petting in theaters. A special investigator of the League is now gathering data. Necessity of producers making more pictures for juvenile customers was stressed by speakers at the final day's session and luncheon of the National Board of Review Saturday at the Hotel Pennsylvania. Among the resolutions adopted at the morning session was one approving child matinees. The advantage of association of the banking business with the motion picture was stressed by Peter Brady at the banquet. He declared (Continued on Page 7) Measure Is Designed To Block Combinations and "Trusts" Sacramento, Cal. — A bill aimed at mergers and combinations that may be construed as "trusts" is among the measures being presented in the current session of the Legislature. The bill is directed against "chains" of all kinds and seeks to prevent further amalgamations, whether in the film industry or in the chain store field. 37 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCERS USE MULTICOLOR PROCESS West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Thirty-seven producers of industrial films, located at various points in the country, are now using Multicolor. Fashion Features has also contracted to use Multicolor in all its future product. Warner Bros. Opening Own So. Amer. Offices Warner Bros, have decided to establish their own offices in South America and William Fait, who has been manager in Brazil, is now on his way to open headquarters in Buenos Aires. Distributing centers will be opened in Argentine, Chile and Peru. Warners will continue to maintain association with Glucksman Bros., who have been handling W. B.-F. N. product in S. A. New Pathe-RKO Suit Another suit to prevent consummation of the Pathe sale to RKO was filed Saturday in Supreme Court by Fred Rosenthal, owner of 100 shares of Pathe stock. Justic Lydon issued a show cause order returnable Wednesday, the day the transfer is slated to go through.