The Film Daily (1931)

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I Monday, January 26, 1931 _STHE m NEWSMTtt 01 HIMIOM Vol. IV Ka. 21 Monday, Jan. 26, 1931 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturdays and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. *•, BLS Pubiishir; Donald M M=au Secretary-Treasurer and General M.anaKcr . Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor ; Don monlh,! $3.00. Foreign. $15.00 fnb»crrber, should -mit order ^ddr^ss^ com munications to THE Hl'M pu„„„ rlrclc dress"' rilmdw, New' York. Hollywood California -Ralph Wilk, 6425 Holly woo BWd Phone Granite 6607. London-*.™* W Fredman, The Film Renter 89-9 Wardour St., W. I, Berlin-Karl Wolffsohn l.ichtbildhuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225 i"ar.s _P A Harle, La Cinematographic rran L-aise Uue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. PICTURE The Broadway Parade DISTRIBUTOR THEATER OPENING DATE "Devil To Pay" United Artists Gaiety Dec. 18 "New Moon" M-G-M Astor Dec. 23 "Reaching for the Moon» United Artists Criterion Dec. 29 "The Bat Whispers". .United Artists Rivoli Jan. 15 ..luicit-. Warner Bros Winter Garden Jan. 16 "Fighting Caravans" . Paramount Rialto Jan. 23 "Going Wild" Warner Bros Warner Jan. 24 "Cimarron" RKO Globe Jan. 26 NEW YORK {QUOTATIONS Con. Fm. Ind... Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. East. Kodak .... 1 Fox Fm. "A" Gen. Th. Eq. (new) Loew's, Inc do pfd. ww (6'/2) do pfd. xw (6'A) Paramount Pathe Exch do "A" RKO "A" Warner Bros NEW YORK Columbia Pets. vtc. Fox Thea. "A" . . Gen. Th. Eq. pfd. Loew's, Inc., war. . Technicolor NEW YORK Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 Loew 6s 41ww...l Paramount 6s 47.. Par. 5^s50 Pathe 7s37 Warners 6s39 .... STOCK MARKET AS OF SATURDAY) Net High Low Close Chg. 13/s 1244 1254. + H \7% 17/2 17% + H 567/8 154 155 — 1 31-54 30% 31 — 54 13/2 12/ 13 — H 51/ 50/ 50% — 54 94 94+1 94 94 4 94 94 45 1% 3% % 44% 44^ 154 154 — % m 3% — % 18% 17% 18 — % 17% 17/ 17/ — % CURB MARKET 20/ 20/ 20/ — % 5% 5/ 5/ — / 27/ 27 27 — / iy4 154 154 ••••• 8% 8/ 85/s — / BOND MARKET 7354 73 73 05/ 105 105/ + % 97 97 97 88/ 88/ 88/ — / 60 60 60 71/ 71/ 71/ + / Jake Margolies Dies Take Margolies, in the exhibiting field for the last 20 years in the Brooklyn and New Jersey territory, died last week. SUIT AGAINST PATHE SALE STRICKEN FROM CALENDAR With the sale of Pathe to RKO scheduled to be consummated Wednesday, Judge Goddard in the U. b. District Court has ordered the case ot the A. B C. Development Corp. taken from ' the court schedule. Three adjournments since Jan 2 when the case was originally called for trial, prompted the Judge's action, lne A. B C Corp. sought to restrain the proposed sale and permitted three adjournments on stipulations signed by Lewis Innerarity for Pathe Although taken from the court calendar the stipulation is still in force preventing the consummation of the sale until the case is cither dropped or again scheduled and tried. Chicago Company Plans Production of Shorts (Continued from Page 1) H Hair, secretary and treasurer of the company. Activity will start in the spring. Other officers of the company arc Marion. Ayres Casper Trainer, M. E. Hair, Samuel Witt Ernest Dechaw and Gust Johnson it is planned to tie up with schools tor showing of the pictures. Cleveland May Abandon City-Operated Movies Cleveland Conducting of movie shows by the city in the Public Auditorium is expected to stop after the showing of the first attraction Abraham Lincoln," opening Feb. 6. Local exhibitors waged a strenuous fight against the city's plan. PRODUCERS CONSIDERING NEW FOREIGN POLICY THEI INDUSTRY'S DATE ECCK (Continued from Page 1) lingual talkers. Foreign managers in New York are closely observing the run of two foreign-language pictures, "Under Roofs of Paris," in its seventh week at the Little Carnegie, and "Two Hearts in Waltz Time,'' in its 16th week at the 55th St. Several of the foreign department heads figure that in view of the fact that these two films, which are understandable through their visual action, are doing big business in this country, by the same token American talkers ought to draw abroad. If they definitely adopt this policy English dialogue will be held down to a minimum. Today: "C imarTon", RKO production, opens at the Globe on Broadway. Jan. 30 World Premiere of Charlie Chaplin's "City Lights" at the new Los Angeles in Los Angeles. Feb. 3 "Trader Horn-" M-G-M production, opens at the Astor, New York. Feb. 5 Testimonial luncheon to Arthur Greenblatt at the Hotel Astor. Feb. 6 Charlie Chaplin's "City Lights' opens at the George M. Cohan, New York Paramount Pep Club Ball, Hotel Astor, New York. Feb. 7 First Annual Dinner and Dance by Columbia Pictures employees. Hotel Plaza, New York. Feb. 9 Thirty-second annual dinner by the Society of the Genesee in honor of George Eastman. Feb. 10-11 National convention of independent exhibitors called by Allied States Ass'n to be held in Chicago. Ufa Science Film Shows Rocket Trip to Moon A rocket flight to the moon in motion pictures prepared by scientists and produced for Ufa in Germany by Professor Hermann Oberth was shown by Ufa last week to a group of scientists and newspapermen and will be shown again tomorrow at the American Museum of Natural History. :•: S :•: New York Long Island City ».t j't 1540 Broadway 154 Crescent St. » g BRYant 4712 STIllwell 7940 |.| if it X it 1 Films g % ]. E. Brulatour, Inc. % « J if ft t.x :: ;.: s t.t COMING & GOING Hollywood Chicago 6700 Santa Monica H i't 1727 Indiana Ave. Blvd. ♦> it CALuinet 2694 HOLlywood 4121 ♦> ft : it gfe8mt»iMtt»ms^sssss3S&^3«tagm^ JOSEPH I. SCHNITZER left Saturday for the Coast. „ , JOSEPH SCHENCK left for Hollywood on Sunday. . . ,, BEATRICE LITTLE arrives on the Majestic tomorrow from Europe. MARY PICKFORD returned to the Coast vesterday. M1CHAFL L. SIMMONS is on a trip to Bermuda. , ROLAND PERTWEE, English author, and JOAN CLARKSON and REGINALD F. ANDREWS, players, arrive tomorrow from England. , WILLIAM FAIT, Brazil Manager for Warner-First National, is on his way back to South America. BERT F LYON, Canadian sales manager for Warner-First National, is back in New York from a tour of his territory. Butterfield to Spend $1,500,000 on Repairs Detroit — Butterfield Theaters announce plans for remodeling of three of their principal Michigan theaters at a cost of about $1,500,000. Work also will be started April 15 on the new house in Holland. Sale of the Columbus theater property in Bay City has been decided upon, and the land on which the Franklin, Saginaw, is built has been bought from the Patterson estate. W. S. Butterfield and family have left for a two months' stay in California. New Assignment Editor For Paramount Newsreel Wm. F. Montague, Jr., has been promoted to assignment editor of Paramount's Sound News Reel, succeeding S. H. McKeon, resigned. Henry Leon Walker Dies Aberdeen, S. D. — Henry Leoa Walker, 59, pioneer local showman, died at his home here following a paralytic stroke. Walker at one time controlled 166 Northwest theaters. EducationaFs February Releases On the Educational February release schedule are the following: "One Yard to Go," "The Philadelphia Lancaster Counterfeiting Case," "Razzberries," a Mack Sennett Brevity, "The College Vamp," "A Happy Little Honeymoon," a Wm. J. Burns Detective Mystery, "Come to Papa," and "The Shooting of Dan the Duck." Tom Mix Loses Suit Erie, Pa. — Tom Mix has lost a verdict of $90,000 to Zack Miller, owner of the 101 Ranch Shows, who charged breach of contract in 1929. Perani Opening New York Branch Emilio Perani, S. A. I. of Milan plans to open a New York office shortly. M. L. Bianchi, import manager, will come to New York to establish the branch. Offer to Aid Unemployed Norfolk, Va. — Offer of local motion picture operators to donate the grosses of four Sunday performances to a fund for the local unemployed is being considered by the special unemployment commission. Members of the Tidewater Ministerial Union have requested Mayor E. Jeff Robertson, chairman of the committee, for a hearing on the subject before the proposal is definitely accepted. Studio and Location Sound on Film Recording Low Dally or Weekly Rates Powers Cinephone Equipment Corporation T23-TTH AVE.. N. Y. BRYANT soar Phone Stillwell 7932 toi NEGATIVES DEVELOPED and Poaitive Print! II a i a on standard or 16 mm ttock INTER-CONTIN ENTAL Film Laboratories Inc 74 Sherman St. Long Island City