The Film Daily (1931)

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THE ■££1 DAILY Monday, February 9, 1931 :tne 11 MIMUIL Of III Ml <>M tiL l« Ni. 33 Moidir, Feb. 9. 1931 Prlci 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Saturdays and holidays at 1650 Broadway. New York, N. Y., and copyright U9J0) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; I)on Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act o( March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside* of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 7-4736, 7-4737, 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman. The Film Renter. 89-91 VVardour St., VV. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn, Lichthildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise. Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. The Broadway Parade (Current Extended Run Attractions) PICTURE •Illicit" "Cimarron" "Ein Maedel von der Reeperbahn". . .Talking Pict. Epics "Trader Horn" M-G-M "Hell's Angels" United Artists... "City Lights" United Artists... DISTRIBUTOR THEATER OPENING DATE Warner Bros Winter Garden Jan. 16 .RKO Globe Jan. 26 Central . . .Jan. 30 . Astor Feb. 3 . Rivoli . Feb. 5 .Geo. M. Cohan Feb. 6 THE INDUSTRY'S DATE DCCr Fin ancia NEW YORK STOCK MARKET (QUOTATIONS AS OF SATURDAY) Net High Low Close Chg. Con. Fm. Ind. .. 12K 12J4 12^ + % Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 17y2 V'/2 \iy2 East. Kodak 162 159J4 162 + 2# Fox Fm. "A" .. iV/2 32y. uy2 + ft Gen. Th. Eq. (new) 13'A 12'/2 13 — J4 M-G-M pfd 26 25>/2 2Sy2 — y2 Paramount 47J4 47 47J4 + yi, Pathe Exch 2 \% \fc — % do "A" 4 4 4 .?.K0 "A" 19H 19^ 19« + X Warner Bros 17^ 17 17^ + ii NEW YORK CURB MARKET Fox Thea. "A" . . S'A S% Sli — H Gen. Th. Eq. pfd. 26 26 26—14 Loew, Inc., war.. 1H 1 1 y. Loew's do deb rts. 11^ 11 54 \\y2 TransLux 8H 8 8$£ + H Technicolor 14J4 12^ 14 +2 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40 70% 69}* 70J4 + ii Loew 6s 41ww. .. 10454 104J4 104J4 do 6s 41 x-war.. 99 99 99 'A Paramount 6s 47 . 96 54 9654 9654 a Par. 5J4s50 8754 87J4 8754 ...:. Paihe 7s 37 69 69 69 Warner's 6s39 ... 69 69 69 Selling Specific Shows Studied As New Policy (Continued from Page 1) management, giving the house manager more leeway, localizing both bookings and house quotas, which torinerly were set at the home othce, results have been very encouraging, ivatz says. It is tne belief of many theater executives and advertising men that, now more than ever, dirterent types o£ pictures must be sold in different ways in order to get the maximum oi the patronage possible for each cype oi attraction. Picture fans, it is stated, are becoming stabilized into classes witli particular taste, some very restricted and others extending to almost any class of picture, and exploitation hereafter will have to be iramed so that it will be a reliable ^uide to prospective patrons. Selling every picture in the same stereotyped style should be entirely tabooed, the circuit heads declare, and the same ipplies to over-selling of weak pictuns, because it undermines public conhdence in all product. n Joe Pincus Leaving Fox Joe Pincus, who has been charge of Eastern production matters for Fox over a period of years, is leaving the organization. Johnson Business Head Cameramen's N. Y. Local O. V. Johnson, formerly engaged 111 location work for the Paramount .\ew \ (irk studio, has been named business representative of the cameramen's local in New York. He sucds Francis E. Ziesse, who will soon announce a new connection. 5 Theater Publicity Men Out In R-K-0 Shakeup (Continued from Page 1) by Bob Sylvester under the supervision of Jack Hess, who has been named National Director of R-K-0 Advertising. Five clerks were also given notice. John Pollock has been < tiered a salary cut to stay on, but ,11s resignation is expected this week. In addition to the personnel changes, orders were passed around wiping out .11 paid-messenger service and expense accounts. Mark Luescher regains his post of director of national publicity. Photophone Appointments Made by Directors' Board At a meeting of the Board of Directors of RCA Photophone. Saturday, Alexander E. Reoch was elected executive vice-president, as predicted last month by The Film Daily. Lawrence B. Morris was elected vicepresident. Reoch now takes active jharge of the affairs of RCA Photophone here and abroad. Today : Thirty-second annual dinner by the Society of the Genesee in honor of George Eastman. Feb. 10-11 National convention of independent exhibitors called by Allied States Ass'n to be held in Chicago. Feb. 22 "Warner Club Gaieties" presented by the Warner Club at the Hollywood Tneater, New York. Feb. 28 Foxfilm 'Athletic Club fifth annual ball at the Commodore Hotel, N Y. vlar 7 Annual midnight theater party by the Kaplan Projection Society for the benefit of the Sick Fund, at the Hippodrome, New York. Mar. 21 Annual Ball of the Warner Club, New York. April 4-11 Players' and Patrons' Jubilee Week, national benefit for N. V A. Club. April 23-24 State Convention of Indiana Indorsers of Photoplays. Claypool Hotel, Indianapolis. May 25-28 Spring meeting of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, Hotel Roosevelt, Hollywood, Cal. Terry Ramsaye Editing Motion Picture "Herald" Terry Ramsaye has been appointed editor of the Motion Picture Herald by Martin Quigley, publisher. Ramsaye resigned as editor of Pathe News ind Audio review last week, following the appointment of Courtland Smith as supervisor of both reels. Exhibs Will Protest Against Sound Charges (Continued from Pane 1) ussed in connection with the WashiiiK'ton Bi-Centennial celebration scheduled for next year and the historical picture planned. The directors' session is being called by President M. A. Lightman and Fred Wehrenberg, chairman of the board. 3 Circuits Book Sono Art Feature "Damaged Love," Sono Art-World Wide release, has been booked over the entire Fox Metropolitan Theaters circuit. Publix has booked the picture, first run, in Boston, and all subsequent runs. R-K-O has booked it for Lowell, Rochester, Dallas, Birmingham, Madison, and Racine. '.^•ISSKMHHK!"""""."."."."."."."."."." *'f *'* New York Long Island City $ f{ 1540 Broadway 154 Crescent St. ?.♦ ft BR Yam 4712 STIllwell 7940 V :.: :.: :: I Eastinan Filnnsl >.* ♦.♦ || J. E. Brulatour, Inc. J! « ft s ft « :•: ft Hollywood ••: :.t Chicago 6700 Santa Monica K ft 1727 Indiana Ave. bi.h ft CALuinet 2691 R Blvd. HOLlywood 4111 ,il«•u•t'^^r^•^•u•u•u•u^•-•u•«•-'-•u^•-•w•«•:^ "Cim" Draws Big in Portland Portland, Ore. — In its first four days at the Orpheum, RKO's "Cimarron" grossed $12,000. Saenger Publicity Man Dies New Orleans — William R. Strange, assistant director of publicity of the Saenger, is dead of pneumonia. Sunday Movies Lose in Bogalusa Bogalusa, La.— Result of the referendum on Sunday movies here was 706 against and 403 for the shows. COMING & GOING SIDNEY OLCOTT left Saturday for the coast. JOE SEIDER returns to New York tomorrow from a vacation in Havana. MAJOR ALBERT WARNER is on a trip to the west. WALTER HUSTON arrive* tomorrow on the Mauretania from Europe GEORGE BANCROFT, accompanied by his manager, Harry Fink, left Saturday for Hollywood. Circle Co. Earns $10.45 a Share Indianapolis — Net income of the Circle Theater Co. for 1930 amounted to $167,669.36, equal to about $10.45 a share on the 16,000 shares of common stock outstanding. The company's investments include holdings in the Lincoln Square Realty Co., Market-Circle Realty Co., Monument Realty Co. and SkourasPublix Theaters Co. Phone Stillwell 7932 for NEGATIVES DEVELOPED and Poiiti„e Prints Hade on ftandard or 16 mm. stock INTER-CONTINENTAL Film Laboratories Inc. 74 Sherman St. Long Ialand City O'Heron and Rosenzweig RKO Vice-Presidents (Continued from Page I) dent Joseph I. Schnitzer. O'Heron was formerly assistant treasurer and Rosenzweig was general ,ales manager. The promotions folow the acceptance of the post of (resident of R-K-O-Pathe by Lee Marcus, former executive vice-presilcnt of Radio Pictures. Oscar Morgan Elected Head of K. C. Film Board (Continued from Page 1) Board of Trade. Ward E. Scott was named vice-president, and Russell C. Borg, Roy E. Churchill, Ray V. Nolan and M. C. Sinift, directors. WANTED High intensity arc lamp house suitable for a Simplex projector, also second hand incandescent lighting equipment for small set. KISLYN CORPORATION, 158, South Van Brunt Street, Englewood, N. J. Studio and Location Sound on Film Recording Low Daily or Weekly Rates Powers Cinephone Equipment Corporation 723-7TH AVE., N. Y. BRYANT 6067