The Film Daily (1931)

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IfflE NEWSPAPER I FILM DOM AND WEEKLY FILM DIGEST VOL. LV NO. 38 new yccr, Sunday, fccciJ4cy i<5, i jii 25 « • 50 Detroit Theaters Giving Five -Cent Matinees SKOURAS BROS. TO OPERATE AS PARA. ALLY Protection Outlawed Under Proposed N. Carolina Bill Measure in Legislature Slated for Early Hearing Raleigh, X. C. — Public hearing on I lull which would outlaw protection is scheduled for Tuesday by the Seratc of the Xorth Carolina State Legislature. The measure, which \,a introduced by Rep. R. L. Harris t)f Person County, lias already passed he House. It attacks protection system as a form of "restrain of trade.' SC EEN WON'T SUBSIDIZE DIRT DRAMA, SAYS MAYER ll„-l,nmi,n, Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Motion picture inter I s will limit their efforts to subI zc the drama as long as Broadwa\ plays contain "frank and frcEjcntly shocking dialogue." accordEg i" Louis B. Mayer, who with I s. Maver are guests of President nd Mrs. Hoover at the White Mouse. Mayer said that more screen -•oies will come directly from au hors and playwright-, who will prodn e directly for the movies. He also stated that M-C-M would no uo Into the business of producing Hays, hut added that it has not abandoned a policy of financing such ■age material as seems readily adaptable for film entertainment. 10 Copyright Suits Filed Against Indiana Exhibitor Indianapolis — Ten suits charging (copyright violations have been filed i the Federal District tout again 'rami Key. exhibitor of Anderson trill. 'I he film? in question are now being held by 'he U. S. Marshal. Distribute- ask return of the li'm logethei with an o' der re -training Key from leasing them, and damage 'if $250 for each one he le ised. Television Motion Picture Made Schenectady — A motion picture film of images appearing in a television receiving set has been successfully made by General Electric Co., it is announced. The originals of the images were in another part of the local laboratory. The company also has succeeded ;'n a test transmission of images across the sea by television. SIX FOREIGN DIALOGUERS OPENING IN N. Y. THIS WEEK ax of $10 Per 500 Ft. Levied by Nanking Censor Shanghai — Under rules issued by he Nankin : government creating a m censorship hoard of seven members from tin ministry of education \i<\ mini try of the interior, the board will collect a tax of $10 fo er\ 5U i Feet of foreign film exam■c(\. Native productions are exempt. Certificates will be good for three ears only. Six foreign dialogue production? are opening this week in New York houses. Among them is the firs I ines-Piltaluga Italian talker shown here, "When Naples Sings,'' whicl open Sunday for a run at the Belm< nt. legitimate house on 48th Si "I'a Jiaeei," Italian opera produced heir by Signor Gallo in association with \udio Cinema, opens Feb. 20 al-o in a former legit, theater, the Jolson, which Leo Brecher has re (Continued on Pane 11) 10 Holdovers and Return Dates In Broadway Houses This Week 25 Houses in East Lined Up Already — Circuit of 150 Planned Skouras Brothers have concluded irrangements whereby they will oprate as Paramount ally, playing he latter's product in a circuit of at least ISO theaters in the territory ast of the Mississippi. Spyros Skouras will be in charge of operations with headquarters in New York, while George and Charles "skouras will be on the road. About 25 houses already have been acquird in eastern states and the new plan placed under way. Although not openly indicated, it is known that (Continued on Pane 2) Unanimous Claudia Dell has received a letter from a fan saying: "I would certainly love to wear your old clothes." And C'.audu writes back: "I love to wear 'em myselfwthese tuff times." Holdovers and return engage-, paramount Dickering For ments aie occupying 10 oi the Broa vav district first-run grinds th week, and as a result only two new attractions opened Thursday an Friday in the Times Square dis'rH The latter are "Draculn" at the R >X I 1 mi tinned o%\ Vane 2) Murnau's South Sea Fill* Paramount is understood to 1>< dickering for distrihut'on rights o ill'!!." fea'irc made h\ F. W. Mur nau ill tin South Sea Islands. Rob ' i ontinued on l\i<n 1 1 I Price Cutting War in Detroit Brings 50 FiveCent Matinees ?uh\\\ Obtains Papers For Virginia Expansion Richmond — Ptihlix has been granted domestication papers in Virginia, application having been made for the purpotc of engaging in "general moil,.ii picture and film exchange business" 'in Newport News, Bristol, (Continued on Font 2) Detroit An unprecedented price ui'ing campaign is in progress moii" local houses, having been t.vied some time ago by the redtu*i,in from 75 cents t" 50 cen's a' he de luxe Fox downtown and now extending into every zone in the citj \ln>nt 50 theaters are reported giving 5-cent matinees. T|n l|( w (Continued on />/<• II) AGREEMENT IS REACHED ON W. VA. SUNDAY OPENING Wheeling — An agreement reached on the West Virginia Sunday open ing situation between exhibitors ai.d the clergy is understood to terniinitc prospects of repeal of the local option statute. Under the settl< mt'iit theaters will open Sundays between 1 and G and may resume thei shows after 9 p. m. Chas. R. Rogers Adjusts Comve Bennett Contract lf,<t < oa i Bureau. THE FILM DAll Y Hollywood — Charles R. Roger has adjusted Constance Bennett contract with RKO-Pathc where > she agrees to confine her activi'i ■ to this company during the four i' maining years, oi her agreem VI 111 the i xception oi the two P tures she is to make for Warn I'he latter have agreed to make oill one Bennett pictu e this > ear. po poining the second until next Foiled! Kansas City — A safe containing $850, stolen from the Waldo on Monday by four Negroes, has been found by detectives. The bandits were un able to open it. —