The Film Daily (1931)

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'lt«i THE ^S^KnmJh DAILY ■ Friday, March 13, 1931 I NEWSPAPER AD TIEUP FOR WARNER 1 (Continued from Page 1) tack by newspapers on theater showing advertising subjects. Local papers will carry display ads calling attention to the theater and the sponsored short subiect. The contract involves distribution in al' Warner theaters and many independent exhibitors who subscribe to the Warner service. Approximately 650 houses will plav the pictures to an estimated audience of 4,000,000 people. Harry L. Gold Promoted To Asst. G. M. at U. A (Continued from Page 1) with U. Al for eight years. He started as a salesman in Cleveland and subsequently was elevated to Cincinnati branch manager, district manager and eastern division manager. Pathe Sales Convention In Chicago April 20-2? (Continued from Page 1 ) Depinet, sales chief, Vice-President C. J. Scollard, E. J. O'Leary an'' other home office heads, in the first get-together of the reorganized company heads and the field executives. Depinet will preside at the meeting. Just before the convention, Marcu will visit the Culver City studios for final conferences with Rogers on the company's 21 features and 152 shorts, excluding newsreels, planned for the new season. Chaplin Two-Reelers Soon Ready "Caught in a Cabaret," "The Property Man" and "The Knockout" wil' be the first three of the 20 Keystone Comedies starring Charlie Chaplin being revived with musical scores and sound effects by Joseph Seiden, president of Melody Productions. The trio will be ready for the state right market in about a week. New Incorporations NEW YORK CHARTERS Rudolf Mayer Pictures, motion pictures: Silverman & Stern, 2 Lafayette St.. New York. 200 shares common. American Picture Talkiner Record Corp., talkine machines; H. H. Oshrin, 1501 Broadway, New York. $20,000. Ritchet Export Corp., motion pictures; F. Petigor, 19 West 44th St., New York. $10,000. Atlas Soundfilm Recording Studios, motion pictures; Fitelson, T.erman & Mayers, 70 West 40th St.. New York. $50,000 pf., 500 shares common. Oscar Hanson Corp., motion pictures: S. F. Peavey, Jr., 27 Cedar St.. New York. $100,000. DELAWARE CHARTERS Paramount Films, Inc., Wilmington. Del., motion tvctures; Corporation Trust Co., Dover, Del. Name Changes Douglas Fairhanks Pictures Corp., Man Httan, to Douglas Fairhanks Pictures Corp.. I Greater Buffalo Theaters, Buffalo to Loew'« Buffalo Theaters, N-E-W-S OF T-H-E D-A-Y Atlanta— Yeggmen. entering the office of the Cameo drilled the safe and escaped with between $250 and 4>JU0 in cash, according to F. F Owens, manager. San Jose, Cal. — Fox West Coast .vJl spend approximately $50,000 for mprovements on the California and Mission. The Mission will entail the greater expenditure of the allotted sum through extensive remodelig and renovation. The California scheduled for a new inagnascopic recti among other improvements. Both houses are under the supervion of Art Miller. Star was passed upon favorably by the voters. Eastland, Tex. — Mr. and Mrs. G. vV. Belcher, formerly of Iowa Park. ire again established in the theatei • usiness, having recently opened the Id Connollee here. North Brookfield, Mass. — At a reent town meeting the article to em>ower the selectmen to issue a Sun'av moving picture license to the Broadbrook, Conn. — The Broadbrook, formerly operated by Thomas Cuprak, has been taken over by John Minkiewitz, who plans to run it silent. Cleveland — Eugene Vogel of the local M-G-M sales staff is working out of the Albany M-G-M office for a few weeks during the illness of less Goldberg. Hartford, Conn. — The ushers in the Warner theaters here are organizing a club. A bowling league will be one of the features they will start with. Valdosta, Ga. — The Ritz theater building has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Ousley, the consideration being approximately $100,000. Some Improvement in Biz Is Indicated by Survey (Continued from Page 1) oils territories throughout the country. Business in the big cities of Nebraska is fair enough, but not so rood in the small towns, said harks Williams of Omaha. Agriiil < u-r. | conditions are largely responsible for the situation, with pro!ure prices at a low mark. Bank failures also have injured the situation. Theater attendance in the Memihis territory remains "off," accordng to M. A. Lightmau Big picures, however, will bring the cusomers in despite general conditions, he said. "Fair" is the wav Fred Wehren*erg described business in the St. Louis zone. First runs are doing well compared with the neighborhoods, he figured. _^ Business is looking up in North Carolina. Charles Picquet asserted. It's a little better than it was six -nonths ago, he said. Tn the Kansas Citv territory, business has improved since the holidays, iccordntr to R. R. Biechele, who is iptimistic about the months ahead. Business is "picking ud" in the Rhode Island area, said Edward M. Fav of Providence. A good show will null natrons in regardless of conditions, he asserted. Exlvbitors in the Saratoga terri'or\ are finding that business is fair, 'n the opinion of William Benton. Whether or not business is good lepend« largely upon the product a house is playing, said Jav" Emanuel >* Ph;'adelphia who emphasized the fact that the public shops carefully nowadays when it poes after screen entertainment. "Not so good" is the way Jack M t'ler labels business in the Chicago territory. January was fair, 12 Films in Preparation At Universal Studios (Continued fiom Page 1) von Stroheim is writing and which he will also direct. "Strictly Dishonorable," the Preston Sturges prize play. "The Outcasts of Poker Flat," in which Lew Ay res will star, air' which Joseph Moncure March i adapting for William Wyler's d'rection. "Back Street," the Fannie Hurst best-seller, with Rose Hobart, which John M. Stahl will direct. "Waterloo Bridge." the Robert E Sherwood play which Tom Reed i preparing in scenario form. "The Impatient Virgin," which Francis Edwards Faragoh is adapting from Donald Henderson Clarke'' novel. "White Captive," which Georg Melford will direct, as far as interiors go, and for which Dale Van Every and Don Ryan are preparing fhe story. "A Ladv of Resource," probabl' ceaturing John Boles in the leading male role, and which Edwin Knopf is preparing. "Saint Johnson," the W. R. Burnett story which Edward Laemmle will direct. "The Behavior of Mrs. Crane." which Ernst L. Frank will direct. "Mississippi," starring Lew Ayres Ray Dovle is adapting it from Ben Lucien Burman's novel. "Lilies of Broadway," to lie directed by John Murray Anderson, from the original story bv William Hurlbut. for which Carey Wilson is writing the script. SIX MAJOR COMPANIES DENY SHORTS TIE-IN (Continued from Pone 1) RKO and Columbia. President M. A. Lightman said. Pursuant to an action taken by .he M.P.T.O.A. directors at the meeting this week, a committee took the matter up with sales department ^executives. In expressing their attitudes in the situation, the officials made it clear that they're out to sell all their shorts, but not via this method. Commenting on the matter, Lightman urged that in event violations jf this policy occur in any of the erritories, exhibitors involved should eport the cases to sales managers of companies concerned, reminding them of their statements. he said, but last month and so far into March hasn't shaped up as wel; as exhibs had hoped. In the Cleveland zone business is improving, is the opinion of Fred Desberg, Want Pathe to Deliver All 1930-31 Features (Continued from Page 1) and Pathe News unless the features so far unproduced are delivered. Statement was later made that the exhib organization in taking this atitude, acted on legal advice. During .he session it was said that the Warner Bros, legal department has written to Pathe asking for delivery on features which have not been made up to the present time. Pathe has stated that all new features, except those announced for immediate release, will be considered as part of next year-'s program. The association voted to write to Dr. Broome, Superintendent of Public Education in Pennsylvania, asking him to prevent school teachers from seeking support of the Brookhart bill from parents of their pupils. The action was inspired by a Philadelphia incident in which a teacher gave her pupils form letters urging their parents to write to the Iowa senator endorsing his bill. Plans were made for a service to inform members of substitutions. Third "Season" Short Finished "In the Good Old Summer Time", fhird of the "Four Seasons" series '*eing made by Ideal Pictures Corp., has been finished under the supervision of Allyn B. Carrick. The first two were "When Winter Comes" and "Spring is Here". TEN YEARS AGO TO-DAY IN THE ncNEKSMrn Of HUH DOM U.B.O. seeking features for its own theaters. Pathe to distribute. * * * Metro abandons eastern production, * * * Famous Players surplus for 1920 over $5,000,000.