The Film Daily (1931)

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THE Tuesday, March 24, 1931 -c&m DAILY T. P. E. CUniNG FEATURES INTO SERIES OF SHORTS (Continued from Page 1) will be offered in both feature length and series form. Film editors are now preparing "The Girl from the Reeperbahn" for release as a serial, and "Mexico Today", an Emma Lindsey Squier-John Bransby production, is now being prepared in both forms. According to Max Weisfeldt, vice-president, Talking Picture Epics will send three expeditions abroad within the next two months. Feature productions and series pictures will be made in Japan, Mongolia and South America. An explorer and two cameramen using portable sound equipment will head each expedition. A LITTLE from "LOTS ►// By RALPH WILK French Newsreel Circuit Being Formed by S. Ford (.Continued from Page 1) sold his interest in the Aubert organization before its merger with Gaumont and Franco Films. Ford expects to start by opening several houses in Paris, followed by others in the provinces. He is also reported seeking to purchase the Kermesse theater in the Saint Denis district. Fox Theater Assignments Recent managerial assignments in Fox theaters include: Charles Rose, appointed manager of the Colonia, Norwich, N. Y.; Benjamin Idson, now managing the Roebling, Brooklyn; Harry Milstein, formerly assistant manager and treasurer of the Congress St., Brooklyn, now manager and treasurer of the Duffield, replacing Louis Liss, made assistant manager and treasurer of the Congress. Sen. Davis Visits Mayer West Coast Bureau. THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Senator James J. Davis, who is reported to have received several motion picture offers, has arrived by plane and is a guest at the Santa Monica home of Louis B. Mayer. Jack O'Donnell Goes to Fox Jack O'Donnell, who co-authored "The Sap from Syracuse." from which Paramount made a talker, has been signed by Fox. Another for the Kids , Another production especially designed to appeal to juve niles as well as to grown-ups has been set by Paramount. It is "Queen of Hollywood," from Sinclair Lewis' "Let's Play King," depicting adventures of child film celebrities. Mitzi Green and Jackie (Sidney) Searl will be featured. Norman Taurog and Norman McLeod will direct. HOLLYWOOD WflLLIAM K. WELLS is writing an original screen play as Winnie Lightner's next Warner Bros.' starring vehicle. "Side Show"" is its title. Wells wrote the screen play and dialogue for "Sit Tight," Winnie Lightner-Joe E. Brown current release. * * * Our Passing Show: Adolph Zukor and Samuel Goldwyn motoring to the Paramount studio; Don Alvarado, Ray Lissner and Sammy Fuller chatting at Radio Pictures; George E. Marshall, Andrew Bennison and Bobby Jones conferring at First National. * * * Howard Hughes's next picture following his sensational "The Front Page" will be an original aviation comedy as yet untitled. This film will go into production April 6 under direction of Edward Sedgwick, MG-M director, who was borrowed for the occasion. Robert Benchley, humorist, is polishing off the script. "Scarface," which Howard Hawks will direct, will be the next picture placed in production after the air comedy. "The Age for Love," Billie Dove's first starring vehicle on the Hughes contract, will follow. * * * Sally Eilers has received a long term contract from Fox. Her first picture under the new agreement will be "The Black Camel." Others in the cast include Warner Oland, Frank Albertson, Victor Varconi and Bela Lugosi. * * * Stuart Erwin, versatile comedian, has signed another long term featured player contract with Paramount. Erwin is now playing an important role in "Dude Ranch." * * * George R. Batcheller. president of Chesterfield Motion Picture Corp.. announces the signing of Richard Thorpe to direct the second of a series of six melodramas, the working title of which is, "The Inside Story." * * * Bill Boyd of RKO Pathe has completed his beach shack at Malibu. * * * Arnold Lucy will be a butler again, this time in "Young Sinners," Fox production featuring Thomas Meighan. Hardie Albright and Dorothy Jordan. * * * Nancy Gardner, known on the Broadway stage for many years ac Minna Gombel, will be a principal in the Janet Gaynor-Warner Baxter picture, "Daddy Long Legs." * * * Lumsden Hare has been signed for a part, ivith Elissa Landi for Fox's "Always Goodbye." * * * Rouben Mamoulian has signed a new directing contract whereby he will devote most of his time and talents to the production of picture-; for Paramount. Mamoulian's new agreement permits him to continue his direction of stage plays on Broadway. * * * John Cromwell and Norman McLeod have signed new contracts as Paramount directors. Cromwell is now directing "The Vice Squad." McLeod's next assignment will be with Norman Taurog on "Queen of Hollywood." * * * William McGann will direct First National's "I Like Your Nerve," with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Loretta Young. * * * Harry Myers and Claud Allister are the latest additions to "Meet the Wife," being produced under the supervision of Al Christie for Columbia release. * * * John M. Stahl has been assigned by Universal to direct "Strictly Dishonorable," the Preston Sturges stage hit. * * * Owen Marks, veteran film editor ivho has edited several George Arliss pictures, including "Disraeli" and "Old English," has completed the cutting of "The Millionaire," which also stars Arliss. Marks also edited "Divorce Among Friends." * * * Doris Malloy, who, with Gertrude Orr, wrote "The Mad Parade," whose cast consists exclusively of women, is now a member of the Fox scenario staff. Captain Ted Duncan, in charge of the Columbia information department, knows his calls and cues. He was a stage and screen actor for 26 years and has also appeared in light, opera. * * * Harry Ruby of Kalmar and Ruby, the authors and composers, is spending his vacation in New York, whilf Bert Kalmar will sail on March 28 for a visit to Hawaii. In 1917. Kalmar wrote a song, "Hello, Hawaii, How Are You," in connection with the opening of telephonic connection between the United States and Hawaii, and now he will be making his first trip to Hawaii. * * * Jacques Lory and Arthur Harari. French actors, have been engaged by Henri de la Falaise to work in the French version of "The Woman Between." formerly called "Madame Julie." de la Falaise will direct and supennse the picture, which will be made by Radio Pictures. * * * As a result of her work in "The Woman Between." Ruth Weston has had her option taken up bv Radio Pictures. She has been, assigned a role in "Too Many Cooks," a comedy FREE TRAILERS WANTED FROM PRODUCING FIRMS (.Continued from Page 1) hibs are too high, the committee will assert that inasmuch as trailers exploit their own pictures, producers ought to furnish them as an accessory. In another effort to influence a reduction the committee will also confer with the trailer companies on the subject of a downward readjustment of prices Double Feature Policy Discouraged by Warners (Continued from Page 1) in their houses have not been issued, every means possible to meet competition is being advanced without resorting to the double feature shows, says Alperson. Several instances are now under consideration where a strong feature and a well balanced program of shorts will be Warners offensive in answer to double feature competitive houses. Stage talent also is being used in some of the Warner houses. German Firm to Exploit Swiss Color Invention Berlin — A German company under the name of Arena has been formed to exploit Spectrocolor, said to be a low cost color process based on the adding system. The company controls about 40 patents covering the invention. featuring Bert Wheeler and Dorothy Lee. * * * Leo McCarey, who directed Gloria Swanson's latest picture, "Obey That Impulse," has been signed by Howard Hughes to twirl the megaphone on "Queer People," the sensational story of Hollyivood by Carroll and Garrett Graham. The Carham brothers, in collaboration with McCarey, will write the film treatment. * * * B. C. (Babe) Stafford is finishing the last shots on Mack Sennett's "The Cowcatcher's Daughter," featuring Andy Clyde, Harry Gribbon, Marjorie Beebe and Frankie Eastman. This is Stafford's second directorial assignment for Sennett. Stafford is credited with being the industry's youngest director, he is but 22 years old. * * * Madame Iso Asabuki, woman tennis champion of Japan, was the guest of Joseph Cawthorn at Radio Pictures' studio. She met and lunched with a number of the stars, including Mary Astor, Lowell Sherman and Ricardo Cortez. Tom Meighan To Sing Thomas Meighan, who was a popular musical comedy player before he became a screen star, will give screen audiences a sample of his voice in his forthcoming talker, "Young Sinners." He will sing "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling."