The Film Daily (1931)

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THE Friday, April 10, 1931 Cuhh&S DAILY W' ORGANIZING STAFF FOR AMUSEMENT PROJECT (Continued from Pniir 1) iistant to Hiram Brown, Milton Schartzwald, leader of the R-K( Mians." and Mark Luescher, will be supervised by "Roxy" with Luescher as consultant. The Roxy theater will continue to be known by its present name until September. 1932. after which the "Roxy" veil be discontinued. Offices in the Palace build'ne have been made ready for "Roxy's" entrance Monday, at which time Leah Klar, for years his private secretary :it the Roxy theater will join him. Mark Luescher, R-K-O national publicity director and public relations lead will be closely aliened with Roxy" and with all work in connection with Radio City and radio roadcasts. 5 More for H-F Circuit; iCol. Dow Given New Post (Continued from Pane 1) assistant to Ricketson, were announced by H. B. Franklin vesterday. The Nomar in Wichita lias been urchased by H-F. It is a 1.200-seat rst-run and will be managed by Al Hartman, former owner. Deal for the Granada and Maywood in Inlependence, Mo., has been closed, and i tentative arrangement made for the louse being bir'lt in Chillicothe, Mo. Two sites are being considered foi a lew house in Lawrence, Kan. Frank M. McDonnell, accountant if Los Angeles, has been elected reasurer of Hughes-Franklin TheUers. Contest for Washington Scenario A public scenario contest will be conducted by the Washington (D. r.) Chamber of Commerce for a cript to be used in the making of he Washington Bicentennial picture, vhich Warner Bros, will produce. Frank Fay Film for Strand "God's Gift to Women," with rrank Fay, will follow "The Finger 'oints" at the New York Strand on ;\pril 16, after a three weeks' run of he latter. TEN YEARS AGO TO-DAY TH nKNEWSMftt Of HlMtO.M IN Louis B. Mayer to film "The Wanlering Jew." Court refuses to restrain showing if "Wallingford" film made by Cosnopolitan Productions for Paranount release. Censorship killed in Iowa, Nebras:a and New Jersey. Abusing A Pastime Warner-First National take first prize in the popular pastime of title changing. Wi'.hin the space of a single 24 hours the following six alterations were announced: "Woman of the World," originally "The Maltest Fa con ' and later "All Woman," changed back to original title; "V rtue's C'othes," originally "Jackdaws Strut," now called 'Bought"; "Hercu'c;:, Esquire," changed to "Mister Hercules"; "Spent Bui ets," from S ngle Lady," now "Spent Heroes"; "The Four Flusher," new tit'e for "The Idol"; "Upper Underworld" changed to "The Menace, ' and "I Like Your Nerve," title withdrawn — this apparently being a new wrinkle. Brattleboro Houses Drop Sunday Shows Brattleboro, Vt — George E. Sbarby, manager of the Auditorium, and Spero Latchis, manager of the Latchis, have decided to discontinue the Sunday shows due to the fact that the legislature failed to pass the bill giving towns and cities the right to decide whether they would have Sunday amusements or not. These houses have been presenting Sunday shows in defiance of the "blue laws" and the legislature's failure to decide the issue brought the decision to stop rather than face any legal action in the matter. 1,683 Erpi Replacements Replacements of other reproducers, mostly classified as "bootleg," by Electrical Research Products up to the present time total 1,683. Estimate is made that one-quarter of the company's business throughout the world are replacement jobs. Howard McCoy's Hard Luck New Orleans — Howard McCoy, division manager of Publix theaters in Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Florida smashed his car driving home from Jacksonville, Sunday, and then when he got home found that burglars had ransacked the house during his absence. Double Feature Policy Makes Its Newark Debut Newark, N. J. — Showing of two features on one bill at the Rialto marks the debut of the dual policy here. The Rialto has been reopened as a straight picture house due to the closing of the Capital, recently damaged by fire. New E. Providence House May Be Refused License East Providence — The practice of permitting the Police Chief to issue licenses for picture shows will be temporarily suspended when Samuel Bonies applies for a license to operate his nearly completed theater here Th's is looked upon as an attempt to hold up Bonies' license and prevent his operating the house. Centralia House Opens Centralia, 111.— G. W. E. Griffin, Mayor of this citv and formerly a theater manager, has remodeled a building here into a theater -known as the Playhouse. It opened this week. New Levin Theater Named San Francisco — Lev:n Bros.' new theater on Ocean Ave., will be known as the El Rev. Pat Casey won the prize offered for the best name for the house N-E-W-S 0-F T-H-E D-A-Y Louisville — Western Kentucky Amusement Co., Shelbwille. has been formed with a capitalization of $2,000 by Estes Snider, Virginia Lee Snider, Anna L. Transchina and Sarah B. Tinslev. Concinnati, la. — The Opera House here is scheduled to close April 15. Kansas City, Mo. — Jack Truitt, Dickinson circuit execut've, has been laid up for several days by the flu. Montrose, Colo. — Charles Ernst is now manager of the Fox here. McMechan, W. Va — John Kiappes has purchased the Midway from Louis Velas. Clarion, Pa. — The Orpheum is now operating on Friday and Saturday only. Buffalo — Branch Manager Harry Dixon of RK<) Pathe has sold "Lonely Wives" and the Farrell golf series to the Schine Circuit. Pittsburgh — Joe Cantor, formerly United Artists sales representative here, has been transferred to Detroit. Pete DeFazio has been engaged by Bert Stearn to replace Cantor. Detroit — The Catherine and the Warren have reopened. The former has been taken over from Harry Smith by Joseph Bershas. Sam D. McCain owns the Warren. Wilmar, Minn. — Although 1,300 residents signed a petition asking for a referendum on Sunday movies, the local city council has refused to sanction the vote. Sunday shows have already been defeated twice in this town. San Francisco — E. O. Bondeson is now managing the Alcazar, replacing George Hood, who has returned to Seattle. Owosso, Mich. — The Owoss.o, formerly the Rialtn, has reopened with L. A. Trumblc as owner. ANTI-GANG FILM MEASURE DEFEATED IN CALIFORNIA (< ontinued from Pane 1 ) posing a 10 per cent admission tax died in committee. Completion of the session of the Iowa Legislature resulted in the demise in committee of bills ordering a censorship commission and levying a tax on admissions. Home Office Exploitation Being Analyzed by R-K-0 A te^t campaign to determine the value of home office exploitation and advertising campaigns sent to R-K-O theaters has been started by J. J. Hess, R-K-O advertising director, and E. H. Orowitz, exploitation head, who have gone to Providence to closely observe the box-office reaction to their campaigns on Universal's "Bad Sister" and RKO's "Batchelor Apartment." Advertising and exploitation matter sent out by distributors of pictures booked over the R-K-O circuit wil be augmented by additional material compiled at the R-K-O home office. Five Circuits Buv "Lonely Wives" RKO Pathe's "Lonely Wives" has been booked by five e'reuits in different parts of the country during the week. These include the DeLodder and Butterfield houses in Detriot, Fox-Shanberg in Kansas Citv. Warners theaters in Milwaukee, John Danz circuit, Seattle, and the Casey and Wheeler houses in New York. William Altman in Auto Post William S. Altman, formerly with Fox, has formed the Royal Motor Club, the object of which is to protect motorists. He is secretary and treasurer of the organization. ' "Seed" Premiere on Coast " est Coast Bureau. THE FILM 11A1J V Los Angeles— "Seed" will have its Coast premiere at the Carthay Circle April 17. Its New York opening is set for the Rialto early in May. New Incorporations New York Charters Radiocasting Service Corp.. make radio broadcasting transcriptions; Strelsin & Sor rin. 167 East 86th St., New York. $5 Walker Towne, theatrical; Golden & Golden, 225 Broadway. New York. $101,non. Jardine-See, theatrical enterprises; A. M Yuzzolino, 277 Broadway, New York. 100 ••hares common. United Theater Advertisers; A. T. Sapins ley. 52] Fifth Ave., New York. $25, I Raynor Productions, theatrical; R. Eisen berg, 551 Fifth Ave., New York. $10,1 Lnlien. motion pictures; P. Haas, 130 West 42nd St., New York. $20. New Jersey Charters C, M. Vanderbilt. inc., West Englevt 'niton picture projectors, etc.; Filed by the company, 1,000 shares common, Delaware Charters Independent Union Motion Picture 0| ators of America, W tmington, Del union; Corporation Service Co., Dover, Del. No capital Stock, Name Changes Hartley & Hartley, Ne« York, I I i ision and III Brooklyn Amusement Corp.